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Senior Commander

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Posts posted by Senior Commander

  1. Don't disagree they should be dangerous but this version seems to have kicked it up to 11. For example I had a simple battle of 1 CA and 2 DD vs 1 CA and 1 CL. I sunk the CA with my CA. I then started chasing the CL down with my CA, the CL had a  big speed advantage so I had to use my DDs to corral them. While doing so the small bow fire managed to kill enough of the crew my CA surrendered without ever getting in range of the CL. my CA was max bulkheads and reinforced 1 bulkheads.

    The problem isn't so much the damage the fire is doing but how quickly the crew dies, if the fire is spreading that makes sense but I watched on a later battle my CA again got a fire in one compartment, it never spread beyond it, but it kept killing around a dozen people per tick. All I could guess is the fire extinguisher stopped working so they were opening the compartment doors and having crew people jump on the fir in an attempt to smother it.

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  2. Fire damage and crew loss could use some better balancing. Right now (at least in 1910) seem to be a long term death sentence. Your ship is probably going to burn down until you surrender due to crew death. Maybe tone down crew losses, or even better have different levels of fire. with the current being a "fire storm" but lower levels one for small fires that will be easy to put out

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  3. Just started playing again after a long break. lots of nice improvements but just ran into a really stupid situation. an enemy TB rammed my BB, I sunk it quickly, but then the sunk hull scrapped all the way down the side causing so much flotation damage my BB sunk. That TB would have been in pieces and should not have caused more damage after being sunk then it did when alive. 

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  4. For your roadmap I’d ask you to choose one area and focus on it, and contrary to many of the comments here I would not make it the campaign.

    I would focus on the in battle experience as that (along with the ship designer) is what makes this game unique. So lean into it.

    If this was my roadmap I’d list it out as.

    1) Campaign stabilization

    -meaning don’t add anything but just keep killing bugs.

    2) Battle AI

    -work on how the AI maneuvers its ships and selects targets. Do a better job of keeping BBs at distance while TBs and DDs close for torpedo runs then run away. Study the basics of how real naval battle were fought and try to better apply them. Also less fights to the death. Jutland wasn’t fought till there was only 3 DDs left on one side.

    3) Targetting/firing system

    -Ships should fire a salvo, see where it lands, adjust, fire again, and each time accuracy should improve. Not go straight to max firing rate. Also the player should be able to have more control of when it switches to max rat from aimed and override if they want.

    -Manual torpedo firing. I want to be able to fire torpedo salvos so one DD fire ahead of the project course, one on the projected course and and another behind. Also more control around the spread size.

    4) new formation and role system

    -instead of just ahead and abreast let me create formation and assign ships to different points in the formation and define the distance between the ships. Then give different roles they will have in that formation. Like: flag, battle line, screen, Why can’t I say I want my two BBs in the center, a CA on the left flank, a CL on the right. Two DDs ahead, and one CL behind the BB. And have them maneuver as one formation. Then have another formation of 4 DDs on a flank and a formation of a CA and 2 DDs up ahead to scout. 

    5) Battle commands/flag plot

    - let me set courses and speeds for each formation, included planned turns. Think of a simplified top down view, honestly kind of like the rule the waves view but let me set waypoints so the formation travels to a at one speed then travels to b at another speed, maybe even changing formation.

    6) shorelines, ports, bases and fortifications

    -I think this is self explanatory 


    This is already really long but if you’re interested in discussing what I’m thinking as far as any of these items I’d love to discuss them in more detail. Just reach out. 


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  5. Is there any plan to fix the leaving formation behavior? Its problematic from 3 perspectives.

    1) Historical/Role Play. Captains don't/didn't immediately turn towards the enemy and leave formation after one hit.

    2) Its just annoying when its your ships

    3) When its the enemy it makes it so easy to concentrate fire when a ship leaves formation and sink ships. It turns the enemy formation into a big ball of targets. I think it has to be part of the reason the battles are too easy.   

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  6. I’d like to suggest separating gun and ship development. With guns being designed in the armory section with only guns you have designed able to be selected in the ship designer. Also adjust ammo amount to be magazine volume with the amount of shells determined by how many shells would fit based on the gun design.

    In this new armory section I would create my guns, such as a 4.5 inch 42 caliber auto loader and select all the relevant shell techs (size/propellant/explosive). Whether it’s a casement/single/double/triple/quad mount would still be part of the ship design process. 

    This would let us design a ship that has a 15in main battery with enhanced reload and super heavy shells and auto loading secondaries with light shells. Lots of options for customization here. 

    This could also give an option to add a mechanic for where a gun becomes cheaper the more it used because of economy of scale. Like using a 5in 38 on every ship…

    A bit of a tangent here, I’d also like to see a limitation to how much you can adjust bore diameter. Today it’s up to +.9in I’d like to see +/- .5in as I find the current system easy  to abuse. Plus it could create a scenario where maybe you have to consider if a 4.5in based on a 5in or 4in gun is more useful. Like maybe the 5in based one has a higher velocity but the 4in based one is lighter.

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