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Everything posted by Lannes

  1. Historically, Sheridan and Wilson were the most successful at using CAVALRY. American cavalry could not be used in the European fashion because it had no history nor training in that role. In the ACW they were used most successfully by the Union when they brought troops armed with repeating rifles rapidly to battle. Dismounted, they pinned down the enemy with withering fire while a mounted flanking force charged on horseback. (This tactic was also successful in WW II at Isbuscenskij, on 24 August 1942, when the Savoia Cavalleria--1 Regiment of 700 men--overthrew 2,000 Soviet infantry. It was the last cavalry charge in history.) In the game, this TACTIC is impossible to do. The cavalry movement is too haphazard, does not obey my orders, and the charge is too slow. Indeed, I have seen my cavalry stand still while galloping and sabreing at nothing. The fire I can bring to bear is innocuous and ineffective, even with 750-man brigades. The developers have not been able to fix cavalry movement since UG Gettysburg was in Early Access. In fact, all movement seems of a technology long surpassed. My SKIRMISHERS, too, do not behave anything like skirmishers and certainly do not behave like the AI's skirmishers. I have given up on using skirmishers as well. This for me has reduced the game to an infantry battle. I would still like to know how to man FORTIFICATIONS. (Nota Bene: I use capitalization only for emphasis or to mark a topic.)
  2. Topic: CAVALRY Apart from my criticisms of the poor design of cavalry as to movement and formation in other posts: Cavalry is useless just as it was in the American Civil War. I have used cavalry brigades of 750 men to no avail. Now, I have disbanded them and am using infantry brigades instead. Question: What is the use of cavalry in a WARGAME if they are designed to be useless?
  3. I am finding connection is slow on the forums, and also posting has a delay. Anyone else finding this?
  4. Some Issues 1. The cavalry is still haphazard in its movement. It does not move like cavalry at all. The cavalry brigade moves in a cloud not in a formation. The brigade moves forward and back without reason, even when it has orders to advance. Why is that? 2. The cavalry charge is slower than normal movement. 3. When I declare a charge, some cavalrymen go backwards instead of forwards. 4. It would be good clarify what ratio there is of figure-to-number-of-men. At the moment, it varies. It can be 1 : 8 or 1: 10. For cannon, I have counted 5 cannon pieces to represent 12 guns. It seems odd. 5. I suggest using one ratio only for infantry and cavalry (1 : 10), and one for cannon (1 : 2). 6. I have no idea how to man field fortifications.
  5. Capitalization is not 'yelling' it is only emphasis.
  6. Why? Because I would like an answer from people who know the game as they have created it. Thank-you for your reply. Thank-you. I didn't know if I was supposed to be Colonel for the rest of my career. Thank-you. Yes, that ìs a possibility. It would be nice to know though rather than speculate.
  7. I have compared UG Gettysburg with UG Civil War. 1. The graphics on UG Gettysburg are very much clearer. UG Civil War is blurred. 2. The little soldiers are bigger in UG Gettysburg. Why? PS. My Corps Commander always remains at the same rank, Colonel, which is the game level at which I have chosen to start. 3. The game level and the Avatar's rank should not be tied. PPS. Should I start a new thread for all these questions, DEVELOPERS?
  8. There you go! If English is not your first language communication can be even worse.
  9. Nice to see an expansion of UG Gettysburg. UG Civil War is definitely worth the money even in early access. Has no one said anything about the 'figures' being even smaller in UG Civil War than they were in UG Gettysburg? Is there any plan to increase them even slightly? I have tried adjusting the graphics options to no avail. I have new computer glasses but it still is a great strain on the eyes. It would be so nice to see the figures just slightly bigger and with uniforms appropriate to the Brigades. Thanks for the great work!
  10. It would be easier to understand what people write if they didn't use this infernal shorthand as if they were texting their friends on a cellular phone! Thank-you. Maybe, Naval Action 2's map is part of the projected European map to be additional to the Caribbean map, I think.
  11. When are they thinking of releasing it? Second half of 2017? 2018?
  12. Me too. Ensign to Midshipman. (I deserve better! Just joking.)
  13. 1st Half of 2017? When is this game going to be released then? Not before July 2017?
  14. COULD SOMEONE PLEASE ANSWER THIS: KICKSTARTER 1. Does this mean that if I pay for a special ship-pack, I get the ships, but players who have not paid for it do not? MISSIONS 2. No more missions means that there is only PvE against AI ships or AI ship fleets? THANK-YOU.
  15. KICKSTARTER 1. Does this mean that if I pay for a special ship-pack, I get the ships, but players who have not paid for it do not? MISSIONS 2. No more missions means that there is only PvE against AI ships or AI ship fleets? Please explain, and thanks for the update.
  16. From what I understand there are two 'Hermione.' One is a Royal Navy ship given to the Spaniard after a mutiny and renamed the 'Santa Cecilia'. Later captured by the Royal Navy, the 'Hermione'/'Santa Cecilia' became the 'Retaliation.' The second 'Hermione' is a French frigate (1779-1793). She was Lafayette's ship for his voyage to the Thirteen Colonies, in 1780.
  17. It's funny but cute little stocky ship. Already, I have been sunk once in it. I'll probably go out and do it again.
  18. Merry Xmas and Happy New Year Developers. Thank-you for your good work! Season's Greetings to all the Captains, too, especially those in the Marine Française.
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