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Everything posted by Bremg

  1. Bremg

    Boarding sucks

    Another addition. Transferred minimal crew to a ship, that didn't move for the rest of the mission, no indication what wrong of course. Minimal crew isn't the minimal crew? Another bug? It showed the lifeboat icon but couldn't get the crew into the lifeboat (another bug) It surrendered apparently without a message..
  2. https://imgur.com/a/B5yObt8 The selected ship in the screenshot will not move, it has minimal crew after boarding. The rudder is damaged but that doesn't mean the sails can't be hoisted right? So what is this? Why will they not take orders? Update: they would not move ever, Ill add this to boarding being broken
  3. Another thing. The ofter tells me I can add a crew onto a ship while I cannot. Please fix the entire issue but if you cant fix the UI. Don't tell me I can add crew and then don't let me.
  4. For real, this one is really bizarre. You have a list to select ships, you make it so it has a scroll function, but you limit the list to 8 ships! Take the mission battle of valcour, you can only have 60 point ships, what if you have 8+ bigger ships? Affilicated bug. Select some ships so the list gets filled back up to 8, then unselect ships from the mission => ui bug. Do you test?
  5. Bremg

    Boarding sucks

    AI control wasn't on, but you cannot type while reporting a bug ingame, the hotkeys aren't disabled, that usually messes with ai and shot type. Its what happens here. The boarding and crew management after boarding are seriously flawed. This is one of the most important mechanics in the game, this should be properly fixed.
  6. Bremg

    UI messed up

    https://imgur.com/a/m04jwSR Had to restart, no way to fix it. I had 2 units in 1 defense point, maybe that triggered the bug..
  7. Agreed, I sold it. you are better of with a lot of 100, 120 deployment cost ships
  8. Bremg

    Boarding sucks

    Here is another, I GET boarded. I win, I cannot take the ship as a prize, no menu. If you win a boarding you started cannot put more than 1 officer on the ship. Please please please fix the boarding its really bad
  9. Bremg

    Boarding sucks

    https://imgur.com/a/XFGqBtm This happens waaaaay too much. My 1000 crew transport has been like in the picture for 2-3 minutes and just wont board. Even though the shitty indicator says that it should, everything green, no boarding.
  10. Same here even before the update I thought the capacity of all my 5 and 6th rates was ridiculously low especially compared to the enemy but they made it even worse
  11. Ah I just discovered we have to spend money for upkeep? That is not clear from the UI
  12. 1776 july, press next chapter and pooff all money is gone, only had 10k from the sidemission where before I had more
  13. The USS fly keeps tipping over for no reason. Others also have this bug? It always happens within the annoying cut scene where you camera and orientation gets messed with
  14. When you group ships they undo all their sail in a split second. This is like the bug from the ultimate general when you dragged moved your units, so I guess this will never be fixed
  15. https://imgur.com/a/EjhMgXs There you go, 3 free officer slots, this ship had over 300 crew, so there is plenty space. Still I cannot add a single crew to it. Your definition of working fine differs from mine Update: https://imgur.com/a/q6y2M4k Another one straight after capture in the menu, also doesn't work After the screen i tried the same thing as in the first situation, put the officer and crew in boats and then on the captured ship. There are officer slot, there is crew space but the unit cannot enter the new ship.
  16. I hape to god they will change that. Doesn't make any sense. Im also pretty sure this isn't always the case, even when 1 officer is aboard a 4 officer ship captured you cannot put another on it, sometimes, if not all times. In land battles you can even merge units, so officers are working together and soldiers are merged.
  17. It happens non stop, there is not a single captured ship where you can transfer all your units to even though you have less units than the enemy had. So just board any ship and try to transfer units. You wont be able to transfer all from 1 ship to another if you have over 1 boat
  18. Its not worth it yet. The game still has some serious problems. I would wait a little
  19. So I've captured a sloop that can carry 170 units. I want to use it in the same battle as I caputured it, but it WONT take units. Why is this? Bug right?
  20. Also on the american campaing you have 2 times the main character john paul
  21. Bremg

    Lifeboats Bug

    Ah glad to see i'm not the only one. I'll stop playing for now
  22. Thanks for closing the thread and not explaining the issue. Is it fixed by restarting? Is this newly introduced from an update? Where is the info about this bug? Should I stop playing for now? Is this a priority issue? Why close the thread?
  23. Ehh, what the hell. About all my transports keep tipping over and all the units die. Is this supposed to be fun? Is this just me? Bugged?
  24. I see, so there is logic to it. I guess I'm having trouble discerning when a stage happens. I assume its when I've done all the missions. I thought new missions just popped up when I've done some other missions but I didn't know I just ended a stage.. Thanks!
  25. How is this intended? You cannot obviously use strategy on the secondary missions since there is no way of knowing how much "1 turn" is. So how is the dev intendig for us to use the side missions? I really really hate the current implementation of having to replay 1-3 missions because a vital ship is away for god knows how long 1 turn is.. The current implementation is really easy to fix but hasn't been fixed so I guess its intended..
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