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Everything posted by SeaBrig

  1. @admin thanks, 18pd and below, cannons are useless, ships just angle away the balls until they are into carronade range
  2. nothing would help at this point because they have to remove the ship dlc's
  3. i got to be honest, the garderners in that british town is doing a shit job 😜 and it looks like the buildings are dug into the ground, the models looks nice though! Btw considered maybe smaller buildings for not so large ports etc? increase/decrease by wealth of the port.
  4. yeah IMO dynamic BR has been overlooked for to long, what cannons you have, upgrades etc should matter on the BR. For instance if anolytic would sail without cannons his ships would be more or less useless, hence reducing BR drastically
  5. unfortunately its not against the rules, you can however warn him in battle and sink him if he wont comply
  6. ok i can compare it with items from runescape then, alot of the items there that are pretty rare are around 1% drop chance, if you die with it it drops so whoever passes over can loot it, and it despawns in a few minutes, you even have drops thats on the 0.00 scale which you lose upon death. The other day i took a quick look at Anolytics video of the chest he opened, 20 chests or something in and he has pretty much any upgrade, some of the rarest books (AoSH mats) and other upgrades worth millions. I would pretty much say if you want to shift in one week of playing naval action you should be able to acquire any item in the game without sweat
  7. the problem i have with this is that the game devs never tweak stuff enough so for instance certain woods or cannons have the proper counter towards other ships. Imagine if the live oak only grew in North America, only available for clans that crafted ships up there unless you traded the woods to different areas, and if people were fighting you with blomefields got a bonus against that type of wood for instance higher splinter damage vs live oak, and had much higher chance to drop around panama or some other area far away from the live oak, that would give it a directly contender. I feel the game is missing out on balances like these so there would always be a counter to something. Like you play rock, paper, scissor where one thing would always beat the other and there isn't one of those three that would always win.
  8. NA rng is much better then other games, I have friends playing wow that hasnt got a mount for 10 years of farming with 0.1% drop chance
  9. @admin from my experience with your tuning and tweaking it wont change much since you oftenly dont give it a significant pro / con, for instance if you would build a thick ship, those splinters would devastate crew when it first penetrates so alot of pros to thickness but huge negative effect to splinter damage. When you usually do this it gets halfway and end up having even larger hp and thickness pool and not really any significant disadvantage
  10. flash news, fir fir speedboats are old meta, new is seasoned teak white oak 3rd and 2nd rates that goes 14-15kn and could easily fight in a port battle but having your carpenters gluing together the same masts on the ship for the 4th time, going full sails without stabilizing masts when one falls, and saving an almost submerged ship is not in the same alley as "magical ethical unicorns"? just asking.
  11. i still find it strange that they want players to kill the hdf's since they were introduced so people wouldnt farm new players close to capitals
  12. think there is a fair amount of suggestions i've seen where it would make sense to use battle sails over full sails, from my experience i go down to battle sails when i got high speed to increase the turn rate in a short amount of time, or i use it on big square sails ships to tack through the wind with higher speed. For instance i've seen a suggestion where if you go in battle sails you only use 40% crew on sailing while the rest can go to repair or reloading cannons = a new aspect in the game and wouldn't ruin gameplay. Also about fire to the sails etc, it would work before the new roe considering you would only need to tag once and not fire a full broadside, but to little to late i guess.
  13. true, i feel my profile pic seems relevant again now
  14. just my input on it, if you duel without boarding and you get into a real battle you would struggle when you meet someone that knows how to board. T boarded, rage boarded, and you would fight without taking boarding into account, which would give you a big disadvantage.
  15. *yikes* no wonder people arent motivated by doing other stuff in the game for rewards, when all you have to do is to farm easy pvp kills for admirality chests.. looking at epic events and much more that could make the game more interesting
  16. are you sure? it only means 2 people are working to put out the fire, but the ship still takes damage from it until its totally gone.
  17. i think this change is good, but some reasons why the "community (a group of 20 people that downvotes)" dont want a change that could be actually good for the game is because it would interfere with their powergaming, just my thought on that thread
  18. has anyone thought if it might be the magazine that was hit? and maybe it was fire starting internally in the ship close to the magazine? besides who knows where the magazine is anyway
  19. @admin his name as a npc captain name or a passenger that u escort
  20. But you realise you can break them up and skip seasoned woods farming!
  21. no it wasnt, half of those features were businesses for players of lower ranks that wanted to make some money and help their nation, and maybe i was drunk when i made a fir mahogany 3rd rate 😆
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