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Bart Smith

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Everything posted by Bart Smith

  1. Aye my future Title ...can live with it
  2. I will be Lord of Conquest Marks then:P but Taranis got point here...populate nations again will be favour
  3. Lets test it - and be focus possible expolits -instead take proftis of them report it.
  4. Numer piaty: English Version: WAR ! On Swedish High Council meeting guild leaders legislate of war proclamation against France . Reasons are raiding on swedish territorial waters by french ships and blockading of Hat Island town. All major guild voted for yes and High Council set up a wargoals as: conquer regions of Grande-Terre and Basse-Terre as long with resources from ports in regions. Flotilla of Polska Flota Kaperska participate in port battle fights Admirality of Polska Flota Kaperska had send two groups of warships to fight France on south. Few heavy warships was fight directly in port battle and second group of lighters warships, mostly frigates was at escorting and reckon duties. Our privateers had preform as a example and both our wargoals were accomplished without any loss with very small french resistance. End of Trade Agreement After only few days live Sweden-Danish trade agreement has ended. Main reasons of this were numerous incidents on border waters of both kingdoms. Meantime diplomats of both sides haven`t make statement about state of relationships between both countries.
  5. Rekrutacja otwarta: Jest juz nas 62 - na co czekasz ? Mamy tylko 250 miejsc w gildii - zwerbuj sie juz dzis ! Wiecej info na : http://www.polskaflotakaperska.pl/ TS: sverige.ninja
  6. Hope not its not server fault - just some people. Just remove bad apples...
  7. We all miss main reason of this PB - to take lead on map by exploit.
  8. After i seen vid from this "PB" - its quite clear. Hope devs have proper penalty in their mind. Congrats for streamer as well
  9. Well if not single participant use repairs or switch off survival all have to agree - both are wrong here - people will and game mechanics...
  10. LOL - some people never change. RIP
  11. Well clearly if he tag our PFK trader we will do same. Rouge is rouge
  12. Gold rush sunk so many already even more cocky than you captain. Ignorance is even worst plus put whole nation into risk - gj See you in OW
  13. Maybe quite not fair since half of french sailing basic cutters?
  14. Basic Cutters - free ships should be exluded from pvp. Simples.
  15. Numer czwarty: English version: Warships and trade ships of Polska Flota Kaperska anchored at Gustavia Today 25th may 1717 year a group o warships of Polska Flota Kaperska arrived to Caribbean and anchored in Gustavia port. After short debrief and council meeting we started action to conquer and secure two neighborhood counties Oranjestad and St Johns what was achieve with help of other swedish guilds quite easy with no major resistance. Freetrade agreement with Danmark-Norge High Council of Sweden and Danmark-Norge signed temporary freetrade agreement. Agreement allow to free sailing on both nation territorial waters in trade ships and urge to not attack solo traders both nations in region. Conditions of escorting of a traders ships had been discussed on special diplomatic meeting. World news Tension is increasing between France and Great Britain on results high activity of french navy near Doenica region. British ports there were cut off supplies by french navy and port battle in there will be fact soon. Rumours saying that a civil war started beetween few pirates groups. We got partial informations about this fact and we are not sure on basis of this conflict.
  16. Mods just close this - its pointless.
  17. Well my point is: let pirates sail ships like they sailed in history. So no lineships just up to frigates and let them ride ports but not perma takeover...tbh there was SO MUCH said already about pirates in NA...hard mode
  18. It is playable - or at least will be . Pirates are only addition to lure more casual players - disney films fans
  19. Pirates in lineships sound for me like good SF. Here is a list famous pirate ships and not seen ANY lineship there: http://mentalfloss.com/article/21557/6-famous-pirate-ships
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