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Naval Action Tester
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Posts posted by PegasusUK

  1. One has to be careful to not overdo the complexity of the game that when new players enter the door they actually want to stay and enjoy the game rather than testing the waters for 30 mins and saying its too hard and feel they wasted the money they paid for it and leave no matter how good Naval Action looks good on YouTube or Twitch.


    The latest patch is starting to remind me of this old screenshot. Eve Online was absolutely terrible for new players back in 2003 with no tutorial or documentation back then we didnt have YouTube so there is content out for Naval Action in 2016.



  2. EVGA 970 here with Dell 2560x1600 resolution so slightly higher than the 1440 you guys are using and get 47 - 55fps in Open World and 57-59 in Battles, this is with AA off, with AA on then yes its below 30.  AA is not optimised yet and happy to use it without for the time being.

  3. I like real time and I like a degree of compressed time providing it is not speeded up too much and makes it feel unatural, imho current OW speed if 10-20% too fast, so the above option is hard to choose.  WW2Online map is 1/2 size map and had a good feel for speed and travel times whether you flying or sailing a destroyer.

  4. NAVALACTION20_zpsd1576e95.jpg


    I resized my image to fit the requirements. Let me know what you guys think.




    I had an image in my head how i wanted the twitch image to look and when I saw yours i thought bingo!, but less is more and prefer it without the six smaller images inside.


    Charles caldwell is a close second.


    all amazing designs and better than anything i could whip up.

  5. You would pay $1/hr for a game? :P


    Back in the day in 1999 there was a ww2 flightsim called Warbirds that use to charge $1.99 per hour to play, and yes some people would pay that and burning big holes in their credit cards before it went to a monthly fee.  Kids today don't know how lucky they are when it comes to online gaming.  :rolleyes:


    The ui and chat/battle menus are all standardisd Unity and will change on release but not in alpha, main priority is the Open World Travel test so the menus can wait.  :ph34r:

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  6. Any MMO that comes on to the market I have always been fine with a subscription base model if there ever was one.  Goes back to the days of Ultima Online and Everquest in 1997 and 1999.  Always saw it as providing support for the game developers and paying to help keep the game servers/wages so they can continue to release new content and move the sim forward.

    There are so many sub based games released that are still successful and going strong compare to free to play games which have failed due to bad business models lack of investment.


    If its a business model where you buy the game for a set fee and you play for free with cash shop modifications (cosmetic) that are not pay to win, I am fine with that. (GW2)


    If its a business model where you buy then game for a set fee and then you pay a monthly subscription (WoW, EvE, ESO) I am fine with that business model.


    Unfortunately the gaming market has been saturated over the last 6-7 years of so many F2P games that have been badly made, executed and just plainly makes the gaming world look bad, its a fad and wont last long.


    I think we have a cross over of two generations here, those who like myself grew up with good mmos and you pay them a monthly sub to release new content/running of servers and paying their wages, and the generations of kids/young people who coming through the ranks now who expect everything to be put on the plate for free or minimal fee.

  7. Would it be possible to have a game sound slider in options to adjust as when I am on mumble/teamspeak it is very hard to communicate with my gaming colleagues (guns, general FX sounds drowns out conversations).  Unless there is something i can adjust manually in a config.xml file or similar it would be a useful functionality to have.

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