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Posts posted by Malcolm3

  1. 10 hours ago, WernerHoffmann said:

    Now THIS I know for sure. I've opened 7 in a row, not a single permit, and all of the mods have been low-level.

    That happened before for me, when I opened 5 Gold and 4 Silver Chests and got not one permit. They checked and said that it's incredibly bad luck...

    But still I also noticed that loot recently really became worse, at least from trader ships.
    Stealth nerf, some unexpected and unwanted tweaks or just some bad string of events?

  2. 16 minutes ago, Castello said:

    What does it mean the -Fk  - Bk - Ok- in the battle log section?

    Firing kills  - from Deck Guns, Muskets and Grenades

    Boarding kills - from melee/H-t-H combat in Attack or Defence

    Outside kills - from shooting at you from other ships and also from repairing your own crew (negative numbers in that case)

    • Like 4
  3. 12 hours ago, Sparkydog said:

    You can take an exact bearing by drawing the line with your compass on the map. You can therefore very specifically communicate your position to anybody. If a noob gets tagged and doesn’t know where he is- it’s because he’s a noob.

    It is a bit hard to take and communicate bearing from unnamed piece of land in the middle of other such unnamed features, especially when you are being tagged and countdown has already started.

  4. 25 minutes ago, SnovaZdorowa said:

    Ключевой вопрос: это будут править или считается, что проблема дефицита пермитов на 2-3 рейты решена?

    Чуть-чуть, на самую шишечку, ее решили - если внимательно посмотреть, то пермиты на 6 ранг из Адмиральского сундука теперь не падают.

  5. 1 hour ago, Krists said:

    Сорян не мог сдержатся не потролить))) О боже, чувак, тебе ещё не дошло что в этой игре, как и почти во всех других, механики изучаются путем проб и ошибок?

    Чувак, ты какой-то не очень умный тролль, потому что речь здесь шла о том, что основные и ключевые механики нужно прописывать (что разрабы делают через пень-колоду), как и о том, что игроки уже не безгласные тестеры, а потребители со всеми вытекающими.
    И да, я посмотрю, как у тебя будет бомбить, когда ты, изучая механики методом проб и ошибок, сольешь на ровном месте редкий корабль из сухого дерева.

    50 minutes ago, Sashka said:

    Кулдаун возникает только в случае когда ты брал кого либо на абордаж и этот абордаж закончился. Крюки типо на перезарядку уходят, что то в этом роде

    Внезапно здесь как раз все так и было: я взял на абордаж непись, абордаж закончился и никакого кулдауна не было - меня сразу цепанули.
    Отсюда собственно и был исходный вопрос.

  6. 1 hour ago, admin said:

    but indefag is a hull of a 4th rate.. (just shorter)

    But Indefatigable has armament of 5th rate, not 4th rate, being razee frigate. It's quite logical for it to be in 5th rate - more firepower, HP and thickness than others heavy frigates, but with random permit from the chest like Endymion (more speed and almost the same firepower with cannons)

  7. 22 minutes ago, Ink said:

    Багов в обоих случаях нет. По логу из репорта, у вас было 28 очков подготовки (что осталось после абордажа с НПЦ)

    По п.2 в принципе б/м понятно, но с п.1 (отсутствие кулдауна) претензия остается:

    • Это абсолютно нелогично, т.к. остальные случаи прерывания абордажа тебе дают кулдаун, а в этом случае ничего подобного нет
    • Подобная ситуация нигде абсолютно не прописана, особенно с учетом её нелогичности и того, что это  никак не завязано на другие действия. Знай я об этом правиле - действовал бы совсем по другому, однако из-за очередного случая отсутствия каких-то внятных описаний механики (при ее нелогичности - см. п.1) потерял корабль на ровном месте.

    В общем хотелось бы исправления данной ситуации (с указанием об этом в описании патча) и какой-то компенсации за потерянный хороший корабль - все же с формальной стороны мы уже не подопытные кролики-тестеры, а полноценные потребители. И рано или поздно это в итоге вылезет нехорошим образом.

    З.Ы. Тем не менее, спасибо за ответ.

  8. 1 hour ago, SnovaZdorowa said:

    explain please
    Я спрашивал - увеличивали ли дроп пермитов, но никто так и не ответил. Патч ноутов точно не было. 44->50 это на что конкретно?
    У Админа я походу в игноре, только косвенно могу что-то узнать про игровую механику😡

    Раньше вероятность выпадения какого-либо пермита из золотого сундука была 44%, теперь - 50%. Такая же примерно фигня и с серебряным. 

    Это поменяли ещё в феврале что ли и в патчноутах что то на эту тему было вроде

  9. А мне вот интересно это баг или фича?

    1. Когда ты выигрываешь абордаж, то никакого кулдауна, чтобы тебя не забордил подкравшийся сбоку чувак, почему-то нет (хотя, если ты отцепился, или абордаж сорвался - кулдаун есть).
    2. Если ты выиграл абордаж, еще не успел отключить "9" и тебя сразу берут на абордаж (потому что см. п.1), то почему твоя подготовка к абордажу минимальные 25, а не более полная?

    Если что, отправил репорт (правда после боя - NAB-99539)

  10. 14 hours ago, Macjimm said:

    I  think the intent of removing the F-11 coordinates was to make it harder for players to communicate their location. 

    It is actually fairly easy if;  you keep track of your position, AND your mates are able to do the same.  But removing the F-11 made it difficult to communicate your location because most players cannot use a map with a grid: they need a simplified system - (Like the GHS Sextant Perk).  If you and your mates have a grid map and use the GPS Sextant perk it is very simple.  Compare at the ingame map to the grid map. You can also use NA-map but it takes a few seconds longer.   Also, anyone with just a little skill at navigating can use the maps quickly without the GPS Sextant perk.   

    That's the one of the main points of mine suggestion - we both know where we are and don't know where we are, because there are no detailed maps (with or without grid, though maps with grid is of course better).
    Also constant tracking their postions is easy for experienced players, but not for new ones who get tagged unexpectedly and can't ask for help properly. Hence  - the need of more detailed and more "nautical" map ingame, that culd be made as 2nd layer to the current map as motivation to the exploration activities devs talked about in the very beginning

    14 hours ago, Macjimm said:

    And that's exactly that I proposed (and did to Bay of Honduras) - if devs are not going to improve the map, then we should do it ourselves.

    • Like 1
  11. A long time ago there was a problem with finding your position on the map, especially during the long voyages in open sea without seeing any landmarks.
    That problem was solved by using F11 coordinates and third party services (usually the excellent na-map.netlify.com by @Felix Victor). Also that facilitated relaying your precise position (or enemy position) to your friends, using the same method (even in battle you could press F11 and get the coordinates).

    But then Devs changed the game by introducing GPS-like Sextant perk and removing coordinated from F11 bug reporting interface. Since that players don't have problems with finding your position on the map (even in low visibility) providing they spent points for Sextant Perk, but instead it became much more harder to inform other people of your whereabouts.

    That problem is even more hard, not only because you can't now get your position during the battle, but also because there are not so many names and other marks on the main map, from which you could take bearing (especially with some places far from ports or when there are too many islands around).
    As a result even with battle opened due to BR difference you might not be able to get help because your friends can't find the battle.

    The problem described here can be solved either by players themselves, either by the devs:

    1. Players can take some static map and simple put names to important landmarks (mountains for examle), capes, points, bights and bays, shallows, reefs, cays etc. Just like I did as example with Bay of Honduras using Shrouded Recluse's Map and various contemporary and modern maps.


    However there are some problems with that method:

    • It's sometimes quite hard work to find right names for right places and put them on the map (it took me 2 days for mapping the Honduras Bay)
    • Ingame map is a bit different from real map - for example, looking at the Honduras Bay there is no Bensalem island, and Turneffe Island is actually duplicated
    • You still will need 3rd party things (printed map or digital map opened in another screen)

    2. Devs can uprade ingame map introducing 2-layer map. First layer is standard currently used not very detailed map - it is visible to all. Second layer is much more detailed nautical map with all features named, with contour lines and even proper depth sounding marks (sometimes), with some designated lanmarks  (including forts) etc. Just like real nautical map of Age of Sail.

    To see that second layer players have to sail through the map opening it just like lifting Fog of War in some games - the area opened is defined by visibility range (already calculated by the game).
    As a result players will get real motivation to explore the map by sailing to the various places. Also, there are some other possibilities to improve the game with this new feature:

    • If Devs decide to add some hidden coves, careening places etc, as it was suggested many times before, they can add them only to that 2nd layer, also raising the motivation to explore the Caribbean.
    • Introducing of new type of Loot or Admiralty store items - maps. You could loot the map (usable item) from enemy or buy it in Admiralty for CM and, after using it, open random or certain portion of detailed map.
    • Adding the long time ago requested possibility to put some notes on the map by player.

    And here players could help by mapping the map themselves first, so developers can then add their names and create suggested 2-layers map system much more easier and faster.

    • Like 4
  12. On 2/9/2020 at 2:05 PM, Gringo69rus said:

    3 - ввести цветовую рамку:

    -серая рамка - миссион чест

    - серебрянная рамка - сильвер чест

    - золотая рамка -голд чест

    - дедман честный - чёрный рамкой или чёрной рамкой

    Вуд честно / приват честно. 

    3 - для пвп сундуков изменить картинку или дорисовать:

    Честно говоря, вы видите только уменьшенную картинку сверху и внизу.

    адмирал честно-та же самая сундук адмирала с золотой рамкой + адмиральская шапка + уменьшенная картинка пвп медали

    Реализовано, хотя и не так как предлагалось, а более красиво. Во всяком случае сундуки теперь однозначно разнообразны.

    Разрабам плюсик в карму.

  13. 12 minutes ago, erelkivtuadrater said:

    im sorry to break it to you

    I was talking not about Chinese in the Caribbean, but about Chinese naval ensign (Qing imperial naval flag), as I don't know anything of Chinese unified organised state Navy in 1715-1815 (game's time period)

    • Like 1
  14. 19 minutes ago, Vibrio Cholerae said:

    are they going to join Shroud Cay at maintenance?

    Highly likely. May be today, or at least tomorrow we will see ships under yellow flag with dragon (though it was introduced in 1860s)

  15. 16 minutes ago, Sea Archer said:

    Therefore I suggest that in ship building ports a certain amount of food has to be delivered to keep the bonus alive. For every stage of investment (level 1 to 4), a certain amount (maybe 500) of one kind of food (maize, tomatoes, livestock, garlic, etc.) shall be delivered each week. The owning clan and their friends shall see the progress in the port window. If the food cannot be supplied, the port bonus is not usable for the next week, if partly supplied, it can be partly used.

    Actually I suggested such system almost a year ago here:

    Unfortunately developers still didn't give any reaction on it, besides that they have read it through

  16. 1 minute ago, admin said:

    The goal is to give clans a chance to punish those who were hiding behind fake cooldowns. This is not a permanent change. The change in RVR port battle set up will be in coding next week

    As I said two posts before - that won't help, jut will make thing not so easily done.

    Hope you have already framework for that new system and this "temporary" solution won't last for next months or even half a year.

  17. 7 minutes ago, Dark123 said:

    i capture a port and the next day the enemy can capture port back or what?

    It seems like that - you capture port, but next day it has 11.00-8.00 timer, so enemy can easily recapture it before you set your own timer.

  18. 3 hours ago, admin said:

    Cool-down on attacking and defending port battles temporarily removed!

    This won't help, because you still can flip port with alts' clan and have 2 days when noone can attack it (1 day before battle and 1 day after till MT). And large strong powers can wipe smaller ones much faster and they can't do anything about that except multiflipping with 3rd rate DLC waging attrition war, leading to burn out.



    If the community is strong and survey is truly showing the feelings of the community perhaps you all can honor the cool downs even if they dont exist?? Otherwise what is the point of the survey if nobody is going to honor it until its completely blocked by rules. ;). The change is perfect to see if you really believe in your survey and will check if your votes will correspond to your actions.

    We believe in tit for tat. Its when one nation A is nice to nation B if nation B is nice to nation A. But when nation B acts against nation B (betrays for example) Nation A gives immediate punishment.  Mutually assured destruction. 

    We believe in our strong community and for some reason strong community only holds developers responsible. Time to hold players and nations who exploit the mechanics responsible. Time to act as a community and show exploiters how it can back fire against them. 



    Just agree as a community to focus on the nations that used to create artificial cooldowns. Make them pay. We untied your hands. You are now the tribunal


    Community should not be overreacting to this change, it gives more flexibility and gives tools to punish directly into the hands of nations. Exhaustion is a concern but if we believe in the votes community will not speed up the RVR it will remain slow... 

    People will always try to seek and use exploitable holes, but there is no system with which community can punish them properly (beside not-working tribunal). So without such system even strong community is useless and can't do anything. What you are described here is just politics.

    P.S. We serously need another way to do RvR besides Port Battles - Blockades and Commerce Raiding (economic warfare). That can partially solve the problem.

    • Like 1
  19. 21 minutes ago, Coaster said:

    It's harder to obtain, and more expensive to produce, than Fir.

    So what are it's redeeming qualities? what am i missing here?

    Use https://na-map.netlify.com/  - List of Woods and Compare Woods to get stats of different Woods including Seasoned ones.

    In short - a bit more heavy and stronger wood than Fir - less speed, but slightly more thickness and HP. Also less splinters (crew damage), less leaks and less fire probability

  20. 32 minutes ago, admin said:

    Fix of the usage of brace on boarding (brace will no longer work during boarding)

    Quite logical, though it can lead to following pattern - catch fire, board enemy and then blow up with him taking out most, if not all, of his crew.

  21. 11 hours ago, aklex said:


    Игра действительно имеет очень высокий порог вхождения, не только из-за своей сложности, но и из-за того, что в ней масса недокументированнх и непонятных новичку изменений и нет полноценного руководства. Разрабы, надо отдать им должное, все же что-то делают - во всяком случае нам обещают в ближайшее время (тм) выкатить новый патч с какой-то специальной миссией (или миссиями) для новичков. Они его делают уже давно, но из-за каких-то трудностей, пока не закончили (а хотели изначально еще в прошлом году)

    З.Ы. Не надо пытаться проходить финальный экзамен по быстрому в начале игры, когда ты ничего не умеешь (даже, если ты просмотрел кучу видяшек и руководств). Он реально сложный, я когда начинал - раз 20 его пройти пытался, плюнул и стал играть. А потом прошел влегкую и без проблем.

    З.З.Ы. Гайд к игре, кстати есть. Правда неофициальный (но хороший) и на английском. Смотреть тут:


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