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Everything posted by Captain2Strong

  1. yes, that's true too bad they would rather prefer to add some new DLC instead!
  2. who knows, maybe they do not even know how the chess board looks like! in boarding, they kill more crew than I do when I use the best possible move and they use the worst possible move when I have double the crew
  3. it's slow and it's fragile and it doesn't really have any advantages against similiar size/cost ships it's just a badly designed ships, some ships were just badly designed I think. or maybe the ingame ship is not a reliable remake of the real one!
  4. this is very bad for example if I want to sell a ship for 20 millions I'm forced to sell it for less than half the price or end up being forced pay the very high tax, which does not even assure that the ship is going to be sold!
  5. even if you have double the crew it's a bad idea my consti lost about 350 crew in that boarding before I won it because I was stubborn enough not to disengage, which would be a lot better because I could sink that little frig with like 3 broadside shots, or maybe 4 and it forced me to use 120 rum! if I didn't board I could just easily sink it without using any rum! if you want to make it have equal loss of crew you should have at least triple the crew, and even in this case it's a very bad idea I suggest not to even attempt unless you have 10 times as much crew chess is not a brainless game
  6. I attacked a skulled AI lately and boarded it with double the amount of crew and it killed more people than me(about 4 times as much) when I used attack against fire grenades
  7. except you can get triple the amount of pieces and you can make moves at the same time and change the move in the last moment, which is not possible in chess
  8. it's not worth it it's better to use those doubloons to make 5 first rates instead!
  9. you don't have to tell us about everything you do a lot of people do things like this without the need to say it!
  10. or you could just advertise in global chat for free
  11. when nearly everyone around you is a careabear, you need to find a way that makes it possible for a smaller group
  12. you need to have one first
  13. you need to have one first
  14. well, that's how it's supposed to work, isnt it?
  15. it's not like I know anything about the real ships but the ingame consti is pretty weak if you compare it to 3rd rate or bellona
  16. yes just keep shooting the chain into the hull... of course he chained the sails to prevent them from entering the circle but it would be nice if chain actually dealt some amount of damage to hull I think, just not sure how much
  17. I think that they forgot about this ship, but you might receive something else you did not ask for instead (it's a game about ships, but why keep it like this when you can add a grind-all-day element?) I would like to see that ship ingame too, but good luck with that
  18. perhaps you're interested in double-seasoned, improved woods instead?
  19. I sincerely bet someone is going to repeat this at some point in the future
  20. Assuming he KNEW before hand that his clan mate, in another nation, was in the battle to begin with. We need proof, or a confession, that he knew before he joined. no it's actually very likely that he did considering what happened, and it doesn't matter if he knew beforehand or not, because when he was already in the battle he already knew that he's blocking teammate and shooting green on green in a battle, which is enough to judge things like this should not happen
  21. he was far enough from the battle when he joined it takes a few minutes to be able to leave if noone shots at you (which he would be very likely able to do at that distance) but he decided to grief instead so yeah if he left as soon as possible instead of griefing it would change a lot, but he decided to grief instead of leaving as soon as possible have a look at 10:30 - 11:00
  22. everything is clear on the video he shouldn't have griefed in the first place, but he did, on multiple ocassions and after being warned, so that's why it had to end up here he should have joined either the side he would fight for or not join
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