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Posts posted by GraveThunder

  1. I am in Portland, Oregon.  

    State: Governor has pretty much shut everything down now - schools closed for 2 weeks minimum, no gatherings in public over 250 people. No Water/Sewer disconnections are allowed for non-payment, trying to come up with a way to prevent foreclosure and eviction for non-payment.  All state colleges have gone to electronic format for foreseeable future.  

    I work for a Primary Steel Producer with operations in Eastern Europe, Russia, Canada, and the US.   We are on a 100% travel ban to anywhere, limiting meeting size to as few as possible, social distancing (1 meter minimum).  If people are returning from Vacations that had them travel, they are asking the person to take an extra 3 days off to verify they are not sick. We have asked our cleaning services to increase cleaning of high touch areas.   We are also fighting a ransomware attack that crippled our network infrastructure so that has also caused issues, especially for me, as in my role i am very dependent on computer as well as travel. 

    Locally: We are seeing a massive shortage of supplies - paper goods - toilet paper, paper towels, diapers, etc.  Cleaning supplies - bleach, vinegar, sprays of all types.   Dry goods - beans, soups, rice, etc are also in extremely limited supply and canned goods are starting to dwindle as well.   

    I shoot competitive billiards as a hobby and all local major tournaments are being cancelled, some smaller events are still happening, but most people are beginning to withdraw and stay home.   

    I personally have already begun the process of self isolation as I am an immune compromised individual on the level of a cancer patient.  I have limited my travels extremely to only going to my office, home, and to very limited locations.  I order my groceries ahead and pick them up curbside.  I order my medicines ahead and pick them up curbside as well. 

    I honestly am not fearful of myself or what i do, i'm fearful of those who don't do the simple and basic things - washing their hands frequently, daily showers, clean clothing/bedding, housekeeping, etc. Oregon's homeless and drug addicted population is our weakness, also how "open" everyone here is in how they live their lives and total disregard for anyone telling them how to live their lives.  

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  2. 6 minutes ago, Shane_Martin said:

    Port battles are still being set, surely if this issue happens the port battles shouldn't count?


    LMAO....seriously, are you that worried?  Compensation and now "gimme a mulligan"...it's a game, calm down.  Go outside and breathe, see the sky, the grass....or jump into the ocean and swim around if you're able.  It'll be ok.


  3. So, what's everyone up to this fine morning?  Obviously sailing is not one of the things we are doing...
    It's daylight savings time here in the pacific northwest, was hoping for an extra hour of gaming this morning, but that's not happening. 
    So, now i'm cleaning my desk and doing laundry.  Domesticated, i know.


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