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Everything posted by Littorio

  1. For 1890 I try to make BBs around 17 knots, 16 if I have too but that's the slow end. CAs I aim for around 18 if possible. CLs I don't build over 20kts because I feel I have to skimp too much on armor to do so. TBs can be a larger range depending on how barebones they are, but 21-23, usually around 22, is where I make them. From there obviously each era of shipbuilding will allow you to build faster designs, but you can use these as a base to think about.
  2. I agree, but in order for this to work there will have to be a substantial increase in cruiser weapon options such as larger casemate guns for earlier ships, and shield mounts bigger than 4". As it stands right now, opening up the spectrum would be gimped by the turret-centric designs that you are forced to build and that the AI especially loves. Basically, a lot more weapons will need to be added as well as hulls, or at least substantially tweaked, in order for this to be maximally useful.
  3. I believe I have noticed similar things, hits that appear to be visually shown on the opposite side from that which was struck...
  4. Absolutely stupendous changelog I must say. Assuming all of this works as intended it will be marvelous, thank you Nick. Obviously there are many things to be excited for, but the main ones that catch my eye are: Improved Ship Motion at Sea - this always got to me, weird movements and waves clipping through upper superstructures like they were in a typhoon Task Forces - finally we have at least some limited control over the RNG encounters, and I hope this task force use means that ships won't go to random ports anymore, but rather the one their TF deployed from Flooding mechanics improvement - this is vitally important for a game about naval combat after all and I am beyond excited to finally not see little TBs getting struck with 12" shells and still floating, let alone maneuvering as if nothing happened I will say that the one thing I am disappointed to not see is any mention of visual changes to battle backgrounds, including adding weather effects. I know this will be a gradual thing, but eventually this implementation will lead to creating a sensible spotting system that players can understand visually as well as mechanically. All said, I hope you are doing well in Ukraine in these trying times.
  5. Lol that would be pretty cool, but I seriously doubt they developed that yet. Plus, it would make no sense to stop in the middle of a battle to pick up survivors while still under fire from the same vessel that sank your sister ship....
  6. Don't use too many formations right now. Just maneuver them yourself, and as the above states, use manual rudder when you really need too. Captaining them yourself and keeping them distant will help. Ultimately though the movement logic will need to be improved, and I believe they are continuously doing that.
  7. I'm sorry but this is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of. It sounds like a "you" issue with your computing skills, and nothing to do with the game. Let me be clear: this game does not offer manual saving as of yet. For example, you cannot hit a button and write "Save #1." I hate to break it to you but no game will be "running when you restart the computer." That's just plain stupid to assume. Currently the game works with an auto-save feature. This works every time that you exit your campaign to the main menu. Apparently somehow you missed this though and just assumed that just because you didn't see a big, blinking save button somewhere, then logically the game must not be able to save at all...I'm sorry but I don't have any more words for this. Your problem is that the campaign game never saved because you never exited out of campaign. You never exited out of the game at all........Instead you just kept it running for weeks 🤣 Start a new campaign. Exit to main menu when you are done playing. That's how you save. Problem solved. No guys...he just literally kept the same campaign running for weeks on his computer lol
  8. The game does save though...each time you exit out of it. Have you kept one game going continuously the whole time?
  9. 1) Yes there is. 2) Scripted for now but more freedom to maneuver and seek engagements yourself is soon to come. 3) That depends on what you consider "dyanmic" and "a gimmick." They give you a hull, of a certain role, size, etc, and then you get to place whichever components you want on it. You can't just make your own hulls, and I have repeatedly asked for third party mod support to do so. Maybe someday that will happen but for now it's not an option. That said, the next update will give us beam and draught customization for the hulls, so that is one step closer. 4) Not terrible...except when the AI makes ridiculous designs for ships. They tend to go quantity over quality. This will be improved in time obviously. 5) Almost not at all. Your money can fluctuate with transport losses, but that is about it. More will come later, but a full economy is not currently present. 6) Both. You are time locked, but you can allocate up to three areas for priority research. The more things being designated as priorities however, the slower all the rest of the research. Overall research is very basic at the moment, and it isn't even completely done. Trees need to be finished for mines, subs, naval tactics, etc. Right now none of those are present in the actual game, only placeholders on the research screen. 7) Ships can definitely be locked out for repairs. Idk about being "forced" to use old ships. If by that you mean if your hypothetical Bismark is damaged, will you have to rely on Scharnhorst for awhile, then yes. A damaged vessel currently cannot be used once it returns from battle and goes into dock for repairs. 8.) No, but admirals and other officers are coming at some point. Exactly how they will work is not yet known though. 9) Depends on the era and exact settings, but I don't find it too bad. You will have to micromanage a fair bit right now however, as ship formations are a bit clunky. Collision avoidance is still being improved, and I find it better to control my vessels manually. 10) Ship crews do gain XP. I believe it is based on the actions in the battle. Not all ships get the same amount, or even any at all. Ships that don't do anything won't see their crews gain XP. There are different levels you can read about.
  10. Thanks for the info Nick. I think many are looking forward to beam and draught customization. It won't have to be modified. This is coming imminently.
  11. Yes I am aware of coal's effect in reality, but I have never managed to see how this is quantified in game. Thanks for the info.
  12. You have anti-flooding capability too, even in the beginning with base ships without any specific components. Everyone does across the board, it's just that the components boost that ability. That is what akd and Sparda were saying.
  13. Very well-constructed and interesting observations. This is yet another example of how their unnecessary reliance on towers spoils key aspects of the game. First it is spotting, and now this.
  14. It would be nice but I don't think they are committing too far ahead in writing. I imagine they are doing more of a trial-and-error approach after each update using our feedback as a supplement.
  15. They might be referring to something like IJN Shimose shells, such as those used at Tsushima. Maybe they plan on revamping how shells work a bit on the backend. So if you choose "Lyddite" filler, maybe it only applies now to these SHE/HC shells?
  16. That was what the sources on Wikipedia said, but it also admitted that Nagato was firing at her too. Somewhere else I read that Kongo and Haruna also could have fired at her. The Navy site only says that "A Japanese heavy caliber salvo splashed scarcely 300 yards off White Plains’ starboard beam at 0659, followed three minutes later by a perfect straddle." It doesn't assign credit to any one enemy: https://www.history.navy.mil/research/histories/ship-histories/danfs/w/white-plains-i.html Here is another angle of the salvos, also taken from USS Kitkun Bay
  17. We need Italy first for that methinks. Though when they do, I wouldn't be surprised to see both added together. So it would be Russia/France first, Italy/AH second, US/Japan third, and China/Spain last to round out the East and West.
  18. At least you can visually see each other. That's an improvement over fleeing from earlier versions 😆
  19. Maybe you could see a mod someday, but I think the 1890 is set in stone as far as official dates go. 1890-1940 is a nice even fifty year chunk of time, and I don't believe they want to mess with that.
  20. Yeah this is one of things you learn quick about the campaign. It was an initial complaint of mine. There needs to be a final toggle button for making all your ships and starting. As it stands, you only get one shot at ordering vessels. So you need to do your math on the side on paper and then figure out what you're building all in one go. Hopefully this gets changed.
  21. LOL I just wanna know who is voting for Austria-Hungary at this stage 😆
  22. It has been said and debated elsewhere that this "fire torpedo button" as you call it won't work, or at least not in the way you are imagining it. It would take a lot of work. The issue is that there would have to be much more going on from a UI perspective to make this happen. Which launchers are you talking about? What angles of fire do they have? What about individual gyro angles on certain torpedoes? Which tubes on the launchers are they coming from? What if vessels have internal and external tubes at the same time? Since the game can't, and rightfully will not, have a big flashing "fire the guns" button, I doubt anything like that will ever be created for torpedoes. I really cannot understand how you claim to have so much trouble with them when no else does in the way you describe: You say this but don't give any meaning to the engagement, no parameters. What was your speed, and theirs? What angle on the bow did you have? Were your launchers internal or external? If external, were they rotating to target? Were you in maximum firing range? What kind of ROE did you have on each of your four boats? All of this matters. Just because you alone can't seem to figure this out doesn't mean the game is "fatally broken." You're obviously not serious about contributing anything useful to this game since your name is "thisgameisretarded" and you've done nothing but buddy up with other forum malcontents and complain since day 1. Watch some videos if you have so much trouble, or better yet, take screenshots of these issues you have and maybe someone on here can assist you.
  23. Someday they will work on a spotting overhaul, they have basically admitted as much. But the "smoke sighted" chasing is a long-standing complaint of the community.
  24. The true issue, though there is one with how slow losses build up given the apparent damage levels to given ships, is instead how effective many still remain as fighting platforms. If a ship has 10% structural integrity and even 25% of it's crew dead, it's not going to be firing very much. Most of the crew will be dealing with fires, flooding, trying to rescue trapped friends, ejecting fire hazards from the ship, etc. Yes, there are exceptions, but even then their accuracy will decrease. I believe both Hood and Bismark fired a final shot from one of their main battery turrets as they slipped beneath the waves. They are obviously exceptions - but again, they didn't hit anything either. The bottom line is that ships right now are firing all guns accurately right up to the ship sinking. That's a bit nuts, and the game seems to have no concept of disabled vessels, combat-ineffective vessels, etc.
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