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Posts posted by Cadmus02

  1. 1 hour ago, TAKTCOM said:

    Not this time, now it's stuck on "Missions". 


    My ships seem to be stuck too and can't move when i restarting the "main menu-company" cycle.

    I've been having problems with 'Update Missions' too. Usually it sorts it self out if I wait 5+ minutes, but that's a long wait.

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  2. I am playing an 1890s campaign as Spain and so far I am enjoying it, with a few caveats.

    1. Turns still take too long. In 1.10.2 it was always the update mission part that could take 5+ minutes to complete. With 1.10.3 it is sometimes stuck on update missions, sometimes on build ships.
    2. Enemies accept battle on the strategy map then run away. It's not a fun way to spend 3-5 minutes trying to chase them down. It's really egregious when both sides are matched in tonnage.
    3. I like the shipbuilding capacity system, it's another minigame that works with the overall whole. I'd love a way to increase capacity manually, or a system that puts ships in a build queue if you go over capacity.

    Overall though things are coming along nicely. The diplomacy system is a good start, I'd love an option like a non-aggression pact to reduce tension on an ongoing bases. I also appreciate the task force cap, I've already had some better battles because the AI seems like it can coordinate smaller numbers of ships better.

  3. I got to 1944 in my 1890s campaign as Japan before I walked away from the game. Right now I think there is a pretty solid foundation, I just hope some improvements can be made:

    1. Turns take way to long. Over a minute on a fairly powerful computer. If I alt+tab to use the web the turns don't process until I tab back to the game.
    2. A ship being involved in a mission prevents it from moving. I've encountered a few different times where my task force which is low on fuel and ammo is stuck in an area for months because there are convoy missions. This is really frustrating if my task force has to have a serious fight at a handicap even though I gave the order to go back to port 5 turns ago. Maybe missions should only be calculated after move, or maybe let there be an order for task forces to not engage.
    3. For battles like DD vs DD they start too far apart. It can take real world minutes to get into firing range. The best way I can think to fix this is to start 1 KM out of spotting range and add an extra KM to the starting range for every ship in the fight. Up to a max of 20-30 KM. This would give admirals time to arrange their task forces but greatly reduce tedium.
    4. Instead of blockades happening automatically they should be a task force mission. You blockade any port within X KM. Your blockade can be broken if the enemy disperses your task force. The allies blockaded Germany in WWI, not necessarily due to any ratio of ships but because the Germans weren't willing to try and break the blockade.

    Those are the biggest issues I'm seeing. Overall the game is shaping up nicely, and I am looking forward to the next update!

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  4. 9 years into my 1890 campaign every turn I get a freeze on the 'Building New Ships' screen. I can go back to the main menu and then load the save to continue playing. Also a large war just ended between Britain against Spain and several others in an alliance. The victory points in the top left seem to represent that previous war, as on the right hand side you can see I was dealing with Russia as Japan quite well.

    2022-11-01 07_51_44-Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts.png

  5. I've been enjoying the campaign as Austria-Hungary starting from 1890. I think the big things like game stability will get sorted, I just wanted to mention some smaller things that might get missed:

    1. Casemate guns weigh more than deck mounted secondaries. I like filling up all my gun ports, but I can see it being a balance mechanic since they don't take up deck space. I don't know if this is historical or a gameplay choice, it just struck me as odd.
    2. The refit process is a little unintuitive. Maybe add a button to the design screen called 'Design Refit' would make things more intuitive.
    3. Add tooltips on the finances page for the different sliders. Like what is the difference between crew training 100% vs crew training 50%?
    4. The AI doesn't seem to be actively refitting or retiring ships, I went to war vs France in 1910 and they seemed to be using MKI cannons on 10K displacement pre-dreadnought battleships.
    5. I hope we get some type of naval intelligence in the campaign. If Britain is making super-dreadnoughts with 18 inch cannons I would like to know, I would be a lot nicer to them. 
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