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Posts posted by ulysse77

  1. Disclosure, I am a day one player, day one from the arena days.... But I`ve been playing much lately (the past year) mostly because well after almost two years of playing pretty much only Naval Action i moved on, but it`s always on my radar, i follow the forums daily and I plan to go back again soon.


    My first magic moment was getting in that lynx the first time, and seeing the amount of the detail, then discovering that this would not be a Blackflag clone, but as close a a naval simulation of that era that we ever got. It was hard, and i was in love...


    But my first real Awe moment was my first battle with heavier frigate and line ship being in only a suprise or something, Lines were drawn both slowly moving to gain an advantage... and then the flashes... I almost scream "get down".... You could tell the ennemy had fired at a distance but the crashing sounds came a few seconds laters, and then the damages.... Very few games give me that crescendo of going from relative preparedness to utterly chaos in a matter of minutes... It was satisfaying.

    Im not sure i have the devotion to be a full time pvp player, but give me a "sandbox" type of single player game with this and i think it would top of my list, for ages... I may be the exception, but i would love a  SP game, where you start just a low officer and move up the ranks where many days would past without actual combat but where actions could definetly means good things for you.


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  2. Been a while since i played, took a healthy break. Im in the mist of the reading the Kydd series and I can`t recall reading an answer to this topic that may have been ask before.

    Was there ever a plan to separate carreer, with different perk or play style, a la POTBS. Like Navy officer, privateer, and traders... Maybe with a way to move back and forth from each carreer. In the Kydd series, Kydd start a navy officer, goes into trading, back to navy, then a privateer, then get is comission back. Might be ahistorical but might be easier to balance. Just for discussion sake.

    A Navy captain get is ship for free, according to his rank and merit, but not much when it comes to prizes. nad mostly get XP from doing missions, Cannot Trade and smuggle

    A Privateer get a large chunk of a prize money, can trade and smuggle but get a huge penalty when in bigger ship (cost) and still need to buy is ship

    A Trader can craft and trader, buy ship ang get XP for delivery missions.


    of course the officer perks could be lock according to your path. You could decide to change carreer at anytime, by dropping your comission, buying it back, or buying a letter of marque or a trade license.



  3. well then make jsut two categories, regular and well crafted. Regular have no bonuses and less upgrade slot... Crafted have bonuses and more but random quantities of slots... I would not colour coded them at all, you can only add the name of the crafter to the crafted one. Of course, regular could also be crafted. And why not add a type of mission that you would need to craft regular ship for the AI to use. I think it`s nice to have PVE incorporated in Conquest, now we can  add more crafting to conquest (i know supply missions are there)

  4. hmmm i recall something in this nature propose long ago, when trader would hire escort from player... you would sail with an AI fleet but if there was a battle a player would appear instead of the AI, taking control of the AI ship in the fleetI.


    Issue were:

    -what would happen to the player who magically "teleport" accross the map.

    -Attacker complaining that they would'nt know who they were attacking a NPC or a player.

    -Probably more i can recall it,s over a year and a half ago

  5. I know they should start by finishing this game first, but I was just thinking yesterday of what a single player version of the game might look like. It came to me while I was playing Crusader King 2 and also reading the Kydd serie that a similar “relationship” gameplay might be intersting.

     Bear with me. A life of a naval officer in those days we`re greatly a question of connection, luck and day to day decisions that had nothing to do with the actual combat. This game would strictly be about naval officer, no trader, no privateer. You would start as a acting captain on your first command.  You would have information on who were your previous commanding officer and how they see you and how you see them. Same for  your lieutenant and petty officers and other captains.  You would get missions from you’re the admiralty:  patrol, dispatch packet, supply, escort, seek and destroy, etc. And how you accomplish them would change how your superior see you, give you access to promotion, missions with bigger chance of prizes . In your daily business you would be presented with decisions on the handling of your ship and your crew, you could micro manage your ship or leave some actions to you lieutenant.


    How it would play? You main screen would be similar to Crusader king or Europa Universalis. You would plot your course on a overhead map and your ship would move in real time. You could accelerate time. If you want you could take command of the ship, just like we have now. Once in a while you would get decision regarding your crew, like if someone was caught drunk you would decide his faith. Those decisions would shape your character traits. And how other character sees you. You could manage your stores, crew and small detail of your ships. And when you get into combat the game would switch to what we have now for combat. If you are part of a fleet you could get where your stations would be in fleet engagement and how you score could be on how well you follow orders.


    Of course it would be totally open ended. Your final score would be how far you manage to go. We would need thousand of characters since all captains and up would need to be created, but if CK2 can manage it don’t see how this can’t be done. The interesting  part to me would be to see how relationship develop, let`s say one of your lt became captain in the future, how it see you. That could even reflect in battle, does someone come to your aid or stick to his order?


    Im still craving for a game where I could actually be a captain, with all the minutiae it require, and where actual action is rare but a thing to remember.  I found CK2 a great game for this, is nature is very dry and if feel like you don`t have much to do, but in fact you’re just one tiny spec on a grand scheme where you have little power, but when things turn you way, or don’t, it become rewarding.


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  6. real economy work when you have a large loop of people selling stuff the other needs. Right now the loop is too small.... Crafter gather ressources sell to builder who craft ship who sell ship to captain... The loop is so small that one person can do all if time properly. As dumb as it sounds, i would sell and buy everything through the system, no seller to buyer interaction. Just as a big marketplace.You make iron ore. you bring it to the marketplace that give you a value according to it`s stock. you want to buy iron ore, you go to the market and buy at price. Same goes to ships.

  7. port investments have one problem

    over time every port will have everything.

    even with resets

    if it resets too much no-one will build anything.. if it resets too little it will have everything


    I think a form of supply or decay could work.


    FSeconomy have a way to deal with this. Fs economy is webbased "mmo" around Flight simulator. You basically rent and carry freight created by the system. One aspect of it is you can create bases in any of the 20 000 airport in FS, but so are all the other people playing. Once you purchase the fee to own a space at that airfield and bouight or carry all the construction material, you can operate there and add upgrade to that base. Every month a fee as to be paid and supply carried to continue operation. If you don`t resupply after a month you lose access to that base until you resupply, after another month you loose the lease and someone can start it.


    In our form what if with our building improvement, instead of money to produce goods we would need to bring supplies. (this way we would have cargo on both leg of the trips. We could even add construction material to build the building. Then if port improvement comes the would also need to be supplied by player or they will become derelict.



    Off topic here but i think we are starting to suffer from too much open-endeness(sic). We need to find away to balance between specialisation and free choice. It`s nice to be able to be a crafter one day and be a 1st rate captain the next but i think both style of play (or even other style) suffer from the fact that we can do both. I would rather see a system of licenses that would open up certain aspect of the game. You want to build trader and privateer ship -buy a license for a shipwright and then build all you need to start a shipyard. Want to create build navy ship, upgrade a license for a naval yard. You get the BP when you have enough XP to build the ship, you get orders from admiralty and ship are given to promising captain who btw bought their license (or comission). Anyway its just ideas and a general feeling that that we are restricted by this first idea of free will....


    I start to think i would rather have a single player game, where i was told what to do (a bit a la silent hunter) and try to execute then trying to figuring out what to do and then execute.

  8. You just need 3 proper broadsides in and rattle will melt 

    Practice tacking and emergency slow downs (using negative wind power and depower). He will overshoot you a lot getting into firezones. Don't forget to switch to rolling back broadsides to maximize damage when he is passing you. 


    I had two battle in a trinco last week against the same rattle, first battle I made a huge mistake to start with and i tought i was done as he was to stern camp me... I did exactly what is mentionned and turn the table on him that he add to run... I m also a terrible shot at time and can`t seem to hit a barn... Next encounter two days later i manage to get him a few times, I dunno if he decided to stay just for politness or what but he sunk... So two encounter with a snow resulted on a victory and half.


    And im sure there`s two of better pvper out there. I had almost no perk and no amazing upgrades. So it can definetly be done

  9. geeeeeezzzz... lets all take a chillll pillll and try things out... if they don`t work out they will remove them or rework them...


    A)the pray... does anyone knows what are the odds it might work... I mean having a feature that might only work 5% of the time is not much of a chance. but still would be a nice suprise for the trader if it works


    B) the social... again let`s try it out and see how it work out... the timer could be reduce, it could be plainly remove... Just try to think what could happen if you left a battle open, BTW, how many battle actually last 30 min (honest question not being sarcastic)?



    I feel people have to be reminded this evey month....

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  10. We had this in the beginning, but it was not usefull at all. It was a "Ship Report Letter" if I recall correctly. Mostly by the time you read the letter many minutes had passed or the location wasn't even close to you. It was like something you got when you sunk someone as a type of reward. It was removed because it wasn't used.

    I remember those, but they were not useful because usually you were very far from the info. This would give you a report of ship in your area. let say at the closest free port


    What makes this perk more useful different from folk reporting sighting on voice comms or text chat ?

    you wouldn`t need to physically see the ship. Let say im in roseau and a ship sail from carriacou, nobody from my nation might  see it and call it. This could send you a letter that at least you know some ennemies are operating in your area without actually spotting him.

  11. Have a sugestion for two new perks: Informant and Cunning merchant


    Informant :

    Know locations of nearby player from ennemy nations.


    Every so often when you get into a port you get a message saying that : Captain soandso left port x hours ago in this ship...

    You would only get it once in a while, and would only work for port in a certain radius. A bit like the player sighting we use to have, but just for port around your current locations


    Cunning merchant

    Knows best price for certain items in nearby port.

    Would work in the same principle, once in a while you would get a list of certain ressources and their lowest price (port price or contract) in nearby ports


    I know it`s a bit late in the game and maybe they were suggested before.

  12. This is great. May I suggest few more things:

    1. Distant cannon sounds, booms and bells. (Bf4 booms and explosions type)

    2. Cannonball Swoosh sounds. (Master and Commander type)

    3. Cannon Carriages rolling sound (after they fire they roll back and you get Iron on Wood sound).

    4. Calming Violin music when sailing on OS.

    5. Flag, sails sounds. Wind should move them and create that fabric on wind sound.

    6. Sound of cannonballs drop on the floor from time to time and roll during reload. (Bowling sound, but heavier)

    Amazing work D.


    maybe add sounding report when you get to close to shallow on OS.... EI: 6 fanthom - sand and broken shell... (make them random)

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  13. OK, this sounds cool and it sounds fun and adds a little more closeness to era.  But functionally for this game, I don't see it serving any purpose.  What good does it do you?  Why would you want it?  Can you elaborate why?  Not sure why I need to find myself every day at noon.


    Well it`all depends if we have coordinate of our ship at all time like right now. I suspect this will be removed at some point and there will be perks to get your coordinate.


    So you could have 3 levels of coordinate acquiring

    default -you get your coordinate when you are fairly close to land mass

    1 st level officer perk (for local travel) you get your coordinate when you see land mass and even a bit further

    2nd level officer perk (for long travel) you get coordinate anywhere on the map but only once per day

  14. On the position, I wish it`s just a tease. Here`s how i think it should work


    If you somewhat near land, you have coordinate, after all you are a captain and should know a bit about navigation


    You should have an officer perk that should be something like Carribean Cartographer or something like that: He spent his career in the carribean and can give you corrdinate as soon as you see land mass and even a bit further.


    Then you could could have a perk that could be sailing master and he comes with a chronometer that give you longitute all the time and lattitude at noon every day. heck he could even mark a spot on the map at noon.

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