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Posts posted by PatriotASR

  1. 4 hours ago, pandakraut said:

    Saves are always compatible

    Any idea when the update will be available? I played through Newport News and it was not perfect, but not horrible. Countercharging tired my troops out and they were all very tired/exhausted so usless for the end, but it did lead to some nice captures. I started the 1st Bull Run and it's so diffeferent to the past that nothing I do seems to work properly.

    I added a screen shot just before everything goes bad for me.


  2. So I finished the Union on MG. Except Fort Stevens where I really had to lower the scaling to 0.7 from 1, the rest was great. Chicamagua was a bit of a pain for my ally units (all the captures of my troops are from that battle), but the rest of the battle was fun to play. You made a great mod. One thing you could think about is the second day of Richmond, after I crushed them in the first day, the second was a walk over - literally. It would be fun if you could reinforce the CSA for the second day to make it work. The second thing is, would it be possible to show true casualties in multiday battles? The problem is (as you know) when you reinforce the casualties from day one are erased.

    Is it possible that the artillery ammo bug disapears? I had huge problems at Chichamagua, Stones River and Mule Shoe, but non at all at Cold Harbour and other later battles.

    Now for CSA.





    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, pandakraut said:

    Some of the other changes appear to have affected this battle more than intended. Will try to get some kind of initial update into the next release. In the meantime I'd just use the /mod/rebalance/AIConfigFile to adjust it a bit.  Give AIscalingSizeMultiplier of .7 a try maybe?

    I tried a quick battle (on fast, no micro), the numbers were 44kv66k and my lines just held. That should be the sweet spot.

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  4. Fort Stevenes...

    I crushed the enemy in every battle. Cleared the field in all major battles (or at least 90% of his force), same for most "small" battles in the later game. I killed 90k at Gettysburg, 100k at Cold Harbour (each battle they had 400+ cannons), loss ration in most battles was 1:4-1:5 Now I am facing 5000 3* at Fort Stevens and 1200 men artillery brigades with my 1500 brigades.

    I added the pictures for proof and help. Before Cold Harbour the enemy got (as the report said) 69.000 new troops. What I am supposed to do?

    EDIT: I also have to add that the nerfing of artillery is good, but the ammo cost is horrible. I had to sell every spare cannon and rifle and take the money with reputation to fill my supplies after Mule Shoe and I have 10 logistics.











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  5. I have 2 questions for you who play 1.28

    1. What 3* do you pick for your general? I usually go for cover, but the exp add seems good as well, how does that work? Does every unit in the range of the general get a 25% boost to exp?

    2. Anyone have any good tips for Parker's crossing and Stones river? Parker's crossing was a pain before, but now it's just a drain on manpower with his 3* skirmishers firing on me from all angles. I get a 1.5 or 2:1 kill ratio, but lossing 4k men in a battle like this is a pain. At Stones river I allways manged to hold the right flank and drain the enemy, then counter and sweep them off the field. Now the Cav is outflaking me and even their rifle cav is charging my skirmishers in the woods. I will try some other things, but if anyone has any good ideas Iam open.

    • Like 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, pandakraut said:

    Looks like the AI took advantage of some insufficiently supported artillery :) 

    May have to adapt prior approaches to this battle a bit.

    I did that and it helped. Then I went for a flaking move and discovered he deployed his skirmisher in just the right spot to stop me.

    Before the Ai stopped me by sheer numbers. In 1.28 they have somehow become smarter. Credit to you guys, you made one hell of a mod.


    • Like 1
  7. 13 hours ago, pandakraut said:

    Potentially yes, but the follow-up there would be that the stats would need to come from your veterans, which requires you to actually lose units to captures before you can have an exchange.

    Other options do exist, but at the moment the veteran pool seems pretty healthy as is from what I've seen. But it's something that we'll keep in mind in the future.

    Couldn't those stats be taken from the men gone missing during battles? I know you get some of them back, but it wouldn't it make sense that (at least some of) the rest become prisoners?

    Just an idea. I agree with you that the veteran situation is much better dealt with then in the vanilla, althou I miss creting dozens of 3* from a few really got veterans - but that was cheesy.


  8. 2 hours ago, pandakraut said:

    If a unit is exhausted, morale is capped at 50%(steady). If you have a negative penalty to morale from reputation, this reduces your morale stat and also your morale cap in battle. This can result in a unit being stuck at wavering for an extended period. 

    Are you sure your condition isn't going up at all over time? Are you continuing to fire and reload while you wait? Or is the unit actually resting? Especially for snipers with long reload time weapons you can wear them out relatively quickly if you are firing and moving constantly.

    Multiple players have commented on crampton's gap, so an extra 30 minutes is getting added to that battle in the next patch. You can increase the timerRecommendedMultiplier to 1.2 to replicate this until the patch comes out. I'm not sure what you'd need to set the endofDayMultiplier to exactly, but maybe try 1.05.

    The things you describe make sense. I probably did all that. I managed to win today, but the casulaties were 3000 v 8000, a little too much for my taste. The 30 minutes will help so we don't need to rush as much and keep the losses down.


    EDIT: One more question for you. Wouldn't it make more sense that in exchange for captured troops you get veterans? Even if some are wounded or badly wounded? That would make it feel more like a prisoner exchange...

    • Like 1
  9. Iam also enjoying the mod. It's a whole different beast to the old one and I am still trying out new ways to win. I am just after 2nd Bull Run with the Union and I am stuck at Crampton's Gap. The reduced time you are given is a challenge (on top of the arty not being as affective as it used to be) and the enemy skirmishers don't give you any room to maneuver. But I have another problem - fatigue. I had a good start in one of my runs (first 20 minutes, way before you get reinforcements) since the enemy decided to charge me and all but one of his skirmishers are in the woods to the left, so I decided to make that my starting point to try different things. Now the problem is that my units get tired and just don't regenerate, even my sniper unit is exhausted after moving a short distance and even if I let them stand still for a while they don't get above tired. I have the upper hand on numbers and are in a good position, but I can't get up the hill because my troops can barely move and morale is waivering on all units all the time. Is that a product of me reloading a game to one point or is there something I am missing?

    • Like 1
  10. On 2/12/2020 at 1:12 PM, PatriotASR said:

    I bought the game a week ago and so far I think it's very good. For me it's the best naval game (for surface vessels) I played since Fighting Steel 20 years ago.

    There are a few things I miss (maybe there are in the game and I just didn't notice them yet) and I was wondering if the team was thinking about it.

    1. 2D game view. For big battles it's hard to keep up where everyting is and a 2D game view would be great for an option

    2. Opponent speed and direction. You get a lot of information about the enemy (more then would be available to a real captain) but you don't get the speed and direction which is the basic information that you would need to calculate a firing solution for guns and torps.

    3. Setting a direction of sailing (seting a course). Clicking and the ship going there is great, but sometimes I would prefer to be able to set a course, not only for one ship or group, but for different groups, so I can have them run parallel to each other.

    4. Seeing which turrets can fire/are fireing and which are still not engaged. I have found myself many times just watching which turrets are fireing to see if I have my ship at an optimum angle to close and still fire with all the turrets and the changing the course a little, waiting, changing, waiting, etc until I see all turrets firing.

    5. Torpedo spread. If possible I would like an option to change the torpedo spread, ad right now I see they are very thight and if I shoot 10 torps and the ship changes course just a little (at long distances) all will miss, but if I can set a larger spread, yeah 8 will miss, but two will still hit and do the damage.

    So after finishing the scenarios I thought of two more things.

    6. As Looping above me mentioned we need a post battle report.  For those who played Ultimate General, can you imagine not having that post battle report? I would like to see what ship did well, who did poorly, did the DDs and TPs I sent to torpedo the BBs and BCs make the sacrifice worth it, etc. especially in custom battles that would be great as you sometimes have a lot of ships going against numerous other ships and can’t keep track of who did what to whom and when, but in scenarios that would be helpful to, just to see what ship design or tactics works best.

    7. You could multiply the number of scenarios by just marking what tech and hull you used in a successful completion. Eg. I went for Main gun tech and BC in a scenario, so that would be marked green, next time I would try it with a CA and Main guns, then extra cash and BC, etc. When campaign will be available this would be less useful, but for right now it would multiply the existing gameplay.

  11. Thank you guys, your input helped a lot (and there was a little luck since I got 8” and torpedo mounted CLs). The CLs torpedoed the CA and CL and did some damage to the DDs before going down. For the BC I went for a lot more speed, lower caliber guns and less armor then usual and it worked. In the end it was a relatively easy and quick.

    • Like 1
  12. I found that one quite easy actually. Forget about the secondary guns and torpedo protection as the DDs won't get within 20km of you. Go for 30 speed, 5x18" 3 gun turrets, heavy shells and TNT and deck armour. Try HE everyonce in a while and focus on only the 3 older BBs, take out the fastest one first, the the other two. Fire a few shells at the big BB that comes and it will turn soon.


    Opomba 2020-02-14 120952.png

    Opomba 2020-02-14 121117.png

  13. Has anyone managed to finish this scenario? I have completed everything else, but this one. I went with a BC, 2 CA, 5DD all in different configurations (torp heavy, medium gun heavy, big gun heavy, faster, more/less protection, etc). I came closest with the 5DD, but it was down to 1DD with no damage, 1 with medium and one on his last legs plus one the the CL which was without engines against three enemy DD whit no damage (sunk the CB, CA and CL). I couldn't finish tem off as every time I got close he launched a mass of torps and I lost the two damaged DDs and had one left. I just can't hit those DDs, they are fast a hell and have 120 torpedo tubes each (or so it seems) and my 5" guns on DDs can't do anything. Everytime I went with a bigger ship I destroyed 1 or 2 of the big ones and then the DDs just covered me with torpedoes.


    Has anyone won this one and if so, how?

  14. I bought the game a week ago and so far I think it's very good. For me it's the best naval game (for surface vessels) I played since Fighting Steel 20 years ago.

    There are a few things I miss (maybe there are in the game and I just didn't notice them yet) and I was wondering if the team was thinking about it.

    1. 2D game view. For big battles it's hard to keep up where everyting is and a 2D game view would be great for an option

    2. Opponent speed and direction. You get a lot of information about the enemy (more then would be available to a real captain) but you don't get the speed and direction which is the basic information that you would need to calculate a firing solution for guns and torps.

    3. Setting a direction of sailing (seting a course). Clicking and the ship going there is great, but sometimes I would prefer to be able to set a course, not only for one ship or group, but for different groups, so I can have them run parallel to each other.

    4. Seeing which turrets can fire/are fireing and which are still not engaged. I have found myself many times just watching which turrets are fireing to see if I have my ship at an optimum angle to close and still fire with all the turrets and the changing the course a little, waiting, changing, waiting, etc until I see all turrets firing.

    5. Torpedo spread. If possible I would like an option to change the torpedo spread, ad right now I see they are very thight and if I shoot 10 torps and the ship changes course just a little (at long distances) all will miss, but if I can set a larger spread, yeah 8 will miss, but two will still hit and do the damage.

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  15. 29 minutes ago, arkhangelsk said:

    How did you squeeze in 40 knot capability with 12 17" guns and that much armor - I can barely squeeze in 32 knots. What did you give up?

    This is the exact setup:


    Speed 42 knots

    Range: Very short

    Bulkheads: Many



    G. Turbines


    Forced Boilers

    Aux III engine

    Shaft II

    Krupp III

    No barbette, No Anti torpedo and a single hull bottom

    Bulkheads II

    Antiflood I

    Citadel - nothing



    Heavy shells

    TNT Explosives

    Auto reloading

    Everything else standard



    Top rangefinder

    No radio

    Gen II Radar



    11 belt

    7 deck

    11 tower

    2,4 turret top

    6,2 belt ext.

    3,5 deck ext

    11 turret

    3,8 secondaries


    The ship has:

    4x 3 barrel 17" (one is on a barrbette, the rest are deck mounted)

    Modern tower V

    Secd. Tower III

    2x Tall Funel IV

    No secondaries and no torpedoes


    This is from my last 3rd run, when I upped the speed to 42 and reduced the armor to 11", you could do 40 and 12".



  16. I put 17" guns in 4 turrets 3 guns/turret (TNT, high weight ammo) 10-12" armour and 40 knots top speed. I played the mission 30 times before I got the design just right and the played it two times again after I won to be sure. Won every time. I just stay at 15km from the BB and 10km for the CA, CA only needs a few HE rounds to go down, BB sooner or later turns and runs, when I get to 5km I start with the HE and it blows up.


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