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Posts posted by popcap200

  1. 1 hour ago, Dave P. said:

    Can the AI designer be given a few more tweaks? It does a much better job than it used to, and kudos for that. I haven't seen any of the meme-worthy ships some people post without towers or funnels. But I still see a few head-scratchers, like a BC with a 21kn top speed, designs which completely omit aft weaponry, and oversized guns with ridiculous reload/ROF nerfs. (I saw a 17.8"-equipped ship with a 440 second reload time. Lolwut?)

    I wonder if the rules we have to follow when designing (at least one main gun, tower, funnel, etc.) could be tightened up a bit and applied to the AI designer. (Say, at least one centerline gun forward/aft of the main/second tower, at least one funnel in between the towers, minimum speed requirements and ROF for each ship type.) It would keep the AI designs a little more boring/similar, but a lot of big gun warships looked similar because certain design patterns worked well.

    Tbh I disagree with part of this.  I'm 100% fine having some wackiness like the occasional ship with no rear guns, or ridiculously over sized guns, etc. sometimes.  The Japanese had 18" and were planning 20".  The British had the Nelson and the French the Richelieu with no rear main guns.  So there's historical precedent for weird ships in WW2.

    Definitely agree that they shouldn't be building ships with a 440s reload time though.

  2. 5 hours ago, Deathbringer221 said:

    I really hope they will release a new patch soon to fix the really crazy gun penetration values, as it stands I wanted to play this game last weekend but the game in it's current state really isn't playable, there is no difference between a 1 inch armored ship and a 16 inch armored ship. 

    Guns are still locking up all the time too, if there isn't going to be a patch for a couple weeks (according to the steam post) can we at least revert to 1.2.0. This is just unplayable.

    Yeah, I'm waiting to play again.  I  pop on here every few days to see if anyone's posted "My turrets aren't sticking and pen finally works!" and no one has yet.  Guess I'll keep waiting.

  3. 7 hours ago, Fun Police said:

    I have done two attempts at an italy campign. Some way in to both of them I have gotten a CTD exiting the shipyard, and now the same thing happens whenever I try to load that save.  Kinda disheartening. 

    Can't exactly submit the bug report either. 

    I had the same issue with a corrupted save in my Italian campaign.

  4. 2 hours ago, StoneofTriumph said:

    Armor penetration is still messed up.

    Starting in 1900, the 9.4" Mk-II barrel extended guns on my armored cruisers seem to find it practically impossible to penetrate (not even partial pens, just completely blocked) just over 4" of belt armor on a light cruiser at 1.5/2km even at the most favorable angles. And no, these weren't deck hits, these were full on belt hits from 90 degrees or close to it.

    Yeah, idk what is going on, but I definitely like battleships have been extra useless this update.  I lost a 1915 battle with my four 2x14" guns to two cruisers because I couldn't pen them and they were lobbing non-stop HE at me.  At distance I wasn't accurate enough to hit them to pen their decks, and up close I wasn't able to pen their armor.

  5. I put in tickets, but I had a few possible glitches.  They may be known or just an issue with older campaigns on the latest patch.  I am on Windows 11 so that may be causing some issues idk.


    1) Sunk ships are missing on the battle outcome screen for me now, even on a fresh campaign I started as France.


    2) It may have been fixed in the latest update, but I had a ship at max speed fail to slow down when it's engines were heavily damaged.


    3) Idk if it's being worked on, but when my fleet is against a large enemy fleet the red targeting lines go crazy rapidly switching targets still.


    4) Idk if it's working as intended, but I feel like half my close range hits are hitting the deck and only partial penning due to the steep angle.  Because of this I feel like my battleships feel very weak in the current game iteration.  In the current iteration.


    5) It's impossible to tell if the campaign is frozen or just processing.  I had an older US  campaign freeze on me on the building ships screen.  I waited about 20-30 minutes and gave up.


    I know this update is near release.  Overall I have been enjoying this beta a lot more than the last and appreciate the devs hard work!  Most of the critical issues for me are now fixed and functional.

  6. 1 hour ago, ZorinW said:

    Regarding the quality of AI designs.


    These are the two most advanced ships of the USA (VERY ADVANCED TECH) in my current campaign - the year is 1930.




    They have to giht against this...




    Auto resolve battles between the CLs for example should be 1000% always a win for me. The game thinks otherwise.


    This game has still a long way to go in terms of AI designs and overall balance.

    Agreed.  If you're trying for a long campaign, the AI nations fall behind VERY fast.

    • Like 1
  7. Yeah, I guess the basic idea would be adding an "add marines" button next to the "add crew" button on the fleet page.  They restock at port.  More ships up your chance of winning an invasion because you have more Marines to land.  Better tech gives better stats for them.  Overall I like the concept.  To start the marine training could be combined under naval training.


    I definitely feel as though naval invasions and land battles feel very random and uninteractive in the current version.

  8. I wish we had a tech tree to improve land battles, or I wish we had more influence on them from bombardment.  Maybe give us aircraft carriers that work the same way as submarines to give support to land battles or something, but the current system doesn't feel fleshed out quite yet imo.

  9. 10 minutes ago, AdmiralBert said:

    Best guess? Your post announcing the last hotfix talked of it being close to a release candidate, which given some of the issues people are experiencing/perceiving has alarmed us. Talking about removing the manual rudder also doesn't help, as some people have been using it to offset other issues with steering.

    I 100% agree that removing the manual rudder will only worsen the situation.


    You can correct the bad steering by clicking small amounts at a time, but just setting the rudder to a 5 degree turn or whatever is a lot easier.

    • Like 3
  10. Yeah, for me the issue isn't the small oscillation while moving in a straight line, I actually like that feature as it's more realistic imo.  For me the problem is the oscillation coming out of a turn.  It really does make torpedo dodging, and positioning your ships in knife fights incredibly challenging.


    Also, idk if anyone else has had this issue, but the avoid ships button is completely broken for me for light cruisers and I believe other classes as well.  They'll just ram stuff when in formations and sink.


    Edit: Nick, I understand the frustration from your end on our negativity.  We are all here commenting, advising, and playing the game because we enjoy it.  I think people are just frustrated by your phrasing this as having a minimal impact on gameplay.

    • Like 2
  11. I definitely feel as though the ballistics have felt super weird this update.  Currently I am running a 1910 Italian campaign, but have run several others this whole beta.  I have had an easier time penning enemies from the fore and aft belts with HE Ballistic Capped than AP Ballistic Capped rounds into the broadside.

    Currently I am using dual Mark 3 13.9"/77 Italian guns with heavy rounds and can't get a shell through their Krupp II 16" main belt, 3.4" 1st deck at under 5,000 meters.  My ships should have ~60" of pen. I get that there's more going on than just (16"+3.4")+((16"+3.4")*.5 extra strength)=29.1" but man, I am having trouble accepting the balancing as is.

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