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Everything posted by JDMonster

  1. With Global and battlechat being removed, will there be any chance of seeing usernames on the open world now?
  2. I like the general gist but I have a number of questions. 1. When you say that all guns should be able to penetrate a ships hull within 100m's, is this for guns against the ships that carry them (eg: an 18lb'er or 9lb'er against a Trincomalee) or for any gun against any ship (eg: 4lb vs Santissima)? 2. How much do you plan on affecting accuracy? I agree that it should be decreased, but combined with the accuracy increase of large caliber guns I'm concerned that we'll get a World of Warships type situation where the low tier ships are laughably inaccurate even at extremely close ranges while bigger ships are virtual snipers. 3. Is the effective range thing more of a guideline or is it a hard rule?
  3. Title. A couple of flags were dropped on a port today (I know it's testing, but I think it's an important discussion to have) and the clans that dropped it were obviously alts of each other (same name, just numbers and letters were swapped out, like using an 3 instead of an E). I tagged an individual and he said that he didn't think it was abusing game mechanics. I don't want to take this to the tribunal since the new system is still being worked on, but in the future should this be considered abusing mechanics?
  4. Someone probably already asked this, but are patrol zones exempt from this system?
  5. I'm not complaining about stern camping in general. Raking and smart positioning is an important part of the game and should be rewarded. My main complaint about the snow is that a Semi competent captain can stern camp with impunity in it. Mistakes made by the Snow Captain can't be punished because they are so maneuverable and quick that the captain can easily just reverse their way out or just turn to avoid/kite a broadside. Stern camping in general doesn't need a nerf. The Snow does.
  6. I think that nerfing acceleration and de-acceleration is a good compromise. What makes the snow OP isn't the fact that it can carry 32lb carronades. What makes it OP is that it can turn on a dime and can very quickly stop and start again. A reduction in it's ability to stern camp is all that it needs. Increasing it's BR won't do that.
  7. Practice fight system against friends/people in your own nation One of the biggest complaints that new players have is how steep the learning curve is. This in itself is not an issue, but what it takes to learn is. New players who may not be in a clan probably won't be able to afford to lose ships in PvP to gain experience (not talking in game XP, but them actually learning how to fight), and when they do get attacked they often lose quite badly not just because of ship differences but individual skill levels being extremely different. Giving them a way to practice against friendly players would allow them to gain valuable experience without major loss of resources. This will result in a better new player experience and thus higher new player retention. Requirements/details for the practice fights: Players must be in the same port Players must be in the same nation Players can only play with ships that they have and are in the same port Battle ends when hull (center bar) hitpoints reach 25% and or boarding action is completed (Done to preserve a small semblance of realism) Repairs consumed during the battle are not refunded. The ships still sustain the damage received during the battle and thus need to be repaired/replenished. This is done so that there is a small cost associated with the practice fight (Irl military exercise's aren't free) No rewards (XP, Reals, Doubloons) are rewarded for the battle
  8. National Voice pack DLC ($15-$20) Adding voices of the various nations in game would add to the immersive experience of the game without changing gameplay Downside is that US/GB would require extra work to make it worthwhile for them Pirates would require extra work to have "piraty speech" in the various languages.
  9. Should have just made it always fall on Russia.
  10. I'm fine with a workshop as long as it's client side. If the other guy wants to see loliboat skins, let him indulge in it. As long as I don't see it and it doesn't give an unfair advantage, I don't care.
  11. I think an issue with alts and nation switching is that it's impossible to keep track of anything. There needs to be an ingame database of every player and and clan that way individuals and clans can keep track of who a player is and what nation/clan they fight for. That way alts are still relevant (they shouldn't exist imo but whatever), the forger DLC is still relevant, but it's no longer a massive pain that others have pointed out.
  12. It's in French, but the first line says "Would you like to reset officer Felipe Fayerman". A while back I remember there being an officer system where you had to train an officer up to give him skills. Is this a leftover from that?
  13. That's a good thing. DLC ships already have the massive advantage of being replaceable. Giving them the opportunity to be redeemed will result in people not using them to fight but rather using them to farm rare woods. We already see that with the DLC's we have in game for seasoned woods where people just redeem once a day and then break the ship.
  14. Actually I was talking about mechanic abusing and cheating, not zerging.
  15. You're also forgetting that these guys are some of the best and most prolific PVP'ers on the server, so they'll have access to upgrades that will turn their ships into UFO's.
  16. I disagree with server splitting. The playerbase is small enough as it is and splitting the server would kill the game. Remember when the US had their own server? Nobody played on it. The only exception to this is maybe giving China their own server. While so far I haven't seen too many complaints against Chinese players (or rather none that other nationalities haven't done as well) I don't think it's warranted to force them on their own server. However this may just because they are spread out across multiple nations and not concentrated in one nation. I hope I am wrong, but the trend with other games I am not holding my breath.
  17. I feel that if a Loki surrenders control should go back to the AI.
  18. Clearly you haven't played either Day Z standalone or Insurgency Sandstorm.
  19. Teamwork wins the day. They probably both focused on you and one of your sides while you and the AI split your targets. Besides, since the battle ended quickly for you I'm willing to bet that the battle happened at close quarters where the Consti's carronades worked you over really quickly. So yeah, if the Indefatigable was a player you guys would have been able to cover each other and work together to open up the distance from the Constitution where your long guns would have been able to work her over Battle of Valparaiso style.
  20. I don't know how Russia is responding to the virus, but looks like all development is probably going to be delayed at least a couple months unless the devs have a better work ethic than the rest of us when it comes to "working from home".
  21. No, as in even if your sails haven't been hit but your masts have it still decreases the sail HP a bit. Not too much to make chain shot useless, but enough so that if an opponent goes full mast mods you aren't wasting shots because you can't see what mods they have. It's to represent rigging and spars being shot away. Think of it how a penetrating shot on your hull can damage the inner health bar even if you still have side armour, except here the mast is the side armour and the sail HP is the inner HP. The analogy makes no sense, but that's my thought process.
  22. @Lt Sekiro and @William Death. I was also thinking to have mast health affect how much sail power, so it's not the all or nothing thing we see now where pumping shots in the mast is useless if you don't take it down completely. Also I do mention in the proposal that some mast mods need a nerf (see Navy Mast mod. 20% increase in thickness for no downside is absolutely insane).
  23. I was working on a detailed proposal for implementing a system that tied your sail power to a damage reduction buff for the masts. Here's the proposal, but it's not finished and I'm still thinking things through. *** WORK IN PROGRESS*** Proposed mast damage tweak/rework Issue: Being demasted is a death sentence in game. Once a mast goes down, especially the main mast, you will be stern camped where you can’t fight back and have your remaining masts shot away. While demasting did occur IRL and was even a common occurrence, ships were still able to fight and maneuver effectively. The reason why the situation in game doesn’t reflect reality is for three reasons. 1) Extreme accuracy of guns and broadsides 2) Sailing at 100% sail power all the time with no consequences. 3) Rigging/spars not being shot away The first one is done for questions of fun. Realistic gun accuracy wouldn’t be enjoyable, and thus my proposed fix won’t touch it in a major way. The third one the devs said they can’t model without drastically increasing the performance requirement of the game. The second point is what my fix intends to address. Goal: - Reduce mast sniping by adding counter play without radically changing game mechanics Why it’s beneficial to old players and new players alike: - Improve new player experience o Less reliance on hard find upgrades and perks o Being de-masted is no longer a death sentence, allowing new players to fight longer and earn more in game XP and real life game sense - Removes a point of contention among older players o Mast sniping is still a tactic, but it can be countered, like other forms of damage § Chaining sails can be countered by lowering sails / angling them § Shooting the hull can be countered by angling your hull and or only showing a particular broadside § Boarding can be countered by clever use of sails to keep the relative speeds of two ships up § Mast sniping can’t be countered - Increase immersion and realism of the game o Battle sails are now encouraged, players no longer stay on 100% all the time o Will help shift the PVP meta away from fir/fir speed demons o Increased value of tankier builds in PVP o As said by @admin in a demasting thread, being demasted IRL sucked, but wasn’t a death sentences. These changes would bring that reality to Naval Action Proposed Changes: - Masts still are lost when their HP hits zero - Lowered sails provide a damage resistance buff to masts - Damaged masts provide less power proportional to their remaining HP - Certain mast upgrades are nerfed Example: A Pandora facing off against a 32 lb Carronade/ 9 lb long ship common to the shallow water pvp zone. All of the stats are from https://na-map.netlify.com/, with no modifiers included. Tad unrealistic given the state of ship building in the game, but it is the only way to get reliable figures without accounting the thousands of possible builds. Proposed damage curve Here are a series of proposed damage modifiers *values subject to change and tweaking, these are made up for the sake of the example* Sail power Damage received from a shot * Damage received from shot when de powered * Stopped 0% 20% --- Dead slow 20% 30% 25% Battle 40% 40% 35% Slow 60% 60% 55% Half 80% 75% 70% Full 100% 100% 95% Proposed Sail Power / A stock Pandora’s masts have the following stat Bottom Middle Top Health 410 273 244 Thickness 97 72 48 Now for the guns: Gun 32 lb carronade 9 lb long Damage 108 60 50 124 116 100 115 110 250 87 95 500 31 72 As you can see, both the Carronade and the long gun can reliably smash through the base of the mast of the Pandora at 100 meters, both being able to pen the middle at 250 meters, and the long being able to take out the topmasts at well past the engagement ranges we see in game. A 32 lb carronade can take out a mast in 4 shots, 9lb long in 7. Proposed damage curve Here are a series of proposed damage modifiers *values subject to change and tweaking, these are made up for the sake of the example* Sail power Damage received from a shot * Shots to demast base 32/9 Damage received from shot when de powered * Shots to demast base 32/9 Stopped 0% 20% 20/35 --- --- Dead slow 20% 30% 14/24 25% 16/28 Battle 40% 40% 10/18 35% 12/20 Slow 60% 60% 7/12 55% 8/13 Half 80% 75% 6/9 70% 6/10 Full 100% 100% 4/7 95% 5/8 I haven't finished it yet, but yeah. Thoughts?
  24. Someone suggested this. I'm currently working on a proposal to help reduce mast sniping and and increase the realism of the game, but I'm still ironing out the details and thinking if it's a good idea or not.
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