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Posts posted by DieHard_BR

  1. All,


    My feedback so far

    (Playing as Germany 1920 campaign)

     - liked the new features, some are not working such as the refit 

     - very few battles poped up in the initial 2 years. 

     - the battles are very easy to win, not sure if RTW 2 set the bar to high for me 😀

     - the aiming is very very bad even with veterans

     - AI is in a crazy building spree




  2. 1 hour ago, Nick Thomadis said:

    Latest News

    Due to the current instability of the campaign, which still contains bugs that would make playing very unpleasant (frequent crashes that are repaired only with game restart), we cannot release the beta at this working state. 

    We need your patience, so that we can fix all the game-breaking issues next week. We will try to give it on Monday 21/2/2022. We wish you have a nice weekend!

    My wife thanks you.... no gaming this weekend 



    • Like 4
  3. 12 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:

    The map will be expanded to cover the whole Europe and Mediterranean, there will be alliances with many nations and the war is going to be much more complex. There is no delay actually, it is just that we will deliver a patch sooner with the big map and more nations, and afterwards the longer campaign, so players will not have to wait for a prolonged patch. Peace.

    Just to confirm, can we expect 1.05 by end of the week?

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, Candle_86 said:

    Just had a really weird Ambush spawn, I mean I won but really weird, I had 11 Destroyers spawn, 1 of them actually collided and got a point blank shot from the battlecruiser's guns and sunk, and 2 other destroyers where around 600-700M range, i mean I won simply because I had fired torpedos from point blank, but that spawning seems odd.

    More or less the same..... 1940 campaign i was ambushed by 12 DD at very, very close range. I had 2 CAs

  5. Some views

    Playing again all the campaigns as Germany 


     - Ship design seems better, but still see BB and BC design with few bulkheads

     - Armor layout is better

     - AI response is also better


     - Player formation (already mentioned above)

     - Played for 10 years the 1910 campaign, I was way behind on tech perspective if compared to a fresh start in 1920. Hope wont be like this with more nations.

     - AI targeting priority.... 


    Overall is positive the improvement, keep the good work.



  6. 59 minutes ago, Somhairle said:

    Just submitted a bug report from the in-game icon. Enemy DD looked to have been able to make it to the Delta Quadrant in less than 3yrs. Big ZOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom. As soon as I submitted the bug report, CTD.

    Well with the new spore drive it is possible. 

    Voyager was in the 1890 campaign in comparison

  7. 1 For the battle generator in the campaign the player has the ability for some battles to select part of the fleet that will engage the enemy.

    2 For the campaign the AI ships should have minumum requirements such as belt, bulkheads, deck, guns by class. Tired to see BB in 1930 or 1940 with 20 knots speed and 9 belt.

    • Like 3
  8. @Nick Thomadis


    In the German 1940 campaign the modern BB II hull only has the following options of main tower:

     - Modern tower I, II and III

    This limits the size of main gun you can fit, only 16'' or below.

    But the strange part is that you have the following options of secondary main tower

     - Modern sec I, II and III

     - Advanced tower sec with Funnel I, II and III 


    Bottom line if I want to use larger then 16'' guns i can only use the modern BB I hull.  Note that 17'' only fit on Modern tower V


    Just trying to understand if this is the correct approach/usage of hulls in the 1940 campaign



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