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Everything posted by xKenver

  1. Oh the account in question was also created today on the 31/03/2020, thought I'd include that
  2. This player appeared from nowhere and suddenly started topping the pvp leaderboard with getting multiple kills in very quick succession at the same location, not 100% sure but looks suspicious to me so thought i'd report just in case
  3. So just a thought, would it be an idea to make hostility missions be ship class based? like 1st rates for 20k 3rd rates for 10600 4th rates for 5700 etc? I feel it would make it far better for all nations as it would stop the so called 'griefing' of smaller class ships entering and running from the large ships keeping them tagged? similar to the epic events that are ship class based?
  4. That is true, perhaps you should talk to Lars about what he has openly said regarding port battles, I myself have messages from him stating that the danes will keep no showing ports and only enter if they are uncontested. And you talk about these 'night timers' Sweden has a large player base for NA timezone, its their evening time that the ports are set for. It isn't exactly timer dodging given that they were mostly just lost to the russians anyway, it goes to show there is no issue, other nations just need to get their NA timezone clans to organise and attack like they did.
  5. In this post is @Ink able to confirm what is classed as griefing and what is not when it comes to hostility and screening for port battles, as there appear to be a lot of different opinions on this. Given the way hostility is done at this current point time I don't see an issue with what Reverse calls griefing due to the fact that there is no other way to stop hostilities with the current system, it is doable yes, but exceptionally hard due to the fact that ports can be flipped in a single mission, as well as mission stacking which is also done by multiple nations and clans, it would require multiple people scouting for hours with the chance that they will not find the hostility and have wasted many hours for a nation such as Denmark who have openly admitted they will not show port battles, create port battles that will be empty wasting everybodys time, I am aware there was a post on a method being introduced to stop port battle no shows, are we able to get more information on this, and if it turns out that this 'time wasting' by tagging in a hostility mission that is done by multiple nations, Russia included, is against the rules and classed as griefing, what is Admin going to do in order to allow nations to counter hostility, because it is just not doable right now. As for screening I myself have been on the end of abusive messages from Russian nation players for shooting them in a battle when they are down sailed (despite the fact they were on my broadside as i was sailing to engage another russian) and have been threatened by multiple players because of it with tribunals, is this style of play to keep people tagged within a screening battle allowed as well? Much confusion on this topic which I believe needs addressing for the health of the community given that it creates a very toxic atmosphere within the ingame chat as well as the forums.
  6. The game already has a very limited player base, ripping it apart into two would just massively reduce the games activity. I am REALLY struggling to understand what you mean by timer dodging though, it feels like utter ignorance on your behalf given the fact that there is a US timezone player base to the game and it feels like you have a prejudice against them, complaining that they have timers set for content during their timezone, which would appear to me, a very toxic attitude towards that player base. There are plenty of US timezone clans in multiple nations. the option for alliances is always possible and at least in my eyes, a VERY enjoyable part to the game, I really enjoy the diplomacy aspect. You also talk about the griefing of the Swedish nation, the Swedish nation was formed to curb the domination of the Russian empire in the game, and its had a great success generating content for both sides, yes Sweden has been in a war and stomped the opposition in both wars (GB and Danes) to and excessive extent, but it is part of the game, it was a war and neither side could come to terms before it go to the stage it is at, mostly due to past grudges. Every player, clan and nation gets to decide on its alliances, terms are ALWAYS able to come around it just depends on the nations leadership to be willing to put aside past grievances and move forward, it should be down to the players to make alliances within the game, not the developers, to even out the port battle timers and the clan player base if the players of every timezone want content. On a side note, Sweden shows up to damn near every single port battle it sets, they do not intentionally set port battles with the intent of not showing which in some peoples eyes is the exact same as tagging a player with having no intent of engaging and fighting that player, which I believe is a tribunable offence? correct me if i'm wrong there please.
  7. The majority I've asking in-game have said 30% so until told otherwise by the powers that be, that is what I shall believe
  8. Does anyone know the cap on cannon reload percentage? I've been seeing people saying different things ranging from 15-30%
  9. Although I do think reps and rum shouldn't give exp due to how fast you can max out crafting with it, i do very much agree with exp given for all other crafting items due to the hours and materials needed to do them.
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