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Posts posted by jeffQC2

  1. In my opinion, i think CV's should be implemented one way or the other in Ultimate Admiral.

    The main reason for this being that it would add a very interesting design aspect to any ship: AA capabilities. You can decide during the design to favor naval secondaries, dual use AA or dedicated AA firepower. Knowing to properly balance would dictate the effectiveness of a ship against aircrafts.

    The way i see it, there is two main ways they could implement it:

    1. A abstract campaign asset, similar to submarines. CV's themselves would be absent from the actual battle, but you could have aircrafts joining in the battle. Depending on the capabilities of the CV and the aircrafts, they could join later or sooner and be called to attack specific ships. When they drop their payload, they bingo back to their CV. 

    2. A ship directly controllable and present on the battlefield. This would be a better, though more complex implementation, since CV's could directly be attacked and sunk by other ships.

    Obviously the main concern would be how to balance CV's against other ships. After all, CV's were the very thing that made Battleships obsolete and revamped the way naval warfare behaved in the future.

    I don't think it would be a big issue to be honest. It all goes down to if they properly balance it, which would be quite feasible.

    For example:

    Pros: CV's can deal a significant ordeal of firepower over great distances and be a very meaningful threat by itself. The largests could have multiples squadrons in the air and could control possibly dozens of aircrafts being able to strike multiples targets and at least cause some damage and also being used to spot enemy ships.


    Cons: CV's by themselves would be very vulnerable, usually lacking armor and guns in favor of hangars, repair workshops, AA guns and engines. They would also have a limited amount aircraft, so you could have enough planes shot down (Especially against strong AA ships, more so in tight fleets) that the CV is basically useless in the end or after multiples battles without going back to base. They would be expensive and research intensive to obtain. Launching and retrieving airplanes would take a lot of time, so CV's couldn't bring in support in a battle at the beginning, having to arm, fuel and launch her aircrafts first, plus, it would some time to retrieve, rearm, refuel and re-launch aircrafts, leaving the CV vulnerable and unable to offer support. Any meaningful amount of AA will reduce the accuracy and effectiveness of the air attacks, even if the aircrafts are not destroyed. Seriously damaged aircrafts couldn't be reused in the same battle. Land-based air forces could also be used to either attack or support fleets.

    There is a lot of possibilities with this.

    And also, i always was fascinated by the huge amounts of tracer flying in the sky by AA. I want to see this in this game too.

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