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Landsmen (1/13)



  1. Hello, I would like to add some suggestions on how to improve the game: 1. Dont end a battle when there are torpedos in the water or any ship is in danger of being sunk. When you atttack a single enemy BB with a horde of TBs and there are 8 torpedos in the water and all your TBs are killed, the battle ends immediatly (as a loss !) Although some seconds later the BB would have been sunk. This behaviour is messing up the results of a battle. 2. At the moment, torpedo launchers are working binary. They can hold fire or launch all torpedos at once. The AI aiming mechanics are poor, it only accounts for the current position of a target. Even if the target is currently doing a hard turn, this is not taken into account. Therefor, a lot of torpedos (even with 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x launchers) do miss. I suggest that it is possible to launch torpedos with a delay. An example: You have 2 quadruple launchers. You can set a number of torpedos that should be launched and a delay. I choose 2 torpedos and 10 seconds. The first salvo is 2 torpedos. The second salvo is 2 torpedos but 10 seconds after the first. The third salvo is fired 20 seconds after the first and contains 2 torpedos. The last salvo is another 2 torpedos, fired 30 seconds after the first. 3. In the campaign, we have some important values like naval funds, unrest, naval prestige, monthly naval budget and total expenses. At the moment, it is only possible to see the current values for this month. I would like to see the changes compared to the month before, e.g. did i lose prestige or did i gain prestige. 4. In the campaign, it is possible that you are blockaded. In this case, there is a very important value, the power projection (short pp). From my point of view, the AI is currently cheating on pp. It builds cheap ships with maximum range but crap combat values. Every time I encouter the enemy ships, they got destroyed. Allthough it is very clear that these ships have only paper values, the pp still count them as full !!! I suggest that pp calculation is expanded by a rule: If a nation is scoring less than 33% victory points a month, its pp is reduced by 50%. So if a nation is only building paper ships that are unable to fight but boost their pp, it will suffer 50% pp reduction the first month, another 50% the second month, another 50% the third month and so on. Kind Regards, Zorroot
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