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Bart Smith

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Everything posted by Bart Smith

  1. As many think to just lower production costs of the ships to 5th rate and effect will be same...but please no capture fests again. OR allow capture them but only for parts or sale (as a money reward). Whole fleets feature should be removed - but that different story - if you want fleet ask your mates to sail with you.
  2. Warehouse logs and clan ship storage - that all we need. Maybe more detailed ranks with privileges.
  3. Numer dwanascie - Wydanie Specjalne English version: WAR !!! There was disgracefull attack on Kingdom of Sweden from united flotillas of Denmark, French, British, Spanish and pirates. Brave swedish captains defend our land with passion and courage trying to defend all attacked regions. In result we manage to defend three of five regions and two will be defended in coming port battles. Swedish High Council fully condemn those yesterday`s agression acts against our kingdom. Same time we call to full mobilization and active support nation in defence of our ports. We alert about incrassed numbers of attacks on our home waters advise merchants to organize convoys with escorting ships instead sailing alone. Partycipants of last night disgracefull attack will be remember and punish for their coward acts by swedish navy. PFK privateers are fully mobilized in defend our ports arm by arm with rest od swedish guilds! United we stand !
  4. Bullshit - number of TS users are mean only all people take things serious and join nation TS if they are needed. Not like in others nations i belive, especially rats.
  5. Just cut crap talk and come fight us! As we prove last night we ready for this. Forums wars are not give you Victory marks.
  6. We were attacked by 5 nations last night and you guys mostly failed - you cant blame us for playing game and being organized. Last night shame attack will be remember for long but we are ready for it and we will stand strong against such cowards moves.
  7. Good fight indeed. See you no sea. Obviously you sailed far away recently captain - PFK is second large guild in Sweden.
  8. Posted this few time already - stop stacking same category modules. Only one in certain category allowed.
  9. Just switch off stacking of same category modules. All ships we capture recently from players were speed fitted - all count now is gank seems so.
  10. Are you serious here? Making negative reviews having 2k hours played and blackmailing devs is so funny and same time childish...but they arrr pirates what else to expect?
  11. We do and that`s why all this situation came
  12. Numer jedenascie - Wydanie Specjalne: English version: Kingdom of Denmark and Norway treat and cancel all agreements with Kingdom of Sweden In yesterday`s diplomatic note from danish diplomats to our diplomats there are some informations like: "Swedish High Council is no longer trusted partner and keep civil relationships beetween are no longer in the best intrest of Denmark. King of Denmark not pronounced orders to attack Swedish colonies but will oppose at every turn further expansion of Sweden." In react on this Swedish High Council has decided to take any essential and neccessary actions to secure our colonies and boost shipbuilding to add few more flotillas able to operate on Caribbean. Admirality of PFK had expressed amazement on whole situation and danish side explains abour reasons behind it. Insinuations abour planned attack on Denmark we treat like rumour spread by enemy of our Kingdom of Sweden. United we stand !
  13. Well mate are you want tell us to not play game or what? Or should we stay at Gustavia area so your nation can leave ports? Danes were on same level of how you call it agression. So please no more crap talk...blame us for playing game and having fun. Shocking
  14. Indeed less stupid politics more fun guys! But for me this looks like - VLTRA join Denmark and now you guys just feel you got enough to fight all server - we will see.
  15. I blame forged papers for that:P on the other hand we don`t have to sail so far away to get a fight now - very good. But as council member of Sweden - all backstabbing thing is a joke and never been discussed (at least with me). So somebody use rumors to start fight against each other.
  16. Numer dziesiec: English Version: Swedish Navy invade more ports at Bahamas! Swedish Navy flotilla had made hudge progress while take over pirate ports: Morgan`s Bluff and George`s Town. The pirates were sunk or forced to flee to other Bahama ports. In this task a group of PFK privateers were participated. We have minimal ship looses and they were fully cover by prate ship taken as a prizes. Campaign will be continue until piracy will be stopped in area. Secret agreement between some dutch and french guilds There are gossips about secret agreement between some dutch and french guilds. We dont know any details of it as its a secret. More informations about this will be printed as soon as we get some knowledge in this matter. Same time british navy made progress in Yucatan area and take over some spanish ports in this region. Spanish morale seems very low at the moment. Blueprints of few new ships are available in admirality offices Blueprints of new ships are available now in admirality of all nations. Ships like Rattlesnake Heavy, Wappen von Hamburg, Ingermanland and Niagara will be possible to build with special permits form admirality. There are speculations as well about more demand for war supplies. They are essentials during attack on enemy ports.
  17. All nations may be reward - just top three with more victory marks: Winner get 5 VM Second 3 Third 2 Rest 1
  18. Well was participate in PB today and now i know how this work. Thx.
  19. Good patch overall apart one very important thing: War supplies can now get 100% hostility Really? what is point behind this? 40% was working fine - attackers have slighty boost durning atttack and defenders get still time to gather forces and come defend. Now its wrong - attacking port only by economic supplies - where is naval action in it?. About PB group - can we create this group anytime ? if yes - should be limited to 1 hr before certain nation PB. Why Rattlesnake Heavy - and not base one? (Ratlle Heavy was OP before wipe and i love it) Especially love ability to manage clan and add clan warehouse slots - those were essentials upgraeds imo and /tiphat for implementing them. About whole map restart - system looks similar to PotBS with some changes and will happy to test it - only one concern here - "zerg" is always going to winning nation. Curious about combat news channel how it works exactly ? And this: when pirates will be pirates instead OP nation with access to all ships in game? Raids? Come on - this was promised a long long long time ago.
  20. Numer dziewiec: English version: Flotilla of PFK was dispatched towards Bahama region After High Council meeting a swedish fleet was dispatched towards Bahama area. In follow to High Council orders priority target was secure few regions at Bahamas. PFK flotilla attacked succesfully port of Nassau and with cooperation with few others guilds had won port battle. Second swedish fleet fought braverly with superior pirate forces at Morgan Bluff but without succes. Reports of swedish home waters Two days ago one of our PFK privateers - Matt - had been attacked by 5 french frigates near Gustavia/Oranjestad area. After few discussion we send chasing group after them and we manage tag them. After short chase w boarding french captain with our prize and another frigate - Suprise. Rest of french ships flee from battle. Mission succesful. Rumors from tavern and world news Rumors from spanish kingdom - one of spanish guilds VLTRA had left spanish nation and captains of this guild sailing now under danish flag. We dont know reasons of this decision but we can assuming that there are internal problems in spanish nation. After very long fight with superior pirates near Shroud Cay in wich a group of PFK privateers had participated. We lost few ships class of Mercury same time sunk at least 9 pirates. A few of our privaters manage left battle safely.
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