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Everything posted by OochyCoo

  1. did everyone lose their saved progress with the new patch?
  2. Im struggling now with pocket battleship - the french battle cruiser just runs off at incredibly high speed and I cannot make a build that can keep up with enough armour to survive. So much for "enemy will never retreat" I see that on a lot of missions but they do in fact retreat as fast as possible.
  3. i went with a lot of torpedoes, 9inch twin mains and a lot of 8 inch secondaries - with as much armour as i could manage on second inspection i went for numbers - see second picture
  4. Thanks for the input Draconins - a long time since I looked at the pacific campaigns - it was good to re-read these two accounts. Not sure if this proves what I mean though - it was only truly effective either from planes, subs or perhaps as in this case when using Japanese long lance torpedoes. The American torpedoes were deemed either defective or launched out of range (not sure if that was ever concluded satisfactorily). If you tried to re-enact either battle in the game chances are pretty much every torpedo from both sides will have caused enormous damage with both sides probably losing over 50% of the ships. As an example I just completed the torpedo banzai mission by sinking two US battleships (out of a fleet with 3bb 1bc 2cl 9dd) with 7 Japanese destroyers (although I did lose 6 of them). I will also confess I was thinking more so of battles involving capital ships and primarily thinking of world war one to early world war two era technologies - Im not sure what the remedy would be in game - maybe its just me - but it just feels out of kilter.
  5. There is recoil - I think the only time there isnt is where its a ceremonial charge and no projectile
  6. Im finding "prove your might" to be difficult - the major issue is the accuracy - the enemy fleet seem to be at least two or three times as accurate as whatever build I can put forward. It just feels unbalanced - I have yet to succeed although I have been very close twice out of about a dozen attempts Conversely I found the mission where its a battleship versus a fleet of enemy destroyers (10 or 12 I think) is beatable by equipping a battleship hull with very small main armament and tons of secondarys and loads of torpedo launchers - that also doesnt feel right being able to beat it that way and the design is in no way realistic. Generally I think there is an issue with torpedoes - the gunnery side of things mostly works quite well - but torpedoes just seem to be overly accurate and too damaging in comparison. And i mean from both sides of the coin here - you can use them and sink a ton of enemy ships and you can also fall victim to the same. I'm not aware of any major sea battle where torpedoes were so decisive, except where aircraft were involved.
  7. Forgive me if I have missed an option or am posting in the wrong place - having just purchased the game I have to say it is very entertaining. I’ve settled into it pretty much right way and enjoy it immensely. For suggestions on enhancements would the following be feasible? In no particular order just thoughts that occur:- 1. Animation of crew/builders when in dockyard building the ship and prior to launch. 2. When conducting custom battles I don’t seem able to save my ship designs – can a save option be added? 3. When completing a custom battle I seem to exit much more quickly than a naval academy mission – so I don’t get chance to watch the ships sink or survey the damage – at least that is my experience on 1v1 battles. Can an exit battle button be added in the corner somewhere and I be left in the screen until I press it? You guys have done a really great job all round – looking forward to enjoying this game for quite some time!
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