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D. Federico de Gravina y N

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Posts posted by D. Federico de Gravina y N

  1. I'll leave here a name that has been forgotten so frequently. Read about him: Blas de Lezo.

    Only of a few english persons know about him, many of they, still thinking that Vernom was a great Seaman

  2. The rpoblem with the figurehead of the "Santi", is that she maybe had two figurehead, one that it was the lion:




    and other than i can´t demostrate than it was true, that it was the Archangel Saint Mikel:








    TOday, i´m going to go to the Spanish Navy Headquarters, to try to find some information in their official spanish Navy records about this.

  3. Hi.


    I´m reading some post  in this forum, about the differents option for more Realism in NA, and i want to do a little suggestion:


    I´m member of a Spanish Virtual air Squadron, when we going to "fly", we must enter in a many servers, the people who create this server, can make it more or less realistic, turning on/off differents options of the game, like the labels, or the time compression for who dont want to take a hour since he take off to hit his objetive; there are many options like the external views than can been enabled or desenabled, for who want the TOTAL REALISM and for who just looking have fun for a few minutes or hours.



    What i want to say about all of this?. Easy:



    I think,( in a future) that it will be great than the devs create some servers with differents percentages of the realism, with this option, Devs can make sure the happiness for the "arcade" players and the "realistic" players.



    P.S.: Sorry for my english


    P.S.2: I dont know why, but this post was written in a different post called Realism Options

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