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Posts posted by Bakarda

  1. Is there a way how enemy can block a port so the ships can not leave?


    I play as a Germany and i am trying to move CA to intercept Soviet forces.

    I have the same class of CA in Emden and Kiel.

    When i try to move CA from Kiel it is impossible, when i try to move CA from Emden i am able to do so.




    It is year 1893 so Kiel canal is not yet opened.


    I have another 2 CAs 1 CL and 4 DDs in Kiel, and neither of them is able to move.


    All ships have 100% Health 100% Ammo and 100% Fuel. Ships are no more than few months old, but finished commisioning already.

    Denmark is allied to Great Britain. I have relations of 3 with them, so there should be no blockades, and they are in war with Soviets too.

    Sweden is Allied to Japan. I have relations of 98 with them, so there should be no problems either.


    Same problems seems to be with 1 DD in Hamburg. It also can not be moved out of port. Rest of the ports seems to be working.





    Is it possible, that Kiel and Hamburg is not going to work until Kiel canal is opened?


    I am going to play further and i will edit this is anything changes.



    Yep as soon as the Kiel canal opens Hamburg and Kiel ports start working.




    BTW If you load a save the markers that are marking canals disappear.




  2. Countries seems to be weaker right now. I started in 1900. It is 1905, and there was a comunist revolution in Russia. Great Britain, Germany and China decided to give up. Before this latest update ( a day ago) i had a save where germany managed to capture Northeast England, and britain was still a working country. This time i created new save as Spain. Great Britain lost Gibraltar and decided to give up.


    For new features it would be nice if you can see status of your ships in the window where you are deciding if you want to go to battle or not. Amount of ammunition , Fuel and Health.


    It would also be nice if you would be able to create a fleet, or some kind of groups. I always end up with single DDs after rest of the group is damaged, and went back for repairs, because they do not go back to their groups.

    It would be nice if you can lock a group, and for example set that group should go to repair if the total damage goes above for example 80% so the ship would stay together.

  3. After downloading the update game started to crash after 8th turn for every nation. Reinstal fixed that. 

    Problem i encountered, is that i am playing as a China, and i am in war with Austria and France.

    Since France never sends ships to Asia i am stuck, because my ships can not operate near Europe because of the fuel.

    I am allied with Germany, but i can not use their ports to refuel. It would be nice to either be able to refuel in friendly/neutral ports, or to be able to send tanker/coaler for example to the middle of Atlantic, so my ships can refuel there. 

    It would also be nice if you can see the amount of fuel/repair state/ammunition when you are selecting which ships you want to send to waypoint so when you have damaged/refueling ahips mixed with battle ready ships you do not have to remember them by name.

    Also it would be nice if you can set ships to some kind of port defence or port minelaying duty so they would not appear in the menu where you send ships to waypoint.

    I tend to build cheap mine carying DDs that are not fit for normal battles, so they just stay in ports, and because of that i have to sort my DDs every time fleet goes to port. This could be also fixed by adding new class of ships (it seems to be wasteful to use DD hull for mine laying, when it would normaly be some type of wooden huled frigate, or specialized minelaying boat), or by being able to change class of my ships. 

    Also for some reason France decided to park 7 BB 14 CA 22CL and 26TB having 197k tons in Point a Pitre.

    That is a caribean port with capacity of 17k.

    I was thinking that it was teleported there after battle or something, but it is sitting there now for 8 months now while French territorial waters are full of enemy ships. Maybe it is slowly repairing or something?

    Thats maybe why they have 0 ships in Asia and Africa.....


    So far i am really enjoying the new update. Keep up the good work 🙂 

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