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Bart Smith

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Everything posted by Bart Smith

  1. PFK dispatched a squadron to cut piracy on Bahamas area. Same time we sunk some french on our homewaters. 86 privateers in our ranks. We recruit more polish players. Join us and make history of Naval Action. Help for new players and full support for all members are our priority. Our motto: "...bo to co nas laczy to morze..." is still active.
  2. Numer osiem: English version: Swedish fleet attacked Cuba Huge swedish fleet including few privateers form PFK was dispatched to conquer south-western Cuba and port Santiago. Advantage with ship numbers on our side cause that whole task was accomplished without major disruptions and port battle itself was a quite easy win as well. Coastguard reports A groups of fast frigates each french, danish and sporadic pirates been spotted on swedish homewaters. They are quite succesfully chased and hunt by volunteers of swedish coastguard. However it is strongly recomend for merchants to sail with frigates escort to avoid material and money loose. Danish fleet defated pirates at Cap Francais Danish first rate fleet defated pirate fleet at Cap Francais secure same time strategic position to future raids on pirate ports. Rumours are that self proclaimed pirate leader was sunked in this port battle with his lineship. Few others pirates manage to escape to nearest port and save their ships.
  3. Easy fix for too much speed. Don't allow stack speed mods just allow install one at time.
  4. F11 or send PM to one of moderators on forum with link to your record
  5. Well if this a wishlist here a few: Redone pirate role in game. Make them pirates instead a nation. Let them rides ports and limit ships size for them to make it more realistic and historical correct. Add more rewards from pvp. Make it profitable and same time reasonable in terms of ROE. Add more fractions as your idea without capitals to make world more dynamic and political situations more complex than two side conflict as now. Make clan warehouse bigger and make ranks for manage it. More clan manage tools. More roles and possibility to transfer creator privileges. Add more pve events, missions, treasure convoys etc. World is open pvp so no complain from hardcore pvp players on this i belive since more captains on the sea. Not mention on UI as we all know this need be done. And a few more...
  6. Numer siedem: English Version: Swedish Fleet conquered Bermuda After High Council meeting a division of swedish warships was send towards Bermuda. The goal of mission was to conquer and secure region and resources there. Plus rewards as Conquest marks being collected. The task was acomplished succesfully. In meantime second flotilla of warships was send to defend Grande Terre region. In defence were participated 12 privateers of Polska Flota Kaperska and operation finished successfully as well. Reports of Sweden - Denmark fights There a numerous report of Sweden - Denmark clashes. Groups of warships both nations are spotted in Gustavia and Cristiansted waters. Only two days ago a group of swedish captains board and taka as a prize danish second rate lineship Bucentaure and with escort of frigates take prize to Gustavia. Rumors from tavern and world news Group of 5 pirates called Pirates of Dark Water was spotted recently near Kingstown - Port Royal. News spread that they trying to disrupt british trade lines in area and few british captains were sunked already. Spani delcares war agains Dutch. Regional conflic near Catragena de Indias region became open war and spanish navy dispatched lineships in area.
  7. That what bring me this idea...switch off in options would be great and all will be happy.
  8. Because it bring nothing for my shooting rutine. Just have to double click every time when switching from front to back. Its useless in terms of accuracy and dispersion.
  9. Hi there What is the the point keep random fire mode when nobody using it. Just remove it please.
  10. I know this but right now its simple too easy - a few broadsides from stern or front and few sniper shoots is enough to break thick masts by skilled captain. There were different usefull tactics before wipe as well like: stern rake and side lock but now only one right is demast.
  11. IMO its way too easy atm. Never seen pvp fight without - pre demasting after wipe.
  12. IF this is allowed what the point doing "normal" PB? All want back to situations before wipe when PB were full 3 meta ships? in sake of win and own ego? Come on you can do better
  13. Numer szesc: English Version: Swedish Fleet dispatched to Haiti Big group of swedish navy ships from all major guilds was dispatched towards Haiti Island. Fourteen privateers from Polska Flota Kaperska was participated in this operation. The goal of this trip was establish a outpost on Haiti by conquer french ports in region of Port-au-Prince. Mission end full success and about twenty french navy warships retreat from port battle. Meantime there were report on few swedish vs pirates clashes. Coast guard patrols Our privateers along with few other swedish captains has patrolling swedish coast waters and nearby ports. After plenty of reports of enemy ships and small groups trying disrupt our trade routes in region - a gropus of our hunting ships were dispatched to patrol duties in area and secure trade there. Tavern rumors Danish Navy made good progress and conquer few regions on Haiti and San Juan. Dutch Navy had extended influence on Maracaibo and Caracas regions. Finally French Nany sent ships to south east part of Caribbean to secure Trinidad and Orinoco regions.
  14. No pvp in free ships. Removing basic cutters was very good step forward.
  15. Nowy film rekrutacyjny Polskiej Floty Kaperskiej - dzielo Mephistona . Rekrutujemy kaprow ! Silny oddzial floty szwedzkiej (w tym okolo 20 naszych kaprow) zalozyl outpost na Haiti zajmujac region Port-au-Prince jednoczesnie rozpoczelismy akcje zabezpieczania lokalnych wod przed piractwem. Oto wrazenie jakie wywarla jedna z naszych flot inwazyjnych w postaci okolo 80 okretow na brytyjskim kapitanie oraz kilka obrazkow z calej wyprawy:
  16. UP^^ any guilds, clans or groups want add details here? dont be shy let the world hear about your clan!
  17. Yes this is essential - clan warehouse logs and deposit/withdraw role for single members
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