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Bart Smith

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Everything posted by Bart Smith

  1. We are same good as rest i bet. Just better organisation and very good PB leader(s).
  2. Great you doing some progress. Wonder how many new nations will be in..Keep doing good job!
  3. Hope that was obvious that you cant attack own nation.
  4. Yes. That plus new nations sounds like good features. Do this asap please.
  5. I just love this optimism all over the place...just love it! Admin just add nation called: MOANERS or SNIVELLERS dunno...and pack them all there.
  6. Well same Poland instead push towards ukraine, russia and black sea they might build stronger fleet defat danish blockades and set up some colonies on "new world" Courland done this as a vassal of Poland so why not 20 times bigger country? Just use imagination - instead stick to raw historical facts.
  7. New nations in hardcore mode without capitals and protection zones will do job i guess. Plus we need raids and maybe alliances back in different shape - maybe one ally per nation. So many times i said make pirates a pirates and remove them from RvR - they can hunt traders, raid and plunder ports or help other nations as screening.
  8. Is you know something i don`t? But same time its realistic when pirates sailing 25 lineships? or you teleport to ports? Stop "cherry picking" realism
  9. Game is no more historical correct from some time already. For a sake of gameplay it just can`t be 100% historical accurate.
  10. I think you misunderstand this but thx for tip.
  11. Do something new and add more nations - rest related games got typical setup: brits, spanish, french and pirates - boring as hell.
  12. Brawo TY! Anyway War is over. Come on devs gave us what promised so we can shake this map soon.!
  13. C`mon mate i never even sailed that way:) too lazy to do so. Have fun anyway until devs decide make pirates a proper pirates with brigs etc:)
  14. So now sealclubbing rats noobies? C`mon you guys can do better for sure.
  15. Nice elaborate. Shame you guys just give up without ONE proper pb. Even French were more brave
  16. For many reasons. Challenge. Possibility play under own flag. Curiosity. Etc...
  17. What is a difference for searching pvp as a brit and rat. Please elaborate😉
  18. Since british gave up and switch to rats natural target for "swerg" seems rats now Damm i love pace of RvR here
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