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Posts posted by Drunteroffizier

  1. On 4/3/2022 at 8:23 PM, PaulD said:

    In my Shiloh narration I am trying to cover some of the reasons that the battle is such a challenge, and many people likely have built up a false sense of their forces capabilities since in every battle prior to Shiloh, the player either outnumbers or has equal forces to the AI (Distress Call, Logans, and River Crossing), or the AI forces enter the battle piece meal so the player can take them out in phases (Philippi and  1st Bull Run).  At Shiloh it is completely reversed, with the player having smaller units entering the battle in smaller groups with the AI having all of it's forces early on. Plus the AI units can be so massive (4k to 5k in some cases) that doing enough damage to make them root is a real challenge. Just stopping charges feels like a victory - those big AI units seem like they can tank forever.  Up until this battle, the player has not experienced this combination of battle conditions.

    Another Point is that you can get focused too much on bringing the max. number of Units to this battle! If you think how many of them you can use in the decisive phases of the battle I prefer to have fewer (often smaller) but better armed new units who have a major instead of a captain as commander! I have done one try where I sent a lot of detached skirmishers on the offensive on the left side in phase one and the results were promising(whole brigades were turning to save artillery ore trying to free captured units/supply wagon and came late to the frontline action!). I'm really looking forward to see your skirmisher/cav strategy!!!!

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  2. Horses as additional Ressource?

    I haven't read all of this thread so I apologize if this point has been mentioned ore being discussed before but I think having horses as a ressource in the cavallery section of the armory (as weapon!) would be a nice adding!

    You have to pay for horses when creating a cav unit so this could be a base price for them which could be influenced by the career points!  New would be a max. aviability in numbers for horses which could be influenced by career points and get's refreshed after every grand battle as the other weapons do!

    I'm not sure if a afterbattle reward (adding horses to $ and recruits you get) would be a important point since I see them more as a supporting special unit ! I have in mind that someone else could come up with a cav only strategy (definately not myself!!!) so leave this option open (this step will limit the total horse/cav unit number!)!

    The only way of battle influence should be the pick up of unhurted horses from the battlefield ore in bigger quantity those from a captured cav unit, it would add some challenge to suggest an isolated cav unit to surrender instead of just shooting them down!

    It's a bit of economic extension and as stated before I don't know what possibillities you guys have to make this work in a rebalanced style and of course it should be a lower priority if you have more prominent points to re-adjust in terms of your real life time abillities!


  3. Thank you for the info, that helps a lot!

    The situation in Battle(s) I was refering to is when you face a melee situation that you want to end quickly and can overcome maybe with a supporting repeater armed light infantry unit nearby without getting other units soaked in! It's a bit this feel when a (suicidal) charge happens just to steal you the initiative ore disorder your Troops when they are actually a part of a development (set up) which hasn't finished yet! So refusing on better damage there and gain the initiative (+time) back quicker and forcing the enemy to react to you on a playground of your own choice, where you search for the countercharge ability ore maybe start charging yourself into melee!

    The further suggestions (covered in the question) where if this would probably something to integrate in the future mod development (to the abillities you were given by the core game mechanics of course), as mentioned I love variety!

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  4. 9 hours ago, pandakraut said:

    The ai will sometimes get stuck moving across the river in that location. Basically the edges of the river are impassable, but there are some bugs which let a unit across and from there they can move wherever.

    Glad to hear you're having fun. Experimenting to find your own solution to battles can definitely be a lot of fun. Lots of ways to succeed in the mod :)

    At this point I meant wavering in the perfect place for me since it  happened in the waves of a River - so I could get something very positive for myself out of an unintended situation.

    I think my limited knowledge when it comes to the numbers behind the calculations in the game (set a to b, combine it with modifier c so you should achieve d - the result for me will always be 0!!!) is actually an advantage, if I came to it in the refered situations while watching "out of Date" playthroughs and could understand it when I watch the mentioned situation in the video I got the sense (understanding it without knowing the math behind it! I clearly kept the scaling in this campaign (so far) to my advantage without knowing what I exactly did (and I don't want to!!!). I came back to this game after years (now I understand why I had it always sitting in the ready to play "camp") and beside some basic knowledge (no need to hold all flag positions ore how to achieve a draw on shilo) from History Guy Videos I felt like I spent 300+ hrs in without actually playing it (what is a Damage Curve 🙂  ?) when facing it's current status! Finding a mod (again video reference) which blews my camp time to "Something Compass" Dimensions while not happy with the Perk Cabells Battery (canister & reload) got from the start until figuring out that the range of the 3inch guns combined with the reload makes it suitable on countering enemy artillery and both bonusses combined with my Corps Commanders Speed Perk makes it possible to move it into a postion where it deals a whole lotta damage (without having the maximum Damage it could have other Perk-stacked-wise) very quickly - and this will work in most situations in the long run!

    I mean exposing myself so much here is not easy (since I received heavy setbacks in the past for doing so) for me and I think more than twice about it before hitting the submit reply Button but I wanna give Back/share a bit of the Fun this mod grants me in a personal real life situation of "emptiness"! If someone might get the impression here is someone who wants to show what good player he is get's it absolutely wrong, I'm really overwhelmed by myself to find something where the offered variety allows you to be variant and effective, making my otherwise limited felt abilities working together so quickly and fit so perfect my general "The Chase is Better than the Catch" (see this in a relation when you compare early with lategame situations!!!) way of playing games! I know this mod will give me thrills in the expectation and thinking about every nextcoming Battle(s) and even more when facing all the surprises the AI has given to work at it's best!

    I apologize for maybe disrespecting the main purpose of this thread but I had to get rid of it and this seemed to be the best place to do it! To put it in the respect (I'm quite happy that the wavering in the water situation offered me to place my feedback and prevented me from being totally off topic!) again I have a question I couldn't find an answer to by watching it so far:

    Is there a difference when it comes to a melee situation if you let your troops just getting charged instead of doing a countercharge in relation to it's ability to get quicker out of it when the enemy is routing? I mean that maybe the just charged ones have (ore could have) a quicker ability to reform when you hit the fallback ore hold button instead of the countercharging ones who have to wait a bit longer for that since they are actually following a different order? Connected to the command abillities (in this situation the Division Commander would probably be in responsibility) with the possible alternating situation where he get wounded and replaced with someone with lesser courier skills so it might take a little bit longer?

    Thanx in advance for an answer and have a good time (@ all!)  as I do in during currently very darkcloudy looking times on the battlefield of reality we all are forced in!




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  5. Hello!

    Here is a bit of Feedback what an relatively unexpierienced player by watching Playthroughs from different Players (done on earlier Versions of J&P, the UI mod ore in a few cases Vanilla) and Exspecially Reading the Comments where they exchanged  their current expieriences/Ideas and the mod creators provided some further informations (+ helpfull comments from other players - not to be forgotten) can achieve until finishing 1.st Bull ! A lot of key Informations (what to avoid at all cost!!!) are given in the mod Description so reading, picking up all of this and try to bring it all together transfered on the Battlefield in my yet still to develop playstyle (-s ?) changed my current status from wavering to a slight confident to manage MG ! I also hope to encourage players who find it too hard to not give up, don't look for a meta solution to copy it - rather create your own one, all possibillities for different ways  are given and there is a serious reason behind facing Ememy AI which seem to be oversupplied with Panzerschokolade (Perventin) 🙂 !

    Done on MG Difficulty, no Config Files adjusted, 3rd Campaign all Battles won in the first attempt so far (to point out that it needed me some testing, exspecially loosing before!).

    Screenshot 3 includes a (little) bug - probably a perfect place for a unit for wavering ^^ - and since I made a sort of get charge-wavered back to the camp expierience for my little when I'm grown I'll become a sniper Unit in an earlier attempt I had no being too cheesy feelings to take it personal with the AI and take my revenge, it was the last remaining unit anyway!


    Thank you again Jonnyh and Pandakraut for developing (with all limitations due to the core game you might face as modders ) a rough Diamond into some fine jewelery!!! Cheers Otto

    Screenshot_camp 1.st Bull Run.png

    Stats 1.st Bull Run.png

    Sherman Surfers.png

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  6. On 1/31/2022 at 3:35 PM, pandakraut said:


    I will see if I can fix this in the next version, but for now you can get around it by changing your language to English, starting the battle, and then changing your language back to German. Rio Hill, 2nd Winchester, and Distress Call(second Union battle) are probably the only other battles where this would be necessary.

    Hello and thank you for the answer!

    I just wanna confirm that your suggestion/solution works (with loaded camp game save!) and it's more bad news now at newport for the Union as intended 😃 !

    Sidenote: I tried it with 3 Brigades and it forced me to re-think and change my strategy totally ! Deploying a melee cavalry unit (500men) that  early in the campaign combined with some luck (AI Stuart split in two cav brigades !) and an offensive defense was the key - the difference between BG and MG Difficulty is (for me ) quite a challenge so thumbs up to everybody who is playing this on legendary !!!

    Thanx again for creating this mod and Cheers.... Otto


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  7. Hello and thank you for the answer(s)!

    I've reinstalled mod and game and now it works fine (The bug in front of the monitor...)!!!

    Johnny and you did an Excellent Job with this mod, I always thought the basic game is something special but rebalanced it's just fantastic - So thanx for all the work (and passion) you put into creating this!!!

    Greetings from Germany...Otto

    Edit: Sorry for the confusion but unfortunally the issue is Back! I've started a new CSA campaign on MG Difficulty and can deploy only 3 Brigades at Newport News (again) instead of the 4 offered in the Battle/Corps screen!

    I have done a complete new installation of game and mod (downloaded it again to make sure I have the correct version) ! On the 1st Bull Run Battle everything works fine and I could deploy 5 Brigades as intended so I guess the version/installation is correct!?

    Unfortunally I've deleted all saves so I cannot recall the one situation where I got the 4 Brigades once (as mentioned above...)!



    Sorry again for the mix-up but it would be nice if you could check it again!

    Thank you... Otto

  8. Hello!

    I started a CSA Campaign (BG Difficulty) with this mod and have a little problem with the unit/brigade number you can use in the second Battle (Newport News)!

    The Battle screen says 4 Brigades but the actually deploy screen allows me only 3 Brigades ?!

    I always got the feeling "if I could just have one more unit at the start..." in Battles like this ore 1.st Bull Run and after watching elder videos from Fiasco games where he did that I wanted to do it as well but as written it seems not to work!

    I have the newest mod version and I tried to reload the Battle but it stayed on 3 starting core units!

    Thanx in advance for an answer... Otto

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