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Bart Smith

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Everything posted by Bart Smith

  1. Updated. Any more clans will be active after wipe ? Please let us know on this topic. Cheers
  2. Well realistic a bit but there is other side - gameplay and team effort and avoid to "solo" flip ports as well.. Anyway still think just ships BR in region should make slow but steady influence on hostility. People complain that is very hard to rise it up on test bed and myself sailing 30 minutes near enemy port saw 2 fleets only.
  3. Game look good itself but never enough the better i guess
  4. Why argue - let people play where they want.
  5. RAM prices are up in last few months...sadly. As Olav said: there is shortage :https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/ram-prices-are-increasing-until-third-quarter-2017/ I was plan to build new rig soon but...bahh way too expensive now. My old I5 - 16 GB and Radeon R9 290X 4GB have to handle for some time yet
  6. As EU player will stay here. And same our clan.
  7. Thx for warm welcome mate. We will try our best like always
  8. Weekend mate booze
  9. Aye we got similar expression in polish language but as i said: more excitement i had when they release open world than now.
  10. Wouldn`t call this "storm" but there is some kind of curiosity - especially how population will be look like after wipe
  11. PFK will join Sweden after wipe. Chart Edited. Thx Cmdr RideZ
  12. Today we sign "Gustavia Treat" - reactivate of Polish-Swedish Union from 1592-1599. Polska Flota Kaperska will support swedish navy in Caribbean from now.
  13. Numer trzeci: English version: Polish - Swedish Union reactivated! Today we sign Gustavia Treat and re-activate Polish- Swedish Union from 1592-1599 under Sigismunt III Vasa. Under the pact Polska Flota Kaperska will be lively support Swedish navy in Caribbean waters. In proclamation act there were participate both navies diplomats - swedish and polish. Act was proclaimed in Gustavia - swedish colonies capital town. Admirality of Polska Flota Kaperska reveal project of new flag for privateers on union time being referring to old union arm of coat. You can wiev project of flag on draw beside. Important news to PFK privateers! In new world circumstances on Caribbean all privateers of Polska Flota Kaperska are called to take logistic actions such as transport ships, goods and other assets to Gustavia - swedish capital town. This will be our new home port until our union signed today will be valid. For more detailed informations please contact our officers or admirality. News from New World One of leaders of pirates was captivated. News says that with help of german ships under swedish flag swedish navy won battle and sunk 5 pirates merchant ships, 3 lights frigates and 2 scouts ships. After few pirate raids in swedish territorial waters last week swedish navy respond in proper manner and beside less numbers were victorious. Certainly succes was capture of one pirate leaders here who said during interrogating that recent attacks were hired by Great Britain crown. Swedish navy admirality made no official statement so far on this.
  14. Still waiting for possible revolutionary chart by Admin?
  15. We have some "general ideas" where to go...but this is not sure yet. And need polish...
  16. There was a topic for propose currency name a long time ago. I voted for doubloons.
  17. Its just save o time tbh. You can transfer ships or goods by alts or friends anyway. So step in right direction - hope after full release will be limited somehow to avoid nation hooping.
  18. Forgot about PIG CLOUD? i think that was my first sight see of it II v
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