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Eirchirfir's Achievements


Landsmen (1/13)



  1. I am currently playing in a 1890 Germany campaign were I have reached year 1902. 2 nations have collapsed as the curret state of the campaign with 1 nation returning from collapse in a much weaker state. The collapsed nations are Britian and Spain with both collapsing due to economy problems brought about by loss of transport in AI vs AI wars. Britian has return with 1 province and is very behind on tech. The reason the transport losses were so high is due to their navy being unable to protect there homewaters by sending their fleet away (Britian) or their fleet were to weak (Spain). Both nations went into a war with France without being albe to protect their transports in their own sea region. The AI do not know which sea regions which are inportent to its own survival, and will just move their fleet were whole fleet to a sea region bordering were the first nations that decleared war on them are, and ignore or undersupport all other regions, or move their fleet between regions constanly meaning no fleets are in the right place at the right time to defend transports. The AI still needs work here to make it more able to defend its transports which is needed for its own survival. I might soon lose 2 more nations due to land conquest as their resorsers are depleted by constant waring and pressuer on all sides. These 2 nations are France and Sovjet Union (former Russia) which both thought that they could take on the entire world on their own and is losing badly. The AI is still to willing to start war with everone it can without thinking of the consecenses of their actions. It looks like the AI is too much of a warhawk to avoid their own collapse in this version of the game.
  2. I also encontered this bug were wars just keep getting declared for no apperent reason. The olny war I got to chose if I wanted peace or war was a war with France which would have been an easy war if not for the constant flow of new nations joining or rejoining the war without even an option to say no to new wars. I whould still have been able to win that campaign but it whould not have been fun to deal with constant war on all sides. So I started a new campaign to wipe the slate clean but the problem contuned to apper in regard to dipolmacy. This is a new campaign were all I did was to create a new campaign and go to politcs tab: The only options for diplomacy is the increase relation for both Briten and Spain with all other options grayed out. I have tried to regain the diplomtic options but nothing has worked. Even reinstalling the game did not work. So it seems like to fix the diplomacy problem were only a few diplomatic options are capebale of being chosen is to deleate all existing campaign saves and all options will return.
  3. So during my Japan campaign did I also run it to getting blockaded by an inferior fow with one case when I was blockaded by Germany who hade fewer ships than I hade BB which was 16 BB at the time. What made it more iretating was that most of my 200+ ships were in Northeast Aisa but I got blockaded by a few DD. When I got blockaded did I send out a task force to deal with the problem and the blockade was lifted without a battle. This might mean that a there needs to be a task force in the sea region to aviod blockades from inferior enemies.
  4. In my Japanense campaign which currently is on year 1934 and I am the most andvanced navy in the world with USA being in seconed place. I have already taken every port I can from the US but keep getting into wars due to the US parking their navy on the west coast and sending ship through the panama cannel which I own leading to tenstion being generated. This lead to another war with the US. In response so did I send a task force consisting of 2 BB armed with 4x4 400mm guns and radar with an escort of 1 CA and 4 DD to help my submarines with clearing the west coast of American ships. I came into contact with an enemy task force of CA, CL and DD as I have taken all American BB in the last war. During the process of sinking the enemy task force so did I spot this relic: This is a campaign start CL which was designed by the AI in the start of campaign generation which means 1886 in this case. I do not know how it survived for all these years but it did not survive this battle, but this brings me to the point that I have not seen the AI srcapped a single ship during the 1.09 uppdate. I have notice the AI send some task forces into ports but they have yet to scrapped any outdated ships which take up crew which could be used for better designs in this case.
  5. I have also notice that you can not take Tsingtau but it is not the only port that can not be taken. Both Fort Bayard (Kwang-Chou-Wan province) and Perth/Darwin (Western Australia province) can also not be taken.
  6. Unresticted submarine warfare is a sulution if you are in another war so that the submarines try to sink enemy convoyes.
  7. So I just fought a battle and noticed that two CL shared the same name. I do think I know what might have happed to cause two diffrent ships to share the same name. 1. The first thing that happed was a new CL-class was designed named Oryol-Class. 2. Then a new ship of the priveuse class of CL was laid down with the name Oryol. 3. After that the first of the Oryol-Class CL was laid down which whould have been given the name of the class which whould have been Oryol. 4. The russian navy now have two diffrent CLs with the same name. This is the most likey thing which caused the ships to end up with the same name. Yet it mattered little as both ship whould be sunk in the battle with the rest of the task force. Whatever caused the cruisers to have the same name so is it still better then nations running out of names and just giving random numbers to their ship for names.
  8. So this is intressting as I have encontered an enemy task force without ammo after being hit a lot by my submarines. I will note that the enemy taskforce still hade some ammo on DDs and torpedo armed ships with 1 torpedo per ship. There do seems to be a lot of problems when any task force gets hit by submarine currently.
  9. It has been some time seens I have encotered this bug as it is rare. The reason that you could not fight the battle was because your entire force was in (R) state. There most be at least 1 ship which is not in the (R) state to fight battles manuely. If the entire force is in the (R) state then the game get stuck trying to load none (R) state ships which does not exist in the battle so it searches for somehing which does in this case not exist. To get around this bug is simpely to use auto-resolve which you did or ingonre the mission if possbile.
  10. So I have enconterd the free VP bug in my current campaign which is well repported and I have also repported in a earlier campaign. I will instead try to give context in the situation it ouccered under. To start with the Russians are haveing a bad time with 7 diffrent wars at the same time and also has the smallest navy due to severe losses in their constant state of war. We can also see that there are war going on that is independent from the Russian wars so the world is caotic. When we look at the world map allow us to see that there are currently no missions left to do and there are only 1BB, 1 CA and 1 CL of the russian navy in the Northeast Asia. It also show the current VP standing in each war I am fighting and that there are no current blockades I am involed with. So if every thing works as intended so will the VP stay the same after I hit next turn but it did not stay the same. During April 1903 I hade 27,774 VP vs Russias 335 VP became 27,774 VP for me and 585 VP for Russia during May 1903. My VP stayed the same (27,774-27,774=0) and Russias VP changed by 250 VP (585-335=250). To explane the change in fleets so can I say I hade a task force return for repair and the russian fleet ran into the chinse doomstak. There also did not generate any missions due to the russian/chinse battle so no other reason for VP gain. At futher observation of the to diffrent turns also shows how random it can be as the VP in the German and Frence war has also changed during the diffrent turns but I was the one gaining from it. In the Frence war my VP went from 81,463 VP to 81,713 VP so a change of 250 VP (81,713-81,463=250) and the Frence stayed the same (331-331=0). For the German war is the same story with my VP going from 26,479 VP to 26,729 VP with the 250 VP change (26,729-26,479=250) and the German staying the same (80-80=0). Even the alliance war screens VP changed for some reason to diffrent numbers with me gaining 2,000 VP (323,118-321,118=2,000) and German/Frence alliance gaining 2,750 VP (122,693-119,943=2,750). The fact that the alliance VP gains are can be divided by 250 (2,000/250=8 and 2,750/250=250) is intressting but not sure of what to make of it.
  11. So I am fighting France for control of the southeast aisa region and got into a battle with the frence doomstak which resultet in this: Considering this is 2/3 of the frence fleet which have just been sunk makes the amount of VP gain from this battle alone seam fair due to how badly this is for a setback for the Frence navy. The only surving ships of this battle is 5 CL and 8 TB so the frence doomstak hade 135 ships vs my 14 ships and my 7 CL controled by the AI did not try to fight so it was fought by my CAs and BBs. My damage control on Musashi prove to be good to make sure the ship did not burn down during the heavy concetration of the frence firepower.
  12. VP gain seams to change depending on how many ships each side has active so if the 15 ships sunk is a sizeball amount of the american fleet then it whould give a lot of VP for sinking them.
  13. It is not related to ignoring convoy defence and being blockaded as as one time I encontered the enemy free VP gain playing as Japan vs Russia, I hade cleared north- and southeast Asia of russians ships so no missions were generating and I was under no blockade but Russia still got 250VP/turn. To make it even more clear there is a bug in the same campaign during the early war I was blockade by first China then Russia and I was the one gaining 250VP/turn from being blockade. I was geting the VP which the AI were suppost to get per turn during the short blockades. When someone gives a number about how much the enemy is getting per turn with this bug it is always 250VP/turn. If it hade to do with missing convoy defence missions then the number should wary each turn depending on the amount of transports lost but it is a constant number. The 250VP/turn is also the same amount of VP you would get if you were blockading someone. Most players who are reporting an issue with the free 250VP/turn is not being blockaded or might be blockade and be the ones getting the 250VP/turn. It seams clear by the amount of players who have reported the same core issue that there is an issue with free VP gain. It is made worse by the fact that it happens randomly and also seams like a coin flip about who will benefit from the issue between the AI and player.
  14. So I just got the new building new ships freeze. I got the option to ask for a peace deal with China the preivuse turn which I choose to contune the war. The message about the war with China contuning which means the turn is done loading and then shown the building new ships in the center of the screen again. The AI has even done their events. If you look at the notefication feed then you can see that both United States and the Spainsh Empire has reacted to events so the building new ships loading part should not be shown again.
  15. Manchuria is a province which is used to build ships in two ports and so can not currently be taken. We are also dealing with Qing china which is in control of mongolia during this time so it can be taken in a peace deal.
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