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Posts posted by outerexodus

  1. Have always felt the ability to open multiple division tabs in battle has been a huge missing QoL feature. We can do it for enemy divisions at the top but still cannot do it for our own at the bottom. Would love the ability to see the basic ship status and speed along the bottom of multiple divisions. Loving all the recent updates, it has brought be back to streaming it on Twitch again. This is my biggest current QoL feature wish, however. o7

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  2. 2 hours ago, UnleashtheKraken said:

    Wholeheartedly agree that collision avoidance needs serious work still.


    As a workaround, use the manual rudder control, it overrides collision avoidance and you can manually steer the ships out of the problem.

    Yep, just REALLY annoying, especially during say a DD ambush to try and stay on top of it... Shouldn't have to be a thing.

  3. PLEASE let us turn this off... Even in 1.03 ships literally turn stupid if they're close to each other and you even tell them to turn AWAY from each other... It's like instead of collision avoidance it's collision magnetism, they just decide to go straight even if it actually causes a collision instead of avoids it. Would love a toggle on/off for this like the torpedo avoidance toggle, or remove it altogether since I'm going to control my ships anyways. Fun talk! Otherwise, 1.03 has been great! Stream chat loved it!

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  4. Streaming 1.03 Beta currently, British ships are BARELY slowing down, even during tight turns, with speed set to 0. Took BC 20 minutes to slow 1.5 knots after five 180 degree turns, CA was the same way. Thanks!

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