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Posts posted by PaulD

  1. Just a minor thing I've noticed when playing Distress Call and holding the northern ammo dump/fort from the start. I've had a lot of success with putting 3 INF units and 1 ART in the northern supply depot, some units in the woods to the left, sending the 2 units in the southern depot to intercept CSA coming from the south bridge, and then SKM and CAV to intercept CSA from north bridge.

    Anyway, with four units in the northern supply depot, I will get messages saying that CSA has taken the northern depot (Supply Depot 1) even though CSA isn't inside the depot, and sometimes not even engaged yet.  I could understand if CSA was charging and actually in the depot, but that is not what is happening.

    I've tried to duplicate it to determine the trigger. Although it has happened each time I use this strategy, it isn't consistent in regard to the AI CSA action.  One time it happened with CSA INF units just standing outside exchanging volleys, another time it happened when CSA CAV ran up and fired then fell back, the third time nothing was actually happening because all CSA units were tied up engaging units away from the depot.

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  2. There is some fun intended sarcasm in this post because it describes how I view it.

    I assume these are base game related and not the mod. Just wondering if you've run into anything creating the mod that would fix #2.

    1) Like most people, I thought that Roger Bannister broke the 4-minute mile barrier in 1954. But, according to my game play, enemy charging infantry can rundown my 100% condition cav. The fact that they are in full battle gear in the summer heat with whatever passes as footwear at the time... Given the average running speed of a horse, these guys must be doing a 2-minute mile...  Nike's won't even be invented for another 100 years. lol  I'm fine with it overall, because the AI can be an idiot.  Still, I've seen a 1-star CSA INF unit charge across an open field while being lit up by my ART and still route TWO of my 2-star INF units who were in the forest - haven't quite understood how that happened. 

    2) This is the one that irritates me to no end and must be a bug that's never been addressed. It always happens to me a couple times per campaign, especially at Union Shiloh.  It is when enemy CAV run THROUGH (not around) my INF unit WITHOUT triggering melee... no nearby unit fire even if manually told to do so.  Then, once they are behind my lines with 0 casualties, they immediately charge my ranged ART.  It's like the AI suspends reality and the CAV officer casts some levitate / immortality spell out of a fantasy RPG to bypass my lines so it can attempt to get the upper hand.  I'd rather it just spawned the enemy CAV in my rear, at least I could justify it by saying it came into the game from some other route. 

  3. I've run into an issue where I am building new Corps getting ready to go into Gaines Mills.  By chance, the game has generated officer names in the barracks that are duplicates to two wounded officers.  When I purchase those officers the unit efficiency is a 3 and command drops way down - as if the game see them as wounded and not new officers to purchase.  My work around is to pay for them to get them out of the barracks and dismiss them (because I am making more units than officers so I need to empty all available officers to get the game to give me new minimum required officers to keep making units... of course, I am out of the money that I pay for them and dismiss them.  Never ran into this before (have played over 1,000 hours on the game according to GoG stats) - only seen this since updating to 5/27/21 update.


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