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Bart Smith

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Everything posted by Bart Smith

  1. After nearly 400 years Danmark blockading Sund not allowing our fleets leave Baltic Sea. Danmark ride few times our homewaters and burn our ships. Now finnaly we arrive to the New World and we have moral right to establish our colony and take ports we need to secure our colonies.
  2. First outpost established. Port Barahona is under polish crown control.
  3. Kontradmiral in Commonwealth of Poland should be: Kontradmirał. Please fix it.
  4. I said we fine with this and we not complaining. Read carefully next time. All i saying is: this is short-seeing behavior mostly from those who cry after how game is broken and no pvp but they acting exactly to make game look this way. For me pure hypocrisy
  5. From what i saw yesterday near few freeports: a bunch of ganking squads lurking and trying catch people who moving stuff to new nations. We fine with this but this is same time sign of short-seeing and instead leave new nations and allow establish them for a healthy population balance which surely boost OW activity and whole RvR. But nah they decide gank from first day and kill it. Same people will be complain in next few days there is no PvP or RvR is a joke. Hypocrisy.
  6. First dispatch a Commonwealth of Poland warships came yesterday to south Haiti coast to establish colony in there. After arrive flotilla was sent to secure nearby port Barahona.
  7. Commonwealth of Poland Navy reached destination and soon will establish some colonies at Caribbean. All volunteers, captains fancy join our matter and fight for glory please contact us on our TS: deadecho.pl:9988
  8. We want invite all captains and clans who are interesting in joining Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth to our TS: deadecho.pl:9988 from monday (16/10). We want discuss some things about our next steps as a nation. Thank you.
  9. Guys stay on topic please. Futher offtopic will be hide. Thank you. On topic: Sejm Wielki uchwalil po burzliwych obradach ustawe rzadowa o wyslaniu flotylli na wody Karaibow: Cele nie sa jawne i tylko najwyzsza ranga admiralicja i oficerowie zostali o nich poinformowani: W stoczniach zaczeto budowac i wodowac okrety potrzebne na ekspedycje oraz gromadzic zapasy: Nawiazaly za nami kontakt tez grupy piratow operujace na wodach karaibow i wyrazily chec plywania pod nasza bandera. ENG The Great Parliament after hot disscusion have made decison to send polish flotilla to Caribbean. The goals are covered in secrecy and only Admirality and high ranks officers have this knowledge. Shipyards started building ships essential to expedition and gather resources. Few groups of pirates operating at caribbean waters have agreed to sail under Poland-Lithuania Commonwealth flag to support our matter.
  10. Not sure this will be enough but maybe others know?
  11. Good one - Babay i heard you RUS not join Russia in game. Is that true? If yes - why?
  12. Seems more balance - one tow. Im not big fan of towing at all because taking off elemets of strategic suprise attacks but for sake of action there is second bottom. Fight from start around spawn shallow port may hurt those completly new in game...but they will have chance leave area in basic cutters and sail to own nation ports (if any)
  13. Guys i love this discussion but please stay on topic Just wait and see what monday brings in terms of new nations and population in currents ones. I hope this will be balanced somehow by us - players.
  14. You simple just can't know this now. Who knows how coming patch change nations populations...
  15. Decision was made since first OW build hit live servers to be honest. Having own country and not sail for it ? We just can`t... About swerg - reply many of us here: good organization, participation and good leaders. All you need to do some dam good RvR
  16. Well i was thought that tow is temporary for few weeks until new nations settle down on map.
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