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Everything posted by Lucas1708

  1. Iam one of the very early members like late 2019 with the second patch or so and I have to say I despreatly hope that this will be a sucess I thought it is like Rule the Waves 2 but even better with modern 3D graphics. I think yes there are only a few Dreadnoughts and yeah even less pre-Dreadnoughts but I can understand that they focus on the Ai just imagine you have a fully designed fleet from yourself and the crap thats at the moment produced by the Ai sometimes the Campaign would be lame. Winning every fight cause of the poor Ai design. Thats the major flaw Ai ship building + Ai ship behavior. So I think the descussion about new (pre)-Dreadnoughts Hulls are kinda rushed. Have a nice at least for me evening.
  2. I really like the new Mechanics. I'm playing since the second or the third patch and I have to say it is amazing how you guys are moving on despite the Difficulties of the past/this Year. But still there is something I would change If you are on the early ages like 1910 or something where 14'' is rare and very big sized the normal barbette fits but, if you wanna go smaller you basically have a very oversized Barbette under a small turett. I also would add somthing called sudden Stop and normal slowdown. The Sudden Stop would work like now you get engine damage if you use it the other one uses the reverse to slow the ship down but slower then Sudden Stop and without engine Damage. Further more I would overwork the damage Hud that you maybe sees the interior more like War on the Seas cause It is sometimes problamatic to kinda figure out which guns are damaged if the hole Hud is allready Red,Yellow, and Green everywhere. Also you should consider to mind to make a front view of the Hud to see wich side for example is flooded or damaged. Cause the Bird View is very hard to overlook if its quite multi colored. Have a nice Day
  3. I have the same issue i have bought the limited Edition of this game
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