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Posts posted by Malcolm3

  1. 6 hours ago, admin said:

    Speed fit Bellona cannot compete for speed with long hull frigates in our game and could not catch endymion in reality. But Bellona (properly fitted) can outrun any shorter ships - which is correct and historical. Because main determinant of speed is hull length and sail power to this length and weight. 

    A properly built 74 could be faster than any light ship due to hull speed and number of sails (power to weight). 2nd rates quickly died out because they were costly but did not have broadside weight per length). 

    We balance for light breeze that's why rattlesnake is faster currently. If and when we implement wind power it will become more varied, and there will be cases where 1st rates catch everyone.

    If and when you implement that, then everyone will sail speedfit 3rd rates, because we don't have historical limitations due to needs for crew, upkeep and wear, and because people will always try to sail the best possible ship. So you have to balance it some way, so the frigates and light ships still be usable. And it has to be done not only with raising cost for heavy ships - that just adds more grind and doesn't resolve probled of DLC 3rd rates you are planning to introduce - such ship being able to outrun and catch frigate will rule the sea (good for money, but bad for the game).

    P. S. You are trying to make more historical and realistic mechanics for sailing, gunnery and other things very important for tactical battles (instance) - that's good. But everyone lives in OW, and so there you should also introduce more historical and realistic mechanics both for realistic OW sailing (proper storms, shallows, possibility of get wrecked etc) and boring maintenance issues (economy, supply, upkeep, recruiting crew, tropical diseases) etc.

  2. 22 minutes ago, Kat Black said:

    А где написано, что он перманентный?
    ПС: применение зависит от стиля игры и фантазий игроков:
    - кто то будет удивляться, что атаковав НПС нарвался на бой с реальным игроком
    - кто то будет под видом НПС заниматься перевозками
    - кто то получит возможность в ОМ "незамеченным" подобраться к "жертве" 😃

    В исходной теме по умолчанию предлагаются идеи про новые улучшения, т.е. модули (а они у нас обычно перманентные). Так что стоило бы уточнить.

    Насчет остального то проблемы нет.

  3. Marksmen
    Another class of permanent modules - men with firearms, but relied not on sheer volume of fire, but on its accuracy - various marksmen, sharpshooters, snipers etc. As that is different class, it can be stacked with various muskets. Depicted on icon as man with the gun.

    General Features:

    • Heavy bonus to Muskets accuracy - they are skilled marksmen
    • Small bonus to Additional crew with muskets - there are not so many of them
    • Some malus to Melee - they are not accustomed to hand-to-hand combat

    Expert Marksmen/Sharpshooters - men with accurate guns, able to clear enemy deck picking their targets with unusual precision especially officers on quarterdeck

    Craftable permanent elite module, made in Academy:

    • 1 x Book A Handbook for Riflemen  by William Duane
    • 5 x American Frontiersmen (new resource dropping in USA core ports)
    • 5 x Gunpowder (should also be crafted as before)
    • 5 x Muskets
    • 500 doubloons
    • 10 labour hours


    • Musket Accuracy - +80%
    • Additional Crew with Muskets - +5%
    • Melee modifier - -10%

    Marksmen - men trained to use aimed fire

    Craftable permanent module, made in Academy:

    • 5 x American Frontiersmen (new resource dropping in USA core ports)
    • 5 x Gunpowder (should also be crafted as before)
    • 5 x Muskets
    • 100 doubloons
    • 5 labour hours


    • Musket Accuracy - +70%
    • Additional Crew with Muskets - +5%
    • Melee modifier - -10%

    American Riflemen - Americans backwoodsmen armed with their famous Kentucky rifles and accustomed to harsh life and fighting

    Module obtained from chests or looted from NPC-ships


    • Musket Accuracy - +60%
    • Additional Crew with Muskets - +5%
    • Melee modifier - -5%

    German Jagers - ones of the best European snipers, also trained and armed for close combat

    Module obtained from chests or looted from NPC-ships


    • Musket Accuracy - +55%
    • Additional Crew with Muskets - +5%
    • Melee modifier - -3%

    Book A Handbook for Riflemen  by William Duane, containing the first principles of Military Discipline founded on national method intended to explain in familiar and practical manner the discipline and duties of Rifle Corps (real book, published in 1812)


    • Musket Accuracy - +40%

    Clan RUS

    • Like 1
  4. A some description of the last use of fireship in fleet action during Battle of Toulon in 1744, when British used his fireship Ann Galley (light 5th rate or heavy 6th rate in game terms) to attack battered Spanish flagship Real Felipe (112). The witness was Chevalier de Lage de Cueilly, commanding the Real Felipe’s forecastle and later the ship.


    I got up on the poop and recognized the frigate to which Mr. Mathews had sent his boat. Judging her to be a fireship, I had some guns on the starboard side made ready to receive her, and then, so that I could watch her, mounted on a gun on the same side. It is not possible to look outboard from Spanish ships without getting up to some considerable height, because they build their upper works very high so as to afford protection against musketry and grape-shot. While I was considering the best means of saving the Real Felipe from this fireship, I heard a voice three paces away from me saying: ‘Gentlemen, we are assembled here to decide on what steps are to be taken; there is not a moment to lose; my advice is to haul down the flag and surrender ourselves: it is the only way to save our lives and protect ourselves from this fireship which is on the point of setting us on fire.’ I should have taken this discourse for a dream, if the words ‘haul down the flag’ had not wakened me up more than the appearance and approach of the fireship. I looked behind me and saw a circle formed round M. de Casamara, the Genoese, who, at the departure from Cadiz, had been flag captain on board the Real. On seeing the fireship, he had collected Captain Pendrichi, the Intendant Don Carlos Ratamosa, the Major St Just, and Lieutenant Don Pedro Sagardia, and had held forth this harangue to them. It is not difficult to influence people’s
    spirits on such occasions, and it did not call for any eloquence to persuade them. However, without leaving my gun, but with a manner both haughty and scornful, I said to them: ‘Gentlemen, no doubt you have forgotten that I am here and alive. I have told the King that His Majesty’s flag shall never be given up to the enemy while I am alive. I shall not fail to-day in so glorious an engagement. Look then, gentlemen, to your courage for the means of destroying this fireship and think of nothing else. ‘Go,’ I said to the Intendant, ‘to the lower deck and get the guns to bear; and promise a reward to him who shall sink the fireship.’ I gave the same order, for another battery, to the Major Saint Just; I sent Captain Pendrichi to his quarters on the forecastle, and Lieutenant Sagardia in a boat to meet the fireship and tow her off. These orders were promptly executed and I added to Mr. Sagardia: ‘Neglect no means of putting the bows of the fireship to leeward of the Real, even though she should be on fire; and see that you drive off the enemy’s boat.’ Enseigne de Vaisseau Don Pedro Arigoni and Don Juan Gaiosa, a garde-la-marine, placed themselves under the bows of the fireship with such intrepidity that the English crew was disconcerted.

    They fired a light gun and some musketry at the boat, but could not hit it as the boat clung to her bows. The fireship’s boat passed to larboard. Meanwhile the four Spanish ships which were to leeward and astern of the Real opened fire with all their guns on the fireship, without any of their shot hitting her. She came to within about fifteen yards of us. As soon as she was seen through the ports we fired three guns at her, the effect of which was so immediate and so lucky, that she would have sunk if the British had not made haste to set her on fire. In less than a minute she blew up. I was surprised, for a fireship ought to be much longer before exploding; but either they had no wish to burn us by a slow fire or else the cannon shot had upset their train. Wreckage of every sort fell on board our ship, but no damage was done by it. I myself was covered by burning fragments.
    Before the explosion of the fireship, I had seen two young officers dressed in blue and a third, somewhat older, in red and green, who, with five or six men, were doing all they could to grapple us. They were on the forecastle of their frigate and behaved with remarkable courage, regarding death with infinite scorn, so that I admired their gallantry. I heard them give the order for setting fire to the train; they could then have saved themselves by throwing themselves into the sea, if they had not determined to grapple the Real. I saw them blown up in the air and followed them with my eyes to the height of their foretop, without their clothes changing colour; but at that height they were enveloped in flames and reduced to a cinder; they all fell alongside the Real, light as corks and not two feet long. Their gallant behaviour made me suppose they were officers of the English admiral, and had promised him to burn the Real or die. They had kept their word, with courage worthy of everlasting fame.

    from Peter Kirsh - Fireship. The Terror Weapon of the Age of Sail

  5. 2 hours ago, Rolando said:

    Заодно Локи Руны используются иначе: Локи-игрок не может чиниться и писать в боевой чат типа "привет".

    При маскировке же корабля под непись все это возможно.

    Я так понимаю, что идея в том, что в открытом море ты атакуешь непись, а после входа в бой внезапно обнаруживаешь, что атаковал полноценного игрока, замаскировавшегося под непись. Идея хорошая, но модуль должен быть не перманентный, а одноразовый - иначе фигня выйдет.

  6. 2 more medical type modules (just as various Surgeon's chests)

    Advanced Medicines - ship's surgeon is actual doctor with degree in medicine so he can make the best and most advanced medicines so crew praised him as a wizard

    Craftable permanent elite module, made in Workshop:

    • 1 x Book The Diseases of Seamen  by Dr St. Maturin
    • 5 x Aquavit
    • 5 x Dutch Laudanum
    • 5 x Garlic
    • 5 x Medecinal Barks
    • 100 x Rum
    • 500 doubloons (payment to the apothecary)
    • 40 labour hours


    • Crew recovery rate - 20% faster
    • Crew recovery amount - 20% more
    • Splinter resistance - +4%
    • Morale - +10

    Medicines - ship's surgeon apart from knife and saw is using also various mixtures, drugs and medecines to ease pain and cure diseases.

    Craftable permanent module, made in Workshop:

    • 5 x Aquavit
    • 5 x Dutch Laudanum
    • 5 x Garlic
    • 5 x Medecinal Barks
    • 100 x Rum
    • 50 doubloons (payment to the apothecary)
    • 20 labour hours


    • Crew recovery rate - 10% faster
    • Crew recovery amount - 10% more
    • Splinter resistance - +2%
    • Morale - +5

    Book The Diseases of Seamen by Dr Maturin, famous naval surgeon, doctor from Trinity college and naturalist - dropped just like Old Flag Officer etc.


    • Crew recovery rate - 5% faster
    • Crew recovery amount - 5% more

    Clan RUS

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, walentyn1961 said:

    Я прежде всего овознаграждениях за торговые миссии....Его порезали очень сильно с введением ветряных зон....

    Не без этого. И до приведения торговли в порядок это было плохо, т.к. начинающий игрок реально сидел на голодном пайке (снарядить тот же приватир выходило в 30-50 тыс. без модулей). А сейчас нормально - базовый капитал зарабатываешь на миссиях доставки, а дальше уже раскручиваешься на торговле. Вот сколько я критикую разрабов (и да не обидятся они), а тут они сделали хорошо.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, rediii said:

    that nuke killed 3 entire crews and damaged a lot of others.

    So I guess it 3300 atleast of the 3 ships. And I guess ~2000-3000 other crew


    When it comes to history... I don't think that a shipexplosion killed that many ppl :D 

    One of the possible solution is when your ship are near the exploded one, you lose not so many crew, but get Crew Shock (everyone is stunned), and it's time depends on the distance to the exploded ship (less distance - more time).

    Just as in the Battle of Nile where when L'Orient expoded fighting ceased for 5 minutes.

    • Like 3
  9. 2 hours ago, admin said:

    yes crew nukes are too strong.. hulls were wooden and could protect people.

    We will

    • reduce the crew damage,
    • increase sail damage
    • keep mast and hull damage.
    • We will also try to increase the brace effectiveness.

    you have 1 day left to enjoy the nuking fireworks

    we will also add crew penalties to fire ship related fittings to simulate low crews required to operate them. it will take longer though.

    Do you have such book Peter Kirsch - Fireship. The Terror Weapon of the Age of Sail?

    May be it can help, though it's about real fireships and their use.

  10. 1 hour ago, Ink said:

    Просьба уточнить, исправился ли коннект? На своей стороне, к сожалению, проблем не наблюдаем. За выходные репорты с плохим соединением, в основном, были из России - возможно были/есть временные проблемы между провайдерами.
    Если проблема сохраняется, просьба уточнить, не пробовали ли Вы vpn для теста?

    Вчера к вечеру более менее стало устаканиваться и сейчас вроде нормально стало. VPN не использовал

  11. 28 minutes ago, admin said:

    NA is a sandbox MMO. We will continue increasing immersion, reducing time wasting, and increasing the cost of power.

    It steadily ceases being sandbox and leans to become a WoWS just with sailing ships in open world, as you are obviously too centered on battle instances (creating immersion there, not in OW). And the last two parts of your phrase is a bit contradicting each other.

    30 minutes ago, admin said:

    As we said above there are literally thousands of opinions on any subject including this. We have no desire to argue, and will follow our plans. Your opinion is just one of the thousand different opinions and sometimes it so happens that your opinion is not the opinion of the majority, sometimes your opinions cant be implemented because its too late or too early. 

    So you has no real arguments here or even worse 🙁

    • Like 1
  12. 19 minutes ago, admin said:

    This misconception must be cleared.
    There are no MMOs that give free content over and over without somebody paying for it. WOW and EVE charge subscriptions, fortnite sells lootboxes, we sell ships, convenience and cosmetics. Every veteran can easily calculate how much he would pay for alts and and mains if they paid subscriptions. 

    Problem here is not DLCs himselves (as as basic principle). While initially game was advertised as sandbox and open world MMO, the DLC ships you introducing are much more suitable for arena lobby-based games (WoT and etc). As a result game are losing its immersion and are turning it into arena lobby-based game when almost only activity in large and beautiful open world (as arena) is to fight in the instance for the loot and sometimes in PB full of 1st rates.

    People buy the game as second POTBS or online Sea Dogs, but they are quickly disappointed and leave. Better to abolish OW completely in that case and m - I said that once as a joke, but now it is not.

    P.S. By the way, you didn't mention POTBS, they also don't have subscription and are selling things for living.

    P.P.S. Theme based gaming content (operations, campaigns or even special activities) as DLC would receive much more warm acceptance, but you are going another way.

  13. 1 minute ago, admin said:

    So the screen you linked is irrelevant. We give names and stats, and sometimes the sequence of events creates the names we cannot change

    Actually that screen was not about Wasa. It was about that quotes


    Thats why lineships and other amazing powerful vessels wont ever be premium


    sorry to pop you bubble but we never considered 4th rates lineships. In fact the expclicit promise was to not have premium 3rd rates and above.


    17 minutes ago, admin said:

    Does it mean these statements cancel each other?
    Anyways, we already said which version we consider canon. Redoutable will be an imported ship. 

    That's just collection of your statement in which you tried to convince people that there will be no Ship-of-the-Line DLC.

    I understand the need for money to pay for servers etc, but your way to get them and your way to communicate make people furious and destroy the game they think they bought once.

    • Like 4
  14. 18 minutes ago, z4ys said:

    Ships are content for game labs. (If you want i can search for that qoute). Best would be to be more specific about what you mean by content.

    Yes I know (so no need to search for the quote), but too many DLC-ships (types of them) can and will undermine game economy, so everyone will sail them and there will be no market for shipbuilders. If they introduce 3rd rate DLC (and they most likely will, considering that last post of @admin), then everyone will sail them, built of Seasoned Woods, just like Wasas today. Simply because people will sail the best ships that are easiest to obtain (no resources gathering, no permits and even bonuises, though random)

    Now  we don't have any problems because we have not many DLC-ships, but if we will have 1 DLC ship for each free ship (and if they are going introduce 2 DLC for 1 free ship that certainly will happen)... then crafting ships become almost useless (except may be 1st rates).

    By content I mean so operations, campaigns, maps etc - so not instruments of game (ships), but activities.

  15. 9 minutes ago, Winterthrust said:

    So basically, you're going to ignore the problem because people are angry? That is...actually insulting.

    He ignores the topic starter and other such whinners, who  don't like changes because they ruine the play style.

    Unfortunately whining and cries of such people ended so that devs are now no longer in mood of discussing their plans with community as they are fed up with.

    14 minutes ago, admin said:

    This is what will happen

    • We will continue adding new imported ships in ratio of 2 to 1 (2 paid 1 free) for the foreseeable future. Mainly focused on gaps or beauty.
    • New content expansions (like new campaigns like operations in CS, or new professions or maps) will be mostly paid like all expansions in MMOs or ongoing living games. Improvements of already features will always be free. 

    That's can be very dangerous, especially if you plan to add Ship-of the-Line DLCs - that completely destroy RVR balance. And personally I would prefer DLC of content expasions, not of ships.

    • Like 1
  16. 23 minutes ago, HachiRoku said:

    You said earlier so please clarify when dlc worked. 

    DLC ships were at last quite balanced a while ago. They were not too strong and have some weaknesses, so everyone have to use them. Also except Hercules (though she is quite fragile) and unique La Requin they all have similar ship that can be built with guaranteed bonuses (not random) and they are too small to participate properly in RVR. And still that ships give player ability to fight without establishing his own production chain (it is very costly and time consuming). Now that balance is a bit undermined as DLC ships have advantage of Seasoned Woods, but that can be repaired by lowering the possibility of getting bonuses to DLC ships, for example.

    P. S. If they introduce 3rd rate DLC that will destroy the balance completely, though.

    24 minutes ago, Navalus Magnus said:

    Well, as it seems right now, the majority of the participants of this poll thinks differently...

    Properly balanced is the main thing. Also it's too late to abolish newly introduced system, it's unreal

  17. @adminThanks for such explanation. Trading is alive now and more profitable than delivery missions.

    Still there are some questions that can be clarified:

    1. In main Patch notes you state the following:


    Trading NPCs sometimes carry expensive loads (especially if you hit them on the end of the trading run with expensive goods)

    So is there real NPC trading routes between ports (from producing ones to consuming ones) just as I suggested once, or NPC traders actually sail from port with random goods to some point in the open sea as it was before?

    2. Is there any consumption rate, when selling price in consuming port dropping because of market overflow (as it was in the end of 2018), or we can simply sell any amount?

    3. Is where any connection between selling Local Goods in county capitals and production in said capitals as it was planned in early 2019?

    4. Did the time of goods arrival in port, producing them, fixed or randomized? I noticed that it is possible just wait for the right time and buy valuable goods first in the beginning of each hour.

    5. Also there are some very profitable and almost riskless trade routes - FX almost everything Belize produces is consumed by Salamanca and vice versa, and there are around 15-20 min sailing between these ports under cover of islands and shoals. And I think there are also such places on the map.

    P.S. BTW, did you use some of my suggestions here?


    • Like 3
  18. 2 minutes ago, HachiRoku said:

    God I hate it when you have to compromise one thing to make the other thing work. It is so counter productive. 

    It's absolutely normal actually - when you change part of whole system, then it's not surprisingly when something wowking earlier simply hampers the overall efficiency.

  19. 51 minutes ago, Macjimm said:

    But I agree with Vasco.  It seems much too easy to create DLC (s) wood ships.

    Come to some conclusion at last. I think that system of Seasoned Woods proper balanced should stay. But we have a breach in it with DLC ships, that can be source of Seasoned Woods therefore undermining whole idea.

    So, @admin - Prohibit dismantling DLC-ships just like with Basic Cutter - you still can sell them for money, but can't use them as source of rare resources. However in that case decision should be made quick and implemented ever quicker, as people with many alts and DLC will gather stockpile of Seasoned Woods

    • Like 1
  20. 48 minutes ago, qw569 said:

    Трудно сказать почему, Вымпелком для передачи (на основе вашего трасерта) считает лучший маршрут через хоп (9) Киевстар, а не франкфуртские маршрутизаторы или амстердамские.

    А может быть это связано с тем, что ip, куда я делал трассировку, тоже находится в Киеве.

    Трассировка для указанного @qw569 ip такова.


  21. 8 minutes ago, admin said:

    ну конечно 
    прямо из киева позвонили в вымпелком и попросили весь трафик в киев гнать.

    Ну настолько то вас в заговоре подозревать это уже какая-то нездоровая паранойя была бы. Я то имел в виду, что вы же наверняка все свои нововведения проверяли на тестовом сервере, который у вас наверное в Киеве - может остались случайно какие-то нюансы, отсылающие траффик в некоторых случаях туда.

    10 minutes ago, admin said:

    ps хотя если серьезно то может канал то по газовой трубе идет? 

    Вполне вероятно, хотя газовых труб то много и не все они идут через Киев.

    Но вопрос - что делать - все же остается.

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