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Posts posted by StalkerJames

  1. i would love to have x-ray mode like world of warships and able to select armor thickness for individual plates, but its probably beyond the scope of this project. So i suggest expanding the current model to simulate real world armor system. Currently, a ship is divided into 3x7=21 sections and the main belt only protects the middle 5 sections. i suggest to expand it to 4x7 as the picture shown below.

    1.Two armor schemes with different armor layout: Flat deck on top of belt & Turtleback.
    2. Belt armor is divided into two belts: Upper and lower, allowing tapered belt armor design.
    3. The bottom 5 sections are protected by Bulkhead
    4. Deck armor is placed differently depending on the selected armor scheme.
    5. For turtleback or protected cruiser armor schemes, the deck armor extends below the waterline. If a shell hits the upper belt, it has to penetrate both the upper belt and deck armor to reach the vital area. Similar to above, a shell that hits the lower belt has to penetrate both the lower belt and sloped armor deck.



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