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Ferdinand de LaSalle

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Everything posted by Ferdinand de LaSalle

  1. Good morning guys, well we can see the direct results of the game change. The Player population is reduced by over 100 players in comparison to the timepoint one week before….
  2. OK Angus, than pls explain me what i should do with the escorts (and the whole convoi) if i want to make a trade move into an area of another Nation????
  3. i will try i couldn´t wait to try out, really, but i have also the expierence to forcast the result in a certain way
  4. New and again a really bad idea and the best way to reduce the player population. I am slowly really angry about bored people in rich and powerful clans and nations. If you are bored than change the game, pls, pls, pls. And do not influencing the DEV´s to make such extreme decisions. What will happen now: The pressure to newbees, single players and players of weak clans/nations will grow again, because trading action are now very dangerous The way to get money and ressources are much more difficult (beside the strong nations and clans) You could be attacked the whole way, there is no savety left and for protection you need escort ships Now if you plan a PB or a Flip you would be constantly attacked by these group, so maybe you can miss the time gate for PB Really i am slowly thinking Naval Action is only a platform to try out new Things for Naval Action 2. There is no stability, no continuity, no strict line So sorry Ferdinand de La Salle
  5. To Macjimm, pls do not applause to game changes they only make problems and this attitude do not help all the weaker nations, single players and newbees. This change is, in my opinion, only made to strengthen the strong nations and strong clans, with a high organisation level. For all others (still the majority) the problems will be raised. For example: In the area of my small french nation ,with a relativly high population, all goods with a fairly good eraning ratio are traded on sunday morning. The Situation do not change till the day. So you have not the volume to trade with indi´s. Than, pls send me your results, if you entering a capital zone even if you have 3 strong escort ships like heavy frigates or third rate ships and only one trader. i am really interested about the results. I am also interested, if you start simultaniously an attack with own fleet to stop the privateer fleets, at my count we have 4 or 5 of these fleets in the capital Zone. So what happen to the other 3 or 4 of those fleets. Pls stop arguing in the position of a member of a well organised nation. For this its mayby a minor problem, for all others ist a big problem, thank you Greetings Ferdinand de LaSalle
  6. To Macjimm, well my single belle poule was attacked far away from the swedish captial gustavia, but it was nearby the county capital saint John so, i presume it is a larger area around and not only the inner zone. And it is nice, that small ships will not be attacked, but you can earn money in an significant way only with bigger traders (because of the idiotic 100 tons rule) I will prove that, what happen to a Trader brigg or trader snow. For smaller and weaker nations it is a general Problem (Always the small ones). The tradeable goods with a good earning rate are limited, special if you have an relative high Player population.
  7. Dear DEV´s, i can´t believe , what you done with the last game change: Aggressive ai fleets attacking now all ships !!!!!!!!!!! of other nations in the central area around capitals. Sorry that make really no sense to attack all foreign ships. Why: 1. There are alliances between friendly nations 2. There are only traders, who want to trade in foreign ports. Now they will be attacked by a fleet of ai-fighting ships. You revitalise the trade part weeks ago, now you kill this progress, because no normal trader can reach ports nearby a foreign capital anymore. As i bet you weeks ago, to strengthen the defence around capitals, i meant not to kill all ships which entered the area with another flag. This defense only should prevent attacks from aggresive raiders, which enter the are in battle groups, but not single and peaceful traders. So pls correct immediatly this totally wrong way and focus the defence to warships. Thank you Ferdinand de La Salle
  8. well this is world of today, the next game is the best game. I think this game has still a lot of potential
  9. Well i think the new trade System brought the upwind in the Player population. I also think that this new wood system will raise the gap between a very few, very good organised clans/players and all the rest. So i am divided about the success. First impressions of these monster ships says, they are pretty unbeatable, so again a tribute to the priviliged, very nervous and easily bored player Group. Ferdinand
  10. Dear DEV´s, pls go on in strengthen the weaker Clans and nations and also the single Players to save the Player Population and to save the game. 1. Revitalisation of the trade is very good (look to the actual Player population), we have now 150 Players more than last week at this timepoint 2. The stuff with the changed battle Rating System is also ok, it must be shown that it would be work in the planned way 3. But why this nonsense of the new Wood system. The first and second change allows to close the big gap between the strong Clans/nations and all others in a significant way. This wood changes now allows the privileged players/clans/nations to raise the gap more than it was before, why? why? why? Ferdinand de La Salle
  11. To Admin, and pls change also the following: Strengthen the trade system, stop the 100 tons rule Give more protection to the central zones of the nations, allow more defence abilities (longer time for interception, raise the BR-level for the defence side change battle rating system (all is said about that) finally give some limitations to the incredible damaging alt-system Greetings to all Ferdinand de LaSalle
  12. Good idea Knuddel, generally we need more trading back in that game. This could be a reason for special the newbees and single players to stay in the game. In addition to this good idea we should: definitly stop this nonsense 100 tons rule, so that a acceptable earning rate in an acceptable distance is again possible raise the safe zones around the captials that ridicolous farming actions of strong clans and nations not longer possible (in such easy way) change the BR-System more to the defender side. ( for. e.g. 2:1 join possibility and/ or raise the timeperiod to start rescue missions for the attacked player Ferdiand de La Salle
  13. Sorry i can´t speak French, and i did not understand what was written above, but i will support the first post (declaration). If anyone do not speak french, than pls join our FROGS clan. We will support you with info, ships and components and try to give you protection. Do not sail alone, you are only easy victims special by our NN-clan enemies. Vive la France Ferdinand de La Salle
  14. Well i watched the same, other smaller nations like the danish or the french (my Nation) fight against the russians.. The Swedish support the russians, conquering our ports. The former proud swedish nation has fall down to a group of doggy slaves, sitting beside the feets of their big russian master and are hoping, that a little meat ball fall down on table. Maybe they hope, that after the french and danish are finished, they can survive. It´s really ridicolous
  15. Good idea, and pls change also the BR-system in open sea. It must be again a risk to do a raid around enemy capitals. So raise the time period for the defending Forces (auggestion 5 minutes) and allow a BR superiority for the defending Nation up to 2:1
  16. Hallo Captain Cid, im Großen und Ganzen gebe ich Dir recht. Die Übermacht ist erdrückend aber das liegt im Schwerpunkt an den Fehlern die seit über einem Jahr gemacht werden 1. Tas Trading-System wurde zerstört bzw. man hat keinen Anreiz mehr zu handeln 2. Ein völlig irres Battle-Rating System auf offener See, dass nur den Angreifer bevorzugt. Der Verteidiger ist zumeist nicht konkurrenzfähig, weil die angreifende Gruppe die deutlich besseren Schiffe hat. So können diese direkt vor den Hauptstädten der Nationen herumkurven und machen was sie wollen, ohne Probleme zu bekommen 3. Ebenso überarbeitungsfähig ist das Port-Battle System. Kleine Nationen sind nur bedingt imstande, einen 20.000 er Hafen auf Dauer zu verteidigen. Wenn es beim ersten mal nicht klappt kommen die Russen eben übermorgen mit den nächsten 25 Ocean (Monsterschiffen)!! 4. Ein völlig aus dem Ruder gelaufenes Alt-System. Alle größeren Aktionen werden ausspioniert und/oder verraten. Zudem konnten sich DLC-Spieler mit zusätzlichen Alts so schnell UP- leveln, dass alle anderen völlig abgehängt wurden (Stichwort (First Rates nach 5 Wochen) 5. Und schließlich noch ein Port Bonus System, dass die großen gut organisierten Clans / Nationen in starkem Maße bevorzugt. Bei den Modulen, seltenen Ressourcen u.s.w. haben sie ein Monopol das nicht durchbrochen werden kann 6. Und schließlich Die völlig unfähigen Nationen Holland und Grossbrittannien die , anstelle sich gegen die Russen zu verbünden gar nichts gemacht haben. Die Player -Population ist mittlerweile halbiert. Die DEV´s haben immer noch keinen Änderungsdruck, insbesondere weil es im Forum genügend Klatschhasen gibt, die die DEV´s in ihrer Blase lassen. Wenn Du Interesse an vielen Kämpfen hast komme zu den Franzosen. Wir haben mittlerweile eine gute Truppe die sehr mobilisierungsfähig ist und auch schon ein paar Angriffe der Schweden und Russen abwehren konnte.. Dann bitte komm speziell zum FROGS-clan. Hier wird nur englisch und Deutsch gesprochen. Überlege es Dir Grüsse Ferdinand de La Salle
  17. Thanks for the discussion. Yes the former trade is pretty dead. How it could be changed. Go back to the Situation one year ago with 1. Delete this idiotic 100 tons rule to raise the earn ratio. The DEV´s could first to try out with giving every nation or every zone four or five goods based on 10 tons or 1 tons per piece. Later if the Change is sucessful they can do this for more goods. 2. Raise the earn ratio generally with reducing the idiotic distance rule. Life time is important for all. So it must be possible to sail up to 1 hour in every distance to reach a earn ratio from up to 3:1. 3. Install special trade missions as a task to deliver a certain amount and a certain good in a special Harbour in a limited time. 4. Open a gate to get rare goods and components like (Permits, Combat medals, books) with trading. The Price could be high but it must be tradeable 5. Install drop points in a few certain harbours for very expensive and rare goods. This drop points will change in certain times to other ports. This should be done in a very small way, and only for luxury, not to influencing the port investments Result: Newbees, single players and weaker nation will have a vital source to development. The Friends of hardcore PvP will have a lot of new and attractive targets. And generally the gap between expierenced player with alts and a strong clan behind to all others can be reduced a little. Ferdinand de La Salle
  18. Hello FireRat, you are totally right And if i see the most posts here, everyone knows why. The most guys here are not able to view with the eyes of the newbees. The argumentation, they should go to pve-server is foolish. All the guys have to pay for both PvE an PvP and it is the duty of the DEV´s to install pretty fair live and combat cpnditions on every Server and for every player. I speak for my clan and my nation France. I am so sick to see how many newbees enter the game, try to establish and then failed and give up (after they were sunk 10 to 20 times in their small Trader ship). For me i never attack small Trader to safe These guys. I estimate, alone of French side we had about 100 new Players, which left game again. I am so tired and so sick to see that. You are very privileged (all thing changes to your favour) and you are not willing to change a few things to a better entrance. So the game will slowly dies. And why that. My prognose: After a certain time the player population falls under a critical point. Than you are alone and then you getting hello kittying boooorrreeed and also left the game and that´s it. Ferdinand de La Salle
  19. Hello guys, if i read this, i am not wondering, why the game population decrease and decrease. A lot of things go´s wrong. 1. Biggist mistake, why the hell can an attacker in front of an enemy capital (hardly outside the inner Zone and with a very good ship) do what they want. He has no risk to attack an enemy player with fairly the same BR but much underperformed ship. The result is clear. The raider with his fast and strong ship evades easily and looking for the next victim. That can´t be the final solution, it is total unrealistic. If you enter a dangerous zone you have a certain risk. I suggest, that the time to react for all attacker and defender must be 5 minutes. 2. Otherwise, if a player attacks an AI-ship why is it possible for others to intercept for along time. This Player Needs mostly XP-Knowledge and our reales. Ist a source for him to get rare goods. This possibilities are really limited. It is a hard Task to win against against ai-ships with similar size, so why do you raise the difficulties for this case??? And this for the Background you plan aggressive AI. That make really no sense. 2. The actual Battle Rating System would be fine, if we would have similar fighting conditions. But this is definitley not true. There are big differences in the strength of the ships. 3. A strong Nation attacks a harbour of a weaker nation. They are attacking with 25 first rates (very good ships). The Defender has no, really no chance to win the PB, even if he can form a defence group with similar size. The attacking force are able to overrun the defence in minutes, the influence of the fortress is low. I saw this more than one times, loosing good ships in one or two broadsides. Pls think about it, to reactivate the BR-limitations for PB we had a year before. This was more fair for the Defender. Thank you, and sorry for my bad english
  20. To The Agend47: Du hast vollkommen recht. Spiel wird seit einem Jahr zugunsten einer aggressiven aber bestimmenden Minderheit Stück für Stück zerstört. Ich habe mehrfach im Post geschrieben woran es vor allem krankt. 1. Handelssystem funktioniert nicht mehr, die Handelsspannen sind zu schlecht, vor allem wegen der idiotischen 100 tons-Regel. 2. Zu viele alternative Charaktere (ausgeprägtes Spionagewesen) 3. Battle-Rating System bevorzugt nur den Angreifer 4. Und jetzt noch aggressive AI, die den letzten Handel mit Missionen zerstört und Spielerhäfen attackiert (Wahrscheinlich mit 10 bis 15 Oceans....) Es wird wirklich daran gearbeitet, die Masse der "normalen" Spieler zu vergraulen....
  21. I agree with DesMoines, looks like, we need more money so let us install a new DLC-ships. It would be nice to work on the present problems with the game mechanics: Trade sytem do not work (beside Trade missions), the problems with the Alts (i met a dutch Player who wants to sink me, we talk and he couldn´t say at the moment for what nation he is now fighting!!! He explain me he has 6 alts now) and the battle Rating system who only prefers the attacker…. Thank you Ferdinand
  22. Guys, you know that aggressive AI will kill the rest of the trading System (Trade and Transport missions). You normally need small traders to sneak into foreign ports. If that will come you maybe outmanouvering enemy players but then you will surely fail to evade aggressive AI-ships! All single players, members of weak Clans/weak nations need this source of income…. I again wondering, why their are so few critical posts to that plan. The most are shout hurrah. Are only members of big clans and of strong nations present, who are not interested in a healthy player Population ????
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