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Posts posted by Geralt

  1. i'm on my 4th try on the british campaign - i was always stuck on "objects in motion". This time i have a good enough setup. I have a 3rd rate sol, 4th rate razeeclass, 5th rate Dedaigneuse class, 5th rate diana class. In my first try i was able to capture all other ships while distracting the two enemy sols with my sol. Unfortunatly had high casualities on my boardingships.. (maybe rushed it a bit too much) One of my Problems is - i have the feeling the enemies are way to reluctant, and when i#m able to board them, there already so heavy damaged, that they are likley to flood & sink. i usually try to damage sailsm then  lower armor (how much?) and then just grapeshot them. After i managed to mostly demast the 2 enemy sols - but there begins the mainproblem. First - is there a trick to where to aim to demast them more reliable? It looks so lucky - and also i ahve the feeling the ai is way more likley to demast me, than i them. Also after demasting them (Having the 3rd or middle amst intact - all other gone) they can still turn nearly as fast as my intact ships?! i cant do anything with my frigates to the sols because they are still way to likley turn and broadside me...so i just tried to hammer them with my own sol - but then run into the problem that the enemy ardentclass was flooding and sunk before i was able to board it..

  2. ok nice, thank you! I just watched your union campaign with 1.24/1.25 and found some differences..specially weaponwise. Are there some that got removed? Like the Percision Musket? or did you use other mods too?


    also saw you are using specially in the beginning Lt col as division leaders, i tried this - but this gives me massive efficiency and command hits, was there also something changed?


    btw really nice mod!

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  3. Hello Guys,

    I played UG alot some years ago. Now I wanted to make a new start. (Probably forgot most of my knowledge)

    I really enjoy "hard" / challenging games where I can dive deep.

    Which mods/difficulty would you recommend to have the most challenging and historical game/feeling?

    Also, which guides could help with this combination?

    Thanks in advance



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