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Genevieve Malfleurs

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Everything posted by Genevieve Malfleurs

  1. didn't your enemy broadside while in boarding? we cannot see anything on the hidden ship in that screenshot. you claimed the enemy redout exploded and no one shot her while you also say player one needed to be pushed away from boarding! so your opponent knew what he was doing and surely tried to shoot his left guns as much as possible. why shouldn't he in this situation? surrounded by foes. and then the friendly ship exploded...
  2. I see it's a little detective-quest for us! 😊 An apparently healthy Wapen sails away while a "smooth" battle lasting about 12 minutes - pirates all escaped by then - went south. My idea is: The redoutable surprise-boarded player one and broadsides during boarding. Player two tries to approach and push player one. Meanwhile player one caught fire in boarding and exploded in the instant player two arrives with full sails to push one away. All crews die, hence three white flags, while player three - perfectly healthy - sails away in the background doing nothing. Plausible?
  3. Why didn't one team-mate capture your ship if it was that precious?
  4. man, the bad behaviour is on your side here. you get a gift and complain about it!!!
  5. I'll be happy to redeem that beauty in the - hopefully!! - near future. Thank you GameLabs for this gift, Gene
  6. a bit off-topic, but is it really necessary to have the picture of a paranoid mass-murderer for your avatar?
  7. It´s been a fine conversation about a crafting-system that apparentely was enjoyable for some of the players... just until an idiot comes along with a bullshit-comment. thank you very much
  8. Very good description! I remember all too good when my first Aggy was finished in Kingston. After a pretty short but intensive playtime, still much more noob than nowadays, it gave the feeling of having built something for real. Randomness in quaility I do not mind, guessing that back in the day there always has been a little element of surprise when building a sea-going vessel. Imagine it´d be implemented in a similar way to the game again!
  9. Same here Max! That crafting-system was so immersive and made me feel a real shipwright!
  10. That´d be nice! Another little wish of mine is a huuuuge chest to store upgrades. For all the hoarders - like me - it would be a great thing.
  11. those of the silent player-base will have plenty of different reasons for having left the game as you have your own personal viewpoints, or do you know all their opinions? sorry, that way of including silent people in one´s own personal point of view causes me some allergic reaction :). nonetheless it is indeed sad they lost interest at all.
  12. no wonder stuff like that come from the no. 1 bullshit-spamming player in the forum
  13. And you did good to make crafting available! I´d prefer the mechanics with construction elements as some time ago, but still, building ships (and sailing them of course) in all variations is one of the most satisfying aspects in our game. this game is one of the 1% mmos where crafting works just fine
  14. sorry to say, but that´s also a ship-meta-issue and not only dlcs fault. many players seem to never sail inferior ships.
  15. a pity it takes you so long to sink 10 noobs, right? 😛
  16. one very small feature: forts shouldn´t "snatch" kills from players. or: players can command their own forts not to fire
  17. naval-action-tourette? you're the alex jones of this forum. thx for the entertainment!
  18. I`d call it creating content instead of destroying it :). Why on earth does a war-game need to be ballanced? Isn´t it an essential that factions become stronger, weaker, collapse etc. ?
  19. J jaaa? Und was hat dies mit meinem wohlmeinenden Aufruf zu tun?
  20. Sollte ich mich denn lieber über Rechtschreibung und Stil lustig machen? Pluster Dich weniger auf, dann gibt es auch entsprechend weniger Lack! Oder auch: Angle your ship.
  21. Bei aller Selbstattestierung von großen Erfolgen ist die Bilanz aber recht mager. Was bleibt sind Deine Taschenspielertricks, und natürlich das erheiternde Quengelstimmchen in unserer Erinnerung. Ein paar "Russenalts" werden einen König nicht etwa ängstigen?
  22. süss. zur Ergänzung: Random Brit noobs waren so ziemlich die fähigsten Spieler von GB, da König Cid nie genug Leute hatte. Ach so, fast vergessen: Ich war auch dabei damit BF es nicht zu schwer hat.
  23. war die 3rd rate aus bestem material während reverse einen gekaperten schrotthaufen fuhr, oder weshalb ist es eine meldung wert??
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