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Bart Smith

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Everything posted by Bart Smith

  1. LOL. Otto "pirates is my life" Khol under read coat...shame on you. How you can look in the mirror being a "lolbrit" ? Make my day
  2. Small battle near Fort Royal: Forts save rest french ships - we take no risk to charge them. GF
  3. -77 kk Brits -82 kk Dons Really guys? how many PvE you doing to unkeep this fallen empires?
  4. Hear ye! Hear ye! Call to Arms This is a call to arms to enfold anyone we can reach. Your King and Country need you! Enlist in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Navy and sail for a glory! Both clans PFK and GIB are looking for new captains who want to join their ranks! Fancy a challenge? Join Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth today! You can find us on TS: deadecho.pl:9988 United we stand!
  5. Problem is not timer here but reinforced circle on land and impossible to reinforce. We got this in first Barahona PB - some swedish came screen but they cant join battle Rubli made with danish alt (or friend) because circle to join danish side was on land. So in this case your proposal not help at all. Combine your proposal with fixing of reinforcement circle placement would work better than system we got now i guess.
  6. @Imperator1 GJ Ram @Klava Pupkina we will be for defence no worry mate! Barahona - round two
  7. Admin said: "As we said we can provide ship compensation. Regarding mark compensation its impossible to calculate as we don't have time (due to tutorial rush). Maybe someone can calculate the marks based on after battle tab (and we can provide marks for those who got kills and they can then give them out to their assisters)." So read it carefully once again before you make statements like that. Calculate your side marks and pm @admin or here.
  8. Continuing using this bug/abuse of game mechanics or call it as you want...taking out huge part of OW warfare and basically make PB a lobby style.
  9. Sure it is - who better demasting now - win fights. We got few examples last 2 evenings in our (less experienced) fleet vs Rubli. Add to this bigger disparity in PvP reward upgrades than vets can exchange and make them even more OP vs newcomers.
  10. To refresh ya`ll memory: Three new nations are experiment to test mechanics with no safe zones and no reinforcements. Hope we prooved that could work for ALL nations. Personally i would gladly see this in game before official release date.
  11. @admin If you giveaway marks for PB we sunk 1 Victory, 1 Bucentaure and one Surprise. But maybe somebody have screenshot as a proof because i may be wrong on this. All i found is screenshot from early stage of PB:
  12. Guys maybe cut this pointless conversation here. Facts are: we lost PB, then bug happen. About hiding in battle: If official developers statement is: you can tag your friend (alt) from other nation and hide in battle (reinforce circle on land) so there is no point continue argue. I personally think this is not great mechanics but for now this is it. Maybe developers redone it at some point as few other issues people reporting. At the end we are testing rabbits here - do not forgot this and leave "real" wars and conflicts for after release time being.
  13. Not sure if he left or not but he lost his ship. I think rest spawn with pre-battle amount of repairs etc. Maybe server can`t handle so many mast hits?
  14. Not all ships we lost at least one Victory - Cr33D ship
  15. Well. Sorry to hear this Rubli. We agree with defat and if you guys want just flip it again and we can reply fight or giveaway Barahona without fight. Up to you. We dont want be blame of anything bad happend last night. Our goal was defend our capital but not by server crash. We got our pride and honour.
  16. No doubt we lost it and nobody will question this. But we quite happy from PB as we fought one of the best vest on server with few people who participate first time in PB! /Tiphat for good fight
  17. Question: so i can cover port unkeep but what about port income in this situation (without CW) ? Are this will be paid into my wallet?
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