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  1. Hi Guys, I'm sorry, but Alpha 8 still doesn't get it. Here's a perfect example (Thank You, BrotherMunro): His formation is so simple. A single BB screened by two DDs. The DDs almost screw up at the beginning, but manage to recover. But then, only to lose it altogether and go into a synchronized swimming meet, followed by (coitus, according the BrotherMunro), Tea, Crumpets and a Ciggy. It took him quite a while to figure out how to get them unscrewed. Sorry guys, but the most basic issue (formation control) is not (as of v76) being addressed. I want you guys to be successful. It's a beautiful game. DM me guys. We'll talk. I wrote stuff like this over 40 years ago.
  2. Hi Nick. Have you guys had a chance to try out Predictive Line-Astern Rule 1: What to do if too close to your lead ship (above)? I know it sounded counter-intuitive, but it really works. Did you like it? If so, I can tell you about Rule 2: What to do if you are too far behind your lead ship. I can show you some interesting formation moves on that one. Then you top that off with Rule 3: Speed Differential Modifiers, and line-astern will be really, really good. Maybe too good. You might have to add a Difficulty Slider. 😄 Anyway, the game is gorgeous. Just gotta fix a few things. Once line-astern is fixed, I can show you how to do a lead ship change without telling him to actually turn 180. And that way, he can fit himself back into formation at the proper spot, without losing whatever speed he has left. Cheers!
  3. The issue is line-astern formation is reactive, not predictive. This is a real problem, because every other formation type is based upon it. You can get the same from a division of 5 fast DD's moving at flank. Just turn the lead DD left or right 90 degrees. What will happen? DD2 will start closing on DD1, due to his turn. So, he slows down without changing course. Only when the range is correct again, will he speed up and change course, being dragged onto the new course by DD1 and now moving too slowly to ever catch up to him. This is reactive, not predictive. DD3 will close rapidly on DD2 and, unable to avoid collision, will start turning circles. DD4 will do the same as DD3. DD5 may go into circles or he may actually just come to a complete stop. Does this sound familiar? With a predictive formation, you could turn DD1 at flank, and every DD behind would fall right into place, never breaking stride, like a lazy cat's tail. And the change is so simple. Instead of waiting for the proper range to come to you (like slowing down), attack the proper range. So, in the case of DD1 and DD2, DD1 suddenly turns 90 degrees. DD2 is closing on DD1. For every meter that he is too close, he needs to aim his ship that many meters up the dotted line that connects the two. DD2 will start turning towards DD1 immediately. The closer DD2 gets, the farther up that line he will aim and the harder his turn will get. At some point, DD1 will be getting away from him again and DD2 will start reducing his turn, still aiming at the point on that line as it is now getting closer to him, until the point is his own bow. You will see that DD2 will follow DD1 perfectly and end up at the proper range while never reducing speed. Every DD behind him will do the same. It will be beautiful. Believe me. You will need this if you ever want any formation control to work properly. I could help you with those too, but you have to do this one first.
  4. At the end of the scenario, the game should just pause, allowing you to review the logs. At the same time, battles should also begin paused. This would prevent a few dozen torpedoes launching at the very start, at long range and little chance to hit. And it would give the player a chance to turn off torpedoes first.
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