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Posts posted by Lakel

  1. 5 hours ago, Skeksis said:

    Sure, the dedicated historical enthusiast few, including Dev’s, will say yes, it’s not historical, but the rest, who are just here to play a wargame including a huge American audience, will say “where are they?”.

    Playing the US campaign changes everything.

    If you add the building time and slower cruiser research, a player could be facing 1922-1925 enemy built CAs verses their 1897 US obsolete designs and getting hammered. On the flip side, AI 1897 US CA would be a no challenge from 1910 onwards, a no contest.  

    And that’s what it all boils down to, the contest, i.e. gameplay. In this case gameplay should override historical.

    Or at least allow the possibility of actually building the St. Louis class, that 6" in casemates  build.

  2. This is getting pretty dumb, at least the fourth peace offer this war, accepted everyone one, my economy is tanking over the years because AH refuses.

    Started this campaign this patch at that.


    Couple turns later it says im at war with Italy, AH not at war anymore, my budget dropped to -31million, and still getting fights with AH,  yup, its  jacked all to hell now.

    AH refuse.jpg

  3. Finding Austria Hungary really annoying to defeat,  all the other nations  give up  within a reasonable time, ive had AH refuse to surrender while under blockade for 2 years, and only  20 CLs, DD, TBs ships left i was jut auto resolving every contact, which led to them not being sunk because 100 ships cant sink them in autofighting i guess.

    Ultimately AH just refuses to actually surrender more than the others in my experience, weird and annoying.

  4. 4 hours ago, SonicB said:

    Furthermore, since Nick decided (for reasons best known only to himself and God) to shut the clown car thread down again, I have no option but to post this triumph of naval architecture here instead.

    Oooh, look at this beauty

    Do wonder how balanced it actually was .  at least yours was balanced more or less.

    AH Beauty.jpg

    • Like 2
  5. 3 hours ago, jtjohn1 said:

    Max bulkheads, Full beam, Anti Torp 2 or 3 (Doesn't seem to matter) Antiflood 3.  All or nothing armor scheme with 17" belt

    Any idea what size of torpedoes are hitting you? Should be able to see torpedo size on the enemy ship.

    Still seems very odd as I mentioned. Just did a  few battles earlier  on my new  ITA camapign, plenty of torpedoes hitting my and the enemy ships, only flashfire or magazine detonations were from  gun hits. Get plenty of opportunities to see torpedoes with the stacks of shisp and escorts diving on in still 😛

  6. Bare minimum being, it can start fires, and those fires are no different than any other fire beyond the fact they start far closer to vital spots than above deck fires.

    If you are getting  lots of magazine detonations due to that, stop cheaping out on  bulkheads and citadel protection. If you arent doing that, then start sacrificing something to your choice of deity because you have some of the crappiest luck.

    In my case ive never seen a magazine  go off from a torpedo hit in game. Honestly I'd say torpedoes are on the weak side again, but then I always run max bulkheads and at least TPS II when available.

  7. 2 hours ago, jtjohn1 said:

    A Torp lets in water almost immediately if it penitrates the TDS.  You can't really have a flash fire in flooded spaces...)

    Hardly impossible, have a historic account from I-19 vs North Carolina:

    "The torpedo punctured some fuel tanks and started a fire, which got into the lower handling room of Turret II. The fuel was actually burning on the floor of the projectile room. The sprinklers were activated and the turret crew came streaming out the hatch with the smoke in swift pursuit."

    "The WASP was hit about two minutes before us. The last time I saw her she was a floating hull. Reports said three torpedoes went into her port side starting huge fires."

    Turns out they are an explosion of fire and flames, not a needle that just pokes a hole.

    And the summary report from this particular attac

    "On September 15, 1942, Japanese submarine I-19 quickly fired six long-range torpedoes at the U.S. carrier WASP. Three torpedoes struck their target causing such damage that the task force commander ordered WASP to be sunk that night. The remaining three torpedoes raced on across several miles into a second carrier force. One torpedo slammed into the U.S. destroyer O’BRIEN that would break up several weeks later due to severe hull damage.

    Another torpedo blasted NORTH CAROLINA on her port (left) side just forward of the thick armor belt designed to protect her from torpedoes. The enormous blast shook the Ship and crew and sent tons of oil and water skyward. Tons more water quickly flooded into the resulting 32 by 18 foot hole causing the Ship to lean, a situation the crew quickly corrected by purposefully flooding compartments on the opposite side. Five men were killed and 23 were wounded."

    Random note, also a case for DDs surviving a torpedo hit,albeit severely damaged.


  8. 10 minutes ago, mikekervin said:

    I'm surprised to see many complaints about PC performance on high end computers. My PC is entry level (core i3 and RX 580) and I get around 30fps in >100 ship battles. What are you guys using?

    100 ships definitely slows it down, but its the 200+ ship battles that murder it.

    ryzen 3 4 core 3.5, with a Radeon 570,  hardly top of the line but it runs t he 100 ship battles fine enough.               

  9. 9 hours ago, Lastreaumont said:

    Please put submarine design into Ultimate admiral: Submarines and carriers design into Ultimate admiral: Carriers. Please do not polluate this game with these (censored) ships. Don't do the same mistake as Wargaming with World of Warships. 

    Even in the case of subs being in this game as a tactical unit, they would be very different from the catastrophe of "submarine" that WG managed to dream up. Even your 20 knot Dreadnaughts would leave them in the dust  when you turn and run. Among other changes.

  10. 7 hours ago, o Barão said:

    You are not making things easier. What would you expect to happen when you sail with a 200 fleet? The AI will react to this. 

    I have literally used fleets no bigger than 30 ships. regularly run into  200 ship fleets. Has nothing to do with the player fleet, and everything to do with the task  force system and battle generation as a result. That and the AI cheaping on ships for mass spam.

    Still, if im willing to slog through 90 minutes of 5 fps at best, I can slaughter their fleet, will it work? sure. Did I have fun? Hell no.

    Course on the otherside I my most recent campaign I was having to deal with a France that had its 200 cruisers all scattered into 1-2 ship TFs and never engaged more than a few at a  time. Won that through just auto-resolving probably 100 tiny pointless battles and blockading them.

    • Like 3
  11. 5 hours ago, Toby said:

    at the moment until the game implements building up ports indivisually rather then based upon the economy of the nation. the ports will always be smaller in more remote ports

    Issue   ive seen there myself is the task forces decide to go to the nearest port for repairs, like Gibraltar. or Cyprus. Said ports cannot sustain or repair them, but they try anyways leaving the TF locked for some time at great expense.

  12. 3 hours ago, o Barão said:

    Why does the accuracy of placed guns in the designer also change when roll and pitch is changed ?

    Just to elaborate on  a little bit on the previous poster, Gist is the ship will roll and dip with the waves more drastically than other more stable ships. Makes aiming a pain in the ass if your bow dips enthusiastically into every trough, or every wave the ship threatens to roll over.

    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, Kane said:

    If the destroyers set to "screen" were programmed to put themselves between the enemy and the ships they're screening, they'd do a lot more good.  Also be a lot less friendly-fire.

    More screen and less hiding in the corner of the map, or suiciding into the enemy fleet when they get tired of that would be nice indeed.

    That is one fun thing to watchin in RTW with your DD escorts, they will occasionalyl dive in for torpedo runs but arent suicidal. Minus one german DD i had that dove into the enemy fleet and emerged unscathed after sunset, sinking a couple capitals, that was a crazy little DD, but a one off.

  14. On 7/18/2022 at 10:19 AM, Nick Thomadis said:

    Hello, do you put your whole fleet in a task force or you distribute your fleet in your ports?

    When using all your ships in a task force, this fleet is not separated in combat and the AI counters it with at least equal forces.

    I'd ask for an easier way to sortie your forces into task forces, say , click a spot on the map and it shows you available ships, instead of having to go port to port to send them out. Usually I end up sending them all to one point then distributing from there, but  the AI does like running headlong into that initial gathering.

  15. 10 hours ago, Kryptonic said:

    balanced low to high pitch to row percentages,

    I'm gonna need you to expand on that.  Also yay necros.

    Whats your crew training? Barrel length? Are you running at max speed or slowing down to cruise speed? Using the highest mark weapon or just the smallest?

    Mind balancing your ship is important  but so is keeping the pitch and roll low on top of balanced, then you have the use of beam, and draft, increase beam and reduce draft to maximize accuracy if you dont mind paying the other penalties.

    Ultimately this is coming out to my ships utterly destroying the AI, the occasional nasty hit received but nothing in comparison to what my ships are dishing out.

  16. Small add-on to Zombie1914's info, it also accounts for how many compartments are hit by an over penetrating shell, say it only goes in and out through the bow, practically    nothing, slap some flex-seal on and keep going.

    Now in the case of the high velocity/super heavy AP shell plowing through a DD from bow to stern and still manage to over penetrate, it will royally wreck things.

    Taken from the 1.06 notes:"Moreover, overpenetration damage will be dependent greatly from the angle of the ship, significantly damaging the hull if a shell passes through the bow and along the length of the ship."

    If you play any WOWS, this is like the case of a cruiser that tries to angle, and eats a citadel, when they could have gone full broadside and you just overpen. Which in this game would hurt either way, but a lot less.

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