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Posts posted by BionikSheep

  1. Not sure if its a bug or intentional, but i have damaged ships spawning into battles, ships that were damaged the previous turn, and i would have thought, locked in drydock for repairs. But instead are sallying out to fight despite many other cruisers stationed at the same port that are completely undamaged, just, staying home?

  2. Very happy to hear we will be able to disable autoavoidance, as it honestly makes the game unplayable in its current state, the next biggest gripe for me is when will you remove the ai's bow thrusters for torpedo avoidance? The ai ships could and indeed still can dodge torpedos with the same ridiculous dance steps as the previous (and removed thank goodness) ai avoidance the player ships could do provided they were part of a battleline. Because i honestly tire of watching torpedos that should hit, being dodged by an ai battleship or heavy cruiser spinning on the spot and turning 120degrees to avoid without any effect of inertia of a 15+ thousand ton ship doing 18+ knots..

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  3. *rolls eyes* See details, what exact components did both ships have, where did the torpedoes hit? Fresh areas or damage saturated areas? What size of torpedoes? What were crew casualties like? What previous damage was sustained? What was the displacement of both ships? If you can't list out the facts for proper investigation then this isn't useful information.

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  4. Can we please, please, PLEASE, get rid of the AI just running away immediately upon every battle?

    My 1890 campaign the AI would actually fight, in my 1900 campaign, i have yet been able to fight a single battle, every enemy warship immediately flees upon start of battle, even when they have every advantage, more powerful ships, more ships and greater tonnage and they still flee. Sure i can build faster ships but i honestly have no interest in having to play 1.5 hours of real time for 3 light cruisers to be chased by a torpedo boat. This might be a product of the AI behavior being chosen for the campaign and being the cautious variant, if so, it needs to be toned down to make a decision based on relative fleet strengths, or (due to not having officers in yet) select one of the AI behaviors for each battle and not for the whole campaign. 

    Point two. Why are my ships automatically reassigned to new ports when they are repaired? It is aggravating to have to reassign ships from the Baltic back to the north sea every turn after they take a paint chip on the bow.

    Other then that, i'm finding it quite enjoyable, here's hoping we get diplomacy and the ability to play a campaign from start to end soon :)

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