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Jack Redmen

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Everything posted by Jack Redmen

  1. 10 July 1800, HMS George, Port Howe To the King's Royal Surveyor, While taking on provisions and fresh water in the Bahamas, I saw fit to survey some lesser known islands. The following measurements can be confirmed: Little Inagua - Pirate - Deep - X:218320.3 Z:193292.7 Blondel Cay (formerly Ambergris Cay) Pirate - Shallow - X:277856.3 Z:169188.3 Atwood - Pirate - Deep - X:194384.9 Z:268216.9 Watling - Pirate - Shallow - X:153535.2 Z:300416.2 I fear the area will need a great deal more work as many of our current charts are incorrect. Yr. Obt. Svt.
  2. An excellent idea, and would certainly add some realism and lore.
  3. I believe you're right about the buoyancy. This particular ship (Snow) seemed to float a little too high when traversing a large wave. The bow always seems to stay a bit above the water line. Even if it's not submerging, there should be some spray coming over the deck in many situations. I was in a smaller frigate with a lower freeboard than a SoL, so this should probably be even more exaggerated than you would see on the bigger ships. Another issue that could be related to buoyancy, I've noticed a few ships that act like they have too heavy a keel. They could probably heel a bit more. The smaller boats could theoretically reach with a rail in the water in the right conditions.
  4. I enjoyed my first storm map tonight, which led me to a thought on wave physics and effects. Is it possible to have water break over the bow and deck of the ship in the appropriate situations? I tried for a good bit to get it to happen, but even smashing the bow hard into the trough of a wave wouldn't do it.
  5. Is there still an interest in developing this feature? I have been unable to find much discussion on it, or if was ever actually tested.
  6. I think this would be the easiest way to accomplish it without having to build a bunch of new stuff. All that would be needed is the fire command while in telescope view. You would have to go back to normal view to actually make any adjustments. Maybe you could use the WASD keys (or other keys that don't interfere with existing controls) to call out to the gunners where you want them to adjust. The question is, would there be any sort of visual aiming apparatus or would you just use dead reckoning with your ranging shots as a point of reference?
  7. I think this is a great idea. Some additional sail controls would also be nice, for those racing sailors out there who aren't happy unless they're messing with the trim to squeeze every last knot out of her For that matter, it might even be interesting to be able to overload your rigging and damage spars and such. In a chase, you would have to decide how much you want to risk it or if your rigging is in good enough shape to handle a heavier press. This would necessitate a need to be able to reef in-game.
  8. Historically ships were traded back and forth between nations during the course of war. They could be captured or re-claimed, so I see no problem with having access to all or at least most of the ships.
  9. I like this. It's realistic. Only a successful/wealthy captain would have ever owned their ship anyways. This would give you more room to progress and advance within the game too. Actually being able to buy your ship out would be an achievement.
  10. I like the "start small and progress" idea as well. I hope that the ranking system ties in with it. As you earn promotion within the service, you earn a new commission appropriate to your rank.
  11. "Master and Commander" has been my favorite lately. I wish they would have stuck more closely to the series though instead of combining multiple books/inventing their own story. From a historical standpoint, "Apollo 13" was very well done. The inaccuracies were fairly minor. I also like "Ride With the Devil" and am surprised to find others have heard of it.
  12. I like the idea. Historically, some ships moved between nations over the years as they were captured by one side or re-claimed by the other.
  13. This has been mentioned before, but I am in favor of adding reefs and shoals to some of the maps. It would add a whole new level of realism and tactics to a fight if you had underwater obstructions to avoid, or use to your advantage.
  14. Potbs name: Jack Redmen Potbs server : Bonny -> Antigua Potbs society: St. George Squadron of the White Potbs nation: Britain NA IG name: Jack Redmen
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