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  1. As a Civil War reenactor, this game has been on my radar for quite some time now. I have been following the news very closely and have watched basically every single early release video on YouTube. As someone who plans on buying this game, I figured I would make some suggestions as to the look of the game. Preface: To begin, this game looks BEAUTIFUL! It's gorgeous. I enjoy the smaller troops and the large unit sizes. The Empire series is nice due to the detail, but there is something about this overall top-down view that makes the battle feel like a major conflict. The map is also well done and the color and shading is mesmerizing. You have outdone yourselves. My suggestions: 1. I agree with the others above me who are asking for a broader range of uniforms. The Iron Brigade and Bucktails are known not only for their fierce fighting, but for their uniform. Again, I don't think the game needs to zoom in anymore than it does, as the whole point is to showcase the battle from a grand point of view. I think it would be nice though to add little touches like the blackhats in for the Iron Brigade, or some red pants in for the 14th Brooklyn and other Zuave units. Even the confederates could use a bit of a "facelift." It's currently just a sea of grey, however, you may want to consider using a brown/yellow/grey/blue pallet to randomize the confederate soldiers. This is just nit-picky, but it would be cool to see the blue-clad Union forces facing off against what looks like thousands of ragged and beat up Southerners. The Confederate army was a mishmash of uniforms, it would be nice to have that represented. 2. I believe someone up top spoke to this, and I would agree... command staff. It'd be cool to see some officers out in front of their regiments, etc. Maybe you could attach them to the unit but have it so that they are always in front of their men. This could also work for the regimental and brigade colors. I know there has been some debate on the different options for "unit identification" in another thread, and I believe you could kill two birds with one stone. If you went with the option that looked like miniature flags, you could tailor those flags to the different units WHILE also presenting the unit information. That way, instead of a bunch of random shields moving across the landscape, it would be different flags. Much more realistic. 3. Marching songs. I agree with the above poster. When at reenactments, we are constantly moving under the command of a bugle or drum cadence. Fife and drum corps would be an amazing addition to this game. 4. Unit movements. I love the way the game flows. It's meant to be non-stop action, and I like that. However, the one thing that looks a bit "off" is the brigade movement in certain situations. If I'm moving a brigade straight forward and I then decide to completely change course and have them move right, it just becomes a giant glob of men running in different directions and eventually shakes out into a line of battle. It looks unrealistic. It would be nice if when I decide to completely change up a units course, they move like a unit would. They wheel into position or about face into a line of battle. It just seems like there needs to be a cleaner and more historically accurate way of having a brigade look like a brigade while moving. This could also work with those who want "delayed" reactions. Units would be continuously moving like they currently are in the game, however, their movements don't take a split second. Instead, the movement actually has to go through the proper motions. 5. Someone above posted about blood and "carnage." That would be a nice addition. Robert E. Lee CWG did this well. Every unit that was lying on the battlefield had a nice bright splash of blood underneath them. It would add a little to the game I believe and would also help to distinguish between living and dead soldiers. Heck, maybe if a unit gets chewed up enough and is retreating, some battered up men just limp right off the map as wounded heading for the rear. 6. Speaking of Robert E. Lee CWG, I'm wondering if there is a way to possibly have units "dig in?" This would obviously only be in certain situations on certain terrain, but it may be something to discuss? If you have a unit in a wooded area, there could be an option to "dig in" and your men would "build" earthworks to defend. Obviously the animation of them chopping down trees and what not doesn't need to be added, but maybe a little fence appears in front of that unit and you now have more cover in that area. Again, this would be in certain situations. If you are in the middle of the wheat field with no cover, you shouldn't have the option to dig in. If you find yourself on Culps Hill though, why not? It's a long shot, but why not suggest it. That's all I got. I think the most pressing issues for me are the distinction of uniforms and drum and fife corps. The Confederate army just looks so bland compared to who they were historically. They need some character. And some marching music and drums echoing over the battlefield would make the entire game that much more realistic. Great job guys! Keep up the amazing work! Thank you for creating this gem!
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