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Bart Smith

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Everything posted by Bart Smith

  1. There will be no server merge simple because time difference. PvE server may work this way but not on RvR PvP one until at least game population not reach 20 k active players.
  2. This is since first OW build i guess.
  3. You are. Patience please. For those who forgot: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_testing
  4. Stay on topic and cut trash talk please. You can always pm each other who got balls or who not instead doing mess on forums.
  5. Or go step forward and make WHOLE map neutral and let the nations( again - war companies pick own Capital) - by expensive charter after they conquer certain region. Captains will spawn in free towns they choose after map resart.
  6. Just open battle for weaker side until some equal BR - no npc - they most time useless.
  7. This topic is going places. I personally don`t like idea flag - just get money and buy it instead real fight during hostility. We should promote pvp aren`t we? I liked system to gain hostility by fight and support (not 100%!) by war supplies (i would say 25 % maximum). Where pvp kill gave you twice more hostility points than killing similar ship NPC. Seconary - What the point of fight inside one nation? Not get it...some X dont like Y and they start weak whole nation? rest of players suffer...because somebody big ego. Few things need to be rework: pirates mechanic and role in game (do it finally at least try! and remove bloody line ships for pirates it`s pain to my eyes) implement raids - they may be chance for some gameplay for smaller "war companies " or even clans resources balancing - if you going to move all important to center of map Need some mechanics to stop vets killing new players by coasts - maybe no reward for sinking ship smaller class than yours? Or no rewards (combat marks) for sinking merchants since they slower and weaker in combat generally. Dunno post ideas if you have one... Kind of diplomacy tool - since will be more fractions ( war companies - pick a better name btw ) we need know what`s going on and who ally with who. Overall it`s a risk to make big mess on OW and some players may be confused who they can attack, why somebody attack them etc... Few more in my mind...will write soon
  8. All been said already pal. And devs made decission.
  9. Can we lock this here? There is no solutions for healthy RvR in global enviroment. Playerbase may suffer but again what the point to play when you will loose ports during your nightime? Or you will be limited from RvR because locked time slots. Remember before server split few here yapping how to Global will be great. People had a choice and most pick server and same times slots suit them. Do not dig it again in this grave.
  10. Or mix them somehow. I told you this in 2014...btw Take what was good from there...
  11. Please - no flags again. That was worst idea ever imo. And no 100% hostility eco bomb...
  12. Why reply mistakes from the past - one server simple dosen`t work before that why we got EU server and Global. People picked one suit them or some playing on both.
  13. Jezeli zmiany zapowiedziane przez Admina wejda w zycie moze warto pomyslec o utworzeniu Ligi Hanzeatyckiej jako owej - kompani wojenno-handlowej: https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanza
  14. Dont forget to rework pirate mechanics with this - 5 rate maximum should be works fine for riding ports and try plunder warehouses.
  15. Are you used both already captain? If meaning of nation will be lower let us pick own nationality instead.
  16. This may be depend on company rank - members get basic pay out, officers more and leaders bit more to cover expenses
  17. Or just allow create those charters for companies - they may be very expensive but allow create own flags for example or even own special ship paintings.
  18. Ready to try. I guess Hanseatic League will born soon and unite most swedish clans
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