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The Maned Wolf

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Posts posted by The Maned Wolf

  1. 38 minutes ago, SiWi said:

    you answering a post direct at me but mean other people, so I'm wrong assuming you mean me?

    Yeah alright.


    You recommending "to properly read" comments is a bit of a irony, given you didn't released that I was quoting you, about the part you then turned and complained. 

    When I say you're wrong, I mean in reference to the post you quoted rather than my own post which you referred to, I realise I did not make that clear enough. Also I told you to read because you're quoting a post that wasn't even about you, we had moved on from you at that point, nothing more needed to be said, I understood your points and your opinion and I respect it.

  2. 8 hours ago, SiWi said:

    can someone point me where I called the campaign a mechanic, outside of quoting Maned Wolf?

    Because I only remember writing:

    "the campaign and its mechanics".


    Maybe some people should read the comments they try to correct.

    If I misread your original post on that part then I do apologise for that, although that was more aimed at several other people who were indeed calling the campaign a core mechanic so you are massively incorrect on this one. And whilst I could make some retort to that, I promised not to argue with you again so I will simply ask that you do the same thing you said in the last sentence and look over what he was actually referring to where I wasn't correcting you but instead someone else who was indeed mistaking the two, I would also recommend properly reading over the points I brought up in my previous posts and at least try and take a balanced look at both sides.

  3. 2 minutes ago, The_Real_Hawkeye said:

    Just to throw that in quickly, 2. is one of the most requested features on the forum.

    It is promised to come, but atm, only with the campaign, which will be some 6 months (don't ask me why the one is tied to the other, I don't understand it either)

    None of us do. I mean, you think would be easy enough to add in on its own.

    • Like 1
  4. 10 hours ago, Ruan said:

    You could not play his silly little game and give feedback and criticism. For all he knows he could just as easily be the minority. Regardless, there is nothing wrong with being upset about delays or directions of development and voicing that opinion. So long as your respectful about it.

    Apologies. Sarcasm is hard to convey over the internet. I do not side with him and I was instead trying to mock his stance that valid criticism doesn't exist.

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  5. 2 hours ago, Ruan said:

    I would also say, in addition to missing mechanics, that if more and more people are starting to complain then perhaps the mechanics are in contrast to the pitch or description of the game. Which on the steam page is "extremely in depth realistic combat model" but we have something that's, in my opinion, starting to rival WoWS arcade. It's confusing and aggravating when I see the pitch clearly directed towards "realism" and the simulator crowd but then the game doesn't hold up.

    Shhhhh! You heard what shieldy44 said, no crying/criticism allowed

  6. 11 minutes ago, shieldy44 said:

    the simple fact is this GAME is someone elses vision and I am sure they are working really hard and to the limits of their ability to make the game they invision happen, it makes it really hard to be a part of this community when there is no feedback just page after page of people complaining because someone isnt making they game they saw in their mind, there is a big community of us that love this game and the content in it and are very happy to continue to let these guys work their hearts out and make a beautiful game

    It's not about the whether the game fits our vision or not. And yes, we do appreciate the work the developers have done with it. Our problem (if you would actually take some time to read what we are putting instead of just typing up your response when you clearly have only seen some trigger words.) Is that with the long delays to the campaign and nothing coming out before then, there is not enough content here to keep people interested until the campaign does come out, thus no one's going to pick up this game since there isn't much here, they're all going to wait till things are done, thus it is highly likely that the game just won't survive the launch to steam early access.

    • Like 1
  7. Okay, since quite a few of us are in agreement on this and I do fear what could happen otherwise. I would like to petition the developers to delay working 100% on the campaign and still add and fix some more things first such as custom battles and some of the other things the community feels need fixing in-order to have a solid Game base from which the campaign can be based on.

  8. 4 hours ago, TAKTCOM said:

    Nope. Campaign isn't feature. This is the main game mode.

     It doesn't matter if it is the main or a minor game-mode, a game-mode is still a feature, not a mechanic of the game. It certainly can include core mechanics of the game, but it isn't one in and of itself.

    Mechanics: Things like resources, UI, contrrols.
    Features: Groups of mechanics bundled up into playable aspects of the game.

    Basically, a game can exist without things like a campaign, sure it wouldn't be a very good game, but they are just features, though I'm not trying to de-value their importance. A game cannot exist at-all without core mechanics.

  9. 3 minutes ago, SiWi said:

    your fake apologies can go where the sun doesn't shine.

    And its a quote from you to call them " so-called core-mechanic". You are the one being confuse by you own words.



    I was just telling you that the campaign isn't a core-mechanic at all but a feature. I'm not annoying everyone, in-fact quite a lot of people agreed with the points I brought up, it's just you who is taking it as a personal affront.

    But I'm going to be the one to extend the olive branch here, let's just stop arguing over petty and meaningless things like this, I apologise to you personally for being so passive aggressive and I'm willing to move on if you are willing to do the same.

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  10. 14 minutes ago, SiWi said:

    thats  rich from the mister who deiced that his personal opinion has to be the one of evryoen because he said so.

    "so called core mechanic".

    1 of three pages advertising the game is about the CAMPAIGN and its mechanics.

    Custom battles aren't even mentioned. 


    But hey because you don't care about them, they aren't important.

    I already apologised for using such language and once more, I'M SORRY FOR USING A TERM OF SPEECH CALLED EXAGGERATION, please feel free to let me know if any more of my use of the English language offends you.

    And you're getting confused between mechanics and features. Reason I said "So-called" is because a campaign IS A FEATURE.

    Mechanics: a game mechanic is an action that the player can perform in the game, along with the action’s as well as what allows the player to perform said actions: (Damage, resources, ship design and constraints. All these are mechanics in this game)

    • cue (situation motivating player to perform the action)
    • resources or other requirements needed to perform the action
    • reward for performing the action successfully (or penalty for performing it unsuccessfully).

    Features: A game feature is a much broader term. It is any descriptive aspect of a game’s design, art, audio, or technical capabilities, including:

    • The game mechanics, or set of related mechanics grouped into systems.
    • Inventory items available to player
    • Number and types of enemies in the game
    • Number of mission and/or levels in the game
    • Multiplayer modes
    • Music tracks and quality
    • Input devices supported
    • Game performance metrics
    • and so on.
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  11. 8 minutes ago, Skeksis said:

    I agree with you brother.

    Bumping Custom Battles upgrades ahead of the campaign would tie the community over in the interim.

    Such a powerful tool Custom Battles is and will be, especially in re-enactments, it could carry the game on it’s own too, promoting Custom Battles importance level is 'vital' to the community. 


    Agreed and this is something that most people on here do understand, unfortunately, there do seem to be some who feel that any delay to the campaign, no-matter if it could mean the life-or death of this game is a personal affront to them.

    A game only gets one launch, one first-impression and as it is, I fear its launch on steam lacking content and features, especially if nothing else is coming for 5+ months could very well spell the death of this game.

    • Like 1
  12. 15 minutes ago, SiWi said:

    please enlightening me why you believe that a feature promise from the start should be effectively skipped "till core mechanics are "fix"" because someone randomly decided that this is what the "loyal playerbase" wants? 

    Also I call BS on your claim that custom battles were the main feature of the game.

    Custom battles are nice distractions but lacking any context or consequence and are pretty meaningless. And I'm pretty sure the Devs agree otherwise they wouldn't have promise a campaign from the very beginning.


    Also nice of your to admit that all the talk of "what most people want" only translates to "BUT I WANT THAT!"


    Also the fact that you assume that a new ship hull or two now and then would be somehow more contend, then a campaign with 20+ hours playtime. If you are worried that people abandon the game, you would push for the campaign being delivered. 



    Listen here, if you take a moment to stop being a whiny hypocrite actually read what I've said, you would realise that I'm not even saying it should be skipped, only delayed and  the reason I'm saying this so-called core-mechanic should be delayed until basic features are in the game are added in and fixed is simply that otherwise without substance the game simply won't survive the 5+ months needed to get even a basic very early alpha of this so-called core feature into the game. Without anything to keep them interested, the player-base will just wither and die and not enough new players will be interested, simply put, without more in it, the game simply won't survive long enough for your core-mechanic to make it into the game. Now I hope I'm wrong but past experience has taught me this is the most likely course of the game in its current state if the devs are as they say going to focus 100% of their efforts into the campaign from now on.

    Yes, I do see how any delays would frustrate you, but it's not like the campaign is going to be delivered tomorrow either, as the devs themselves said, it will take at least 5-6 months with them putting 100% of their effort into it and that's not counting further delays. Now tell me, do you really feel there is enough content here to keep the playerbase interested for that long, let alone bring in any new players? Because if we're reading it right, nothing else of any significance if anything is going to come for 5+ months and even then it has been said that will only be the earliest alpha framework of the campaign, the bare-bones minimum.

  13. 20 minutes ago, The_Real_Hawkeye said:

    Oh, I agree that it would be great to be able to design, well, all the ships, you own and the enemy's, in the custom battles (and friggin being able to save them) and would keep a _lot_ of people busy while waiting for the campaign. 

    I don't really argue against that and as I said, I can wait for the campaign to be "finished" and a month or two more to add the above functionality wouldn't kill me.

    I mostly replied just because it really, really annoys me when people on forums (even more so on social media) assume to know what other people want  :)

    Understandable and I'm sorry that I offended you and anyone else with that comment, I didn't mean to offend you or anyone else through assuming.

  14. 44 minutes ago, The_Real_Hawkeye said:

    Was there a poll or something I missed, where the majority of buyers said that they want the game mainly for playing historical scenarios?

    If so, could you perhaps point me to said poll?


    As for me, I don't pretend to know the reason the majority of people has spend money no this game, but I personally am not interested in scenarios (well, perhaps a little bit), but got the game in order to play the campaign.

    Now I'm not searching for torches and pitchforks and I do feel that it is better to release late than in a horrible state, but the fact remains that the campaign will be my personal main focus - and from what I have seen on this forum, there seems to be an at least non-insignificant part of the community who shares this view.

    Okay, most was too strong a word and yes I understand that the campaign may be a big  thing on your list, but you have to admit it's not worth torpedoing the whole game over and putting no other content out at the critical point of the game's launch just so the campaign can come out sooner.

    I would rather wait longer for the campaign and have more stuff to do in the meantime rather than still have to wait a long time for the campaign but have nothing to do on this game till then. Naval academy doesn't interest me at all and by the sounds of it, custom battles is in pretty poor shape, so that leaves me with nothing to do for about 5 or 6 months and that's bar any other delays that are very likely to happen. Does this sound interesting or like it would bring in a lot of new players to you?

    I know it could delay things even further, but I feel that us being able to design enemy ships in custom battles rather then pre-set AI ships could add a lot of life and content to this game for a comparatively small update when compared to the campaign and since I'm sure we all bought this for the battles over management aspects (since there are games that are much more focused on that which are already out.), being able to have better control over battles and ships would at least give players more to do whilst we wait for a campaign.

    • Like 2
  15. On 6/24/2020 at 2:58 PM, SiWi said:


    you need to get explained to you why the campaign is important?



    Also I love how the vocal voices of the forum gets to assume to be the "loyal playerbase" then it could be very be a fringe minority.

    Like almost every game forum ever.

    While people wanting the campaign are "casual". 

    Please enlighten us as to why a game most people are purchasing out of the hope to re-create great naval battles and building their own unique ships amongst other things needs a campaign to be the main focus over fixing numerous issues, its custom battles element and other modes, when the custom battles and ship designing is the main feature people are buying it for. When I purchase something like this or Total war games, I purchase it for the custom battles and being able to create my own scenarios, the campaign is just a nice bonus I will try out occasionally. But no, now we hear that no, we're not going to get anything that we want for a very long time if ever and with there apparently not being enough content here to tide people over, especially without more fleet and ship design options in custom battles and all the developer's time being focused into a campaign that is still very far from being in Alpha stages I worry if the developer's focus on campaign over more content is going to kick the legs out from under the game before it even launches as going into early access with about a year till more proper content can come sounds like an instant death-sentence, especially when there is not enough here to tide people over until more content comes given the current road-map.

    Yes a campaign might be important, but it's not important enough to jettison the rest of the game out the window for.

    I'm sorry to be so negative and I have nothing against the developers, it's just that past experience with early access titles and how quickly they can be abandoned by the community and left to die when there is a lack of new content and not enough substance already in the game really has me worried for the life-line of this game.

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  16. On 6/17/2020 at 1:56 PM, Ink said:

    Admiral, the question has been answered here: 


    Problem is, that answer is kind of vague and not really the one we were looking for, it is just saying what we already knew from a while ago that we were getting them before the steam release. I think we're more interested in time-frame we can roughly expect it in. I realise this probably isn't possible and after an announcement we were supposed to get about it weeks ago never happened it is understandable. I do just want to ask if there is anything more you can tell us other than we'll get it before the the steam release.

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  17. As the title says. I know we were supposed to be getting an announcement on it and that we would be receiving them before the game goes live on steam though so far we haven't heard anything else back about it. Is there any more info that the devs can share with us now? Such as a likely time-frame in which we can expect our keys.

  18. On 4/3/2020 at 6:21 AM, Druzki said:

    This is about player freedom, which is very important in a sandbox game. If we're given the ability to design enemy ships, it doesnt mean that the option to fight AI designed ships won't exist.

    Exacxtly. Part of why I like these sort of games is being able to set up custom scenarios and see how they play out, not everyone is in it 100% for the challenge. I want to set up some custom ship designs and have mock fleet battles, is that such a bad thing?

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