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Bart Smith

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Everything posted by Bart Smith

  1. Ill try post them chronologically: First encounter: Somebody told me jump into tower when i got nearly sunked...so i jumped:) First storm battle - i cant hit anything but was great! Trafalgar near Plymouth - was a lot of fun Jaw drop when first time sailed on open world PFK and friends suicide charge in PB PFK full pvp (Barba joined after) Have to search my screenshots database for more...tbc. Here are few more: Dutch invasion fleet heading re-take Macanao (about 100 ships) Some famous pirate brawls with great guys (PODW) /tiphat Shallow water event win
  2. There is level of difficulty as you remember - small nations are hard to play mate. But they were quite good before in NA OW history...so i no worry in advance.
  3. Life mate. There always been strong and weak. Right of nature. Why should they expand if they are small? With re-work of alliance system devs said this could work if done properly.
  4. Solution for hostility issue: Just be there. BR of attacking ships in area causing a unrest and points going up slowly. Same for defender but points drop. This can be calculated in every 5 min or so. But this need be slow flow of points main focus and reward should be from PvP less from bundles.
  5. Czwartek o godzinie 20 - wstepny termin nastepnego spotkania przed wipem w celu wybrania nacji. Prosimy o liczne przybycie jezeli zalezy wam na wspolnym graniu.
  6. Numer Drugi: English Version: PFK - talks with diplomats from other clans and nations In last few days there are talks with diplomats from other nations and guilds. Discussions are beetween guild leaders and are relate to future of our guild and wise pick nation under we will fight soon. Admiral Bart Smith have meeting with swedish Admiral Sveno on board his ship "Vasa" and main topic this conversation was possible cooperation of both clans in future. More details will be printed soon. Salt Act Rumors form british parliment: Salt Act was proclaimed. SirArthur Saltymoore said: "We need every grain we can find to build up the fleet" Document enacts sailors to do not waste salt wich is drying on their cloths, boots and socks. PFK admirality are monitoring salt situation on markets and if our needs will increase there will be similar act proclaim. Germans squadrons arrived to Gustavia The 13 of May this year a group of german ships arrived to Gustavia. Official statement is: "to assure the swedish interests in the caribeean on a long term". We waiting for reaction from rest of guilds in swedish kingdom.
  7. Please don`t bring this topic to pirates. There was plenty related topics about them already.
  8. Few things i missed or noticed: Stacking and producing of goods - make it easy let enter amount of what you need instead silly limits Warehouses - both player and clan need more space especially clan one. Unclear Copper situation Allow trade on OW beteewen same nation players If find anything more will post here... Still not much content on OW Hard to rise up unrest near ports during lack of enemy ships
  9. Thats what i meant but some people prefer to laugh.Pity
  10. Example from testbed: my mate was looking for bigger ship there was none in our nation ports so he sail as a smuggler to enemy port - found his ship, bought it and zonk. He can`t leave port in warship or basic ship. Ok - you can`t buy ships in enemy port. But even that he cant re-sale ship for similar price (220 k) shop offer him 8 (eight gold) - So he is left without money and possibility to leave port - this is one of example why people don`t bother. He just said: f*** this game and rage quit.
  11. Old bug existed since beginning of OW
  12. Hi there - we hope after wipe for resurrection our guild and whole community
  13. Pare dni po tym jak zalozylismy PFK w NA: Tak kiedys wygladal nasz stary TS:
  14. Well then..enjoy mate. As old sentence: sonreĆ­r es salud
  15. Guys wait with this flame wars at least 1-2 months after wipe - there is absolutely no point doing this now.
  16. Strona http://www.polskaflotakaperska.pl/ przeszla kolejny retusz graficzny. Czekam na Wasze opinie i uwagi. Wesite http://www.polskaflotakaperska.pl/ had graphic rework. Waiting for your opinions and comments. P.S wrzucam pare starych screenshotow z poczaktow dzialanosci gildii i jej czasu swietnosci: A tu rodzynek sie trafil: BW jeszcze w PFK: A tu flota inwazyjna Siedmiu Prowincji w drodze do Macanao: Duzo zabawy miewalismy z zabkami: A to chyba jeden z najfajniejszych momentow odkad gram w NA: szarza z ulanska fantazja w wykonaniu PFK i reszty:
  17. There is not such a people like Naval Action veterans Game not even finished - we got some experienced testers here
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