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Everything posted by TotalRampage

  1. This statement is still true. But sometimes he makes me sad on mondays.
  2. Ahh yes. Nick knows how to make my monday sometimes.
  3. I like it. So it would be like an enemy ship after a battle (for the tech portion)? Also gotta be careful because historically it took a long time to salvage/refloat ships 1+ years and a lot of resources so it's not something that could be done for a quick resource or monetary gain. I think the best thing we could do witht his would be for stealing technology. Say there is a battle that you were involved in or two other powers fighting at the moment you have the option to send some DD's and CL's to steal some tech or maybe even ship plans/tactics from the ships. This would help you know exactly the build of other enemy ships (assuming the other ship had logs about friendly ships) of course this runs the risk of ruining relations with friendly or placing you at war with another faction because well you are stealing stuff.
  4. I'd say anything below like 5 knots. Then the surrender option would pop up only if the ship is also extremely damaged. But then again I can't really say i'm a fan surrender anyways.
  5. Ya it should just force them to look for an exit from the battle. The ships should only "surrender" if they were like dead in the water.
  6. I'm not so sure about this one. Just because they would go to the nearest port to be interned. Also I don't want the AI surrendering on me to much.
  7. Of course. Gotta increase drydock size. Which is why investing in your ports infrastructure will be so important
  8. I think some ports will initially start bigger but due to us building up infrastructure certain ports will get built up more or less based well on the players investments.
  9. Spy network def falls under 4 ill rephrase abit. Also the museum system could be nice. Could kinda be like a mothball ship too that you could refit
  10. Now that the dust that was Alpha 9 has died down and we await news on Alpha 10 like the mad lads/ladies we are I thought Id make a thread about some confirmed features of the campaign along with some major/minor features that I think would make the game more enjoyable. I do wanna keep this thread mainly about the campaign so please refrain from designer suggestions of hulls/balance changes to guns and hulls. Confirmed Political Intrigue/Alliance Building Blockade Features Minor Nations Naval Invasion Economic/rebellion stability due to presence of forces abroad or lack of in a region Technological development by allocating funds Crew training/ Progression of Officers Industry Building (For shipyards) Naval Mines Peace Treaties/ Versailles Treaties Map Resources (confirmed) Submarine's Unconfirmed/Wish List Economy Building- While economy will be in the game how will we build our economy of our country up? Will it be tied into a resource system or an infrastructure system were we invest parts of our budget into the economy of our country to grow it by a set percentage each turn? Cut off Naval Regions- I had seen this idea awhile ago while naval blockading is an awesome feature it doesn't make sense to let's say put your whole fleet on the atlantic coast and leave the mid atlantic open. There should be a penalty from being cut off from main supply by interlocked regions. In the example above If my fleet is wholly cut off it should suffer extreme debuffs which would make it a valid tactic to cut fleet supply routes. As naval commanders in the game we should be responsible for keeping supply lines open other than just putting a set number of ships on convoy escort as in RTW2 which allows the player to just death stack their own navy. Espionage system- We should be able to steal tech's from nations along with ship designs. We could then build said ship design or just use it as knowledge about enemy capabilities. I would also like to tie this into a monetary system just to provide an increase/decrease to effectiveness due to funding. Minor Nation Expansion- Minor nations will obviously be a stepping stone for players in the game because well they are minor. But how can we improve the minor situation? Allow them access to an diplomacy system so they can create their own alliances among minors while also allowing them to ally majors (Majors/minors might need an alliance cap to stop them from allying everyone). An confederation of smaller states might actually put up a fight late game instead of just taking up space. It might also allow them to become stronger power later on. Allow AI conflicts- Conflicts between AI to allow growth/decline between AI nations. Allow player to take advantage of the situation with opportunistic wars Spheres of influence- Different from alliances, think Monroe Doctrine. Also a good example would be Vicky 2. If a major interferes could lead to war. Also wanna include some gunboat diplomacy to force minors into your sphere. More diplo actions- Allow the player to threaten war on nations to force into sphere or in the case of a major or a nation with more regions threaten for land. CAn be used opportunistically instead of a full war declare Allow Treaties to set tonnage limits in specific regions- Same as the title. Allow the player to force Great Britain for example to only have a tonnage limit of 20k in a specific region. This could help the player gain early advantages in a war. Also the AI can break this for example re starting the war if the player finds out via espionage. Designer- I know I said no designer suggestions but I would like the game to save designs from your previous campaigns or active ones and allow the AI to use them against the player. Museum- This where you can preserve ships instead of scraping them once they are pass they're service life. Could be brought back sooner than a ship in extreme mothball. But there can be downsides to losing famous ships in battle. Crews on other ships could lose moral and you would lose points towards capitulation as well. We could also fit in a pride of the fleet system. Where those ships require more upkeep but have an more expert crew/moral buff to surrounding ships. But can have a debuff when destroyed. (Think hood) Interment- Just as it says. Random events or player action that can lead your ship to becoming interned in a neutral port. Maybe provide diplo options to internments within your sphere like studying the ship design and tech on the ship or the risk of it happening to you. Could lead to war in other circumstances. CO OP campaign- I'm a very big believer in a coop experience. This would be different than a multiplayer experience just in the way that it provides so much replayability to the campaign. Empire Formation- Maybe no empire formation but allow minors/majors to have formable nations based on real world names based on location. Also if the player grows they could have the option of renaming their own faction. Natural Disaster Events- This is very RNG based but could be a nice feature. As history has showed us some people can somehow manage to do it twice. Ship Scrapping- This could be used to gain intel and technology about ships after a battle either between you and an AI or two seperate AI factions. Logistical Rework- Suggestion by Skeksis More to be added if the thread is active. Comment feature you want to see and try to come up with other features!
  11. I read this wrong and I was like What?!?!?!. Then re read it. I agree we will have so much to do with other things that random events handling performance should be enough. They might have an system where if a ship has been constantly engaged it will need to be in port for a turn
  12. Well I mean. I have to be like constantly looking for them at like 6-8km out to be able to turn a bb out the way unfortunately
  13. It would be a good feature especially since they are so hard to spot
  14. I was having it happen before I entered into the bug report mode as well. It just exacerbated the issue after I entered the mode.
  15. @Nick Thomadis Just alittle bug Ill report it in reporter aswell. You can double place 2ndry turrets on French super hull 1. Had top use Image URL because of file upload limit. https://ibb.co/FYyVpHB Pic 2 https://ibb.co/QrNXdqh
  16. Thanks for the update. I also got first this time
  17. YA thats something ive wanted for awhile. Especially when it comes to stealing actual tech like lets say advance optics or hydros. Maybe even nation specific hulls
  18. I think its probably going to be an infrastructure based system like RTW upgrade ports means more ships. And I just realized because barney types so fast he beat me to it...........................Damn you @Cptbarney I would love to have inter connected regions so for instance you lose supremacy in the atlantic if your GB you cant resupply your ships in the caribbean even if you have supremacy there. Forces the player to actually divvy up the fleet into battle groups to protect regions because you run the risk of losing supply.
  19. Well I mean as Barney pointed out this update should fix some issues. While we are happy for quads and 20's I don't believe the majority or many of us have forgotten some of the issues the game currently faces. Not to mention adding 20's and quads isn't a hard feature to add considering it doesnt change to many core mechanics(which they are changing a few of).
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