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Charles Edward Stuart

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Everything posted by Charles Edward Stuart

  1. This thread has my support; as does the thread discussing ports being transferable between same-nation clans. ^^
  2. I think it's safe to say this has devolved from a targeted conversation into a personal debate.
  3. That is correct. I suggest keeping a backup of the original file on-hand, so that they can be easily swapped out when you don't want to see your countrymen with the same flag.
  4. I'm currently under the impression that all the nations share the same generic signal flags, so while it might be possible to change them there would be no way of guaranteeing they appear on one ship or another, etc. But it's possible to change them, yes. | Sails are all using the same generic texture, so I don't think they can be made national edits, but it is probably possible to change some things on them using the same method.
  5. A Treatise On Custom Banners By Ove Gjedde Charles Edward Stuart ( [KOS] Kingdom of Scotland | https://bank.carrd.co/ ) There's a fair chance that you will by now have seen images where a player has a flag on their ship that is not the flag of their nation. This is because of a client-side modification to the game that in no way affects gameplay. Other players cannot see your flag unless they are using the same modification as you. One of the perks to Naval Action being entirely hosted and calculated on a server (down to the water and waves) is that it largely, if not completely, eliminates client cheating. Because of that, rules regarding what's done client-side are more lax, as it cannot affect other players. Here's how to change your flag. Things you will need: Naval Action. An image editing program. (This guide uses paint.net, which you can find here. ) A Unity explorer. (This guide uses UnityEX, which is harder to find. Any Unity explorer will work.) Time and patience. Step One: Open your archive explorer and navigate to your Steam directory, and from there to \steamapps\common\Naval Action\Client_Data\. Make a copy of "sharedassets0.assets" and throw it somewhere you can find it if you want to undo your customizations. Open "sharedassets0.assets". Step Two: Find your nation in the list, and Export it as a .dds file. UnityEX does this automatically with the "Export with convert" option. This author suggests sorting the archive by Name to save time. (Nation flag filenames will be provided at the end of this guide.) Having exported the national flag, we now need to navigate to the raw .dds texture and make the edits we desire. I don't like the Danish flag very much in its original state, so we're going to improve upon it. Discontinuity warning. I'm not going to go into how to use an image editor, as I suspect people who have gotten this far know how to use one. But a few decent tips I have are: Do not stray from the resolution used by the game, or your flag will get cut off; and everything past pixel 422 on the x axis will be disregarded. Try not to forget to add a texture to your flag. Simply searching "Transparent flag texture" on Google will typically get you a good selection to pick from. Once you're done creating or choosing your custom flag, proceed to Step Three below. Step Three: Having now made the edits I desire, we need to get the file back into the Unity archive as a .tex file again. Assuming we left the flag with the same name in the folder it was exported to, we can just hit "Import all files" in UnityEX and launch the game. Done. Please note, again, only you (and players with the same modification) can see your custom national flag. It will appear on all ships that are of your nation, or join a battle on your nation's team. Index of file names: France - flag_0006_Fr.tex Espana - flag_0005_Sp_00001.tex OR flag_0005_Sp.tex Pirates - flag_0011_Pirate.tex Great Britain - flag_0003_UK_white.tex VP - flag_0010_Dutch.tex Denmark - flag_0009_Denmrk.tex Sverige - flag_0007_Sweden.tex USA - flag_0001_US_v2.tex Russia - russian_empire.tex Prussia - prussia.tex Poland - polish.tex Neutral - flag_9999_NoTeam.tex If you have questions about this guide, or anything else, please contact me either through the forums, in-game, or on Discord at: Charles Edward Stuart#5482 And please like if this helped you. Shameless self promotion is my thing.
  6. A single replacement is more than enough. 🙂 If that's not possible due to a lack of video evidence, all I ask is that the "Compensation Policy" be updated to reflect that.
  7. Unfortunately no, but we might have additional screenshots and a witness, but other than that it was F11'd at the time it happened. It's just a single edit, and I haven't had to re-do it after updates or restarts etc. It seems persistent.
  8. Can confirm. Flipped over without any resistance after barely scratching the paint. Full structure sinkage. Incidentally, the stern carronade doesn't seem to rotate even though it's on a swivel mount like the Mortar Brig. Food for thought.
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