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Posts posted by Tomtom

  1. On 3/20/2020 at 6:38 AM, Marshall99 said:

    In my opinion we realy need them. For historical reasons, and for the fun factor also. 

    +1 it would be nice to have some disruptive camouflage as well ... could be a nice asset to lower enemy accuracy and be cool as well

    • Like 1
  2. my two cents : I did struggle at the beginning but I have spent some time watching the youtube videos from Stealth17gaming or The History Guy , it did helped me a lot about learning the game dynamics , about what does work and what doesn't . Here you will find useful information about how to get the upper hand during combats .

    Getting the most from your ship and a good knowledge to spot what are your strenghts and your weakspots compared to the enemy is essential . It does take a while.  Sometime a 16¨ gun is WAY more efficient than a 18¨, sometimes it's necessary to have only 2 guns per turret to gain some accuracy, and to save some weight to trade for armor ect ect ... There is a LOT of choices available to build an efficient ship . Sometime the choices I made were VERY bad sometimes they paid off.

    My ships had the nasty tendancy to detonate then I realized that my tactics were wrong and my design could be improved . Afterwards, it's getting better and better .

    Try the custom battle : 1Super BB against a single ship, then against multiple ships and so on

    Keep on going ! ;)

    • Like 1
  3. Some good things to add in my opinion:

    -ship behavior : it would be nice to set an "erratic" pattern for DD's to do some zigs-zags route in the way to the target  or some other predetermined pattern for heavier units.

    -launching torp without aiming (like in Wow) , in order to force the enemy units to manoeuver.

    -torpedo aiming cone : to know how to put our unit in the correct position to have a descent firing solution

    -as said before : more information about bearing and heading of our ship and of the enemy ships as well

    • Like 2
  4. Hi guys,

    I am really struggling on this one , destroy 70% of the BB's well protected by a swarm of DD with 22km torpedoes before a big bully will join the party  .

    I tried many different configs (1 super BB with 4x3 18", best rangefinder , good armor , worked ok with 2BB and 5 DD sunk but when the remaining  badly damaged enemy BBs escape , they are covered by the super BB @30kt in the opposite direction . So at the end, not enough speed to close the distance and only few rounds left (even with increased shells) . Building 2 BB's with a fair balance of gunpower and survivability (4x3 16"), I could barely sunk 1 BB and damage @40% another one , and then same story, escape @30kt , and a Super BB which has the range to finish my BBs off. 


  5. Warning newbie here !

    hello folks, happy to join the party , I hope my question is not too stupid ... I managed to achieve 31 out of 35 academy missions but I am still struggling.

    How does work the computation of the ammo-rack damage ? Sometime when I get "hooded" , my shiny BB is blown apart (2000-3000 damage) in one blow and the ammorack on the enemy ships are around 60 to 200 , with similar armor thickness, bulkeads, distance, chance to penetrate, gun size ...

    I tried to minimize the chance of detonation on the shipyard but I still got some nasty detonations .

    many thanks for your feedbacks and advices


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