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The melancholic T-Rex

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Posts posted by The melancholic T-Rex

  1. Hi everyone, first of all the mod seems incredible to me, but I have a few questions regarding the game:
    1. What changes with the campaign difficulty in the mod?
    2. The abilities of the generals: this is something that I do not know from the vanilla, the abilities of the generals are passive (they influence the units in their area) or are they active (they influence all)?
    3. I do not know if this was done on purpose, although it was fun, with the JP almost there, but arriving at the 2nd of Bull Run with CSA, my 10,000 men, well armed, truly faced the entire Virginia Army of the North, I would say there were more, and they swept me. Is this unexpected escalation normal?
    4. I am aware that this is not a Total War, but I would like to know, is there any kind of bonus or penalty for height in combat (beyond the ability to hide or see further)? And finally in that same line, does the height and the terrain affect the ranges of the weapons?
    That's it, good job with the mod.

  2. 11 hours ago, pandakraut said:

    Gracias por la respuesta. El cambio de velocidad de juego definitivamente lleva algún tiempo acostumbrarse. Yo paso mucho tiempo a 2x o 3x adelante rápido. La velocidad del juego es configurable si desea cambiarla. En la carpeta Ultimate General Civil War_data \ Mod \ Rebalance hay un ConfigFile.csv. Esto se puede editar para cambiar los valores de gameSpeed y fastForward. El juego base GameSpeed es 5 y fastForward es 3.

    Con la artillería, ¿has echado un vistazo a todos los tipos de artillería? La artillería más poderosa tiende a tener alcances más largos, pero sin múltiples puntos en logística es difícil adquirirlos en cualquier número real. La artillería de largo alcance presenta un importante desafío de equilibrio, ya que hay muchos casos en los que las batallas se pueden ganar de forma efectiva de forma gratuita.

    Cambiar los rangos de artillería implicaría la edición hexadecimal. Hay una publicación de modificación de armas y beneficios que proporciona detalles sobre cómo hacer este tipo de cambios si eso es algo que desea seguir.

    Thanks for the return, I will try to adapt I think the mod is worth enough to try it, keep it up.

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  3. Excellent work, it really is very enjoyable, but still I have to present two objections: 1. The slowing down of the units that can sometimes be annoying. This I think is rather personal but I like the default speed more. 2. The drastic reduction in the range of artillery, which causes the fighting to become more closed, limiting the player and making the operations that require maintaining the enemy's distances more complicated. Otherwise the mod is excellent. If you could give me solutions to these problems I would be grateful, if it is not enough that you have understood me.

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